Is anyone from the Lancaster County , PA area?`

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

On my one year on DG, I haven't seen many from near my area. This area is big on gardening, so I am surprised. Maybe if there are, they read more than they post. I would love to know if anyone is from in or near Lancaster, PA.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

RatherB, if you click on the "extras" tab up top, under "DG connections" there's a link to "Find other DG subscribers in your area". You can put in any zip code.
Last year I drove through the Lancaster area (rte. 23) a few times a week, a LOT nicer than taking I-95 to Maryland, for my purposes anyway.

When I tried the zip code search for members in this area, it showed my zip as being somewhere else, because I used that zip for a location in plantfiles - I guess the system does that?

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you, Mike.

I did not know I could do that! I will have to try it out...

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

oopps, just read my reply... you have to click the "my info" tab to see the "extras" tab

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Found it!

I never knew that I could do that! There are a lot of things unexplored on DG, even after a year!

I was surprised that there are not many nearby me. It is such a gardening area around here, too. I guess I will have to get out there and market for Dave! I tell everyone about this site that has interests in gardening. Hmm. Have to work on that...

Besides just wanting to know, I thought it would be great to know to trade locally or even to go together in a co op to save on postage...Not sure if I will keep this open, as I found my answer, thanks to you, Mike!

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I know I have done it on the plant and seed trading forums, but is there a way to close this now that I have the way to find others?....

I am really needy today, aren't I? :o)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey LuAnne, I remembered that we were supposed to get together and have lunch. I'm not sure if I have any seeds or plants that you would like to have but I would still like to do lunch. We will be busy for the next couple of weeks. But we could set something up mid March. I'd really enjoy that. Holly

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I would like to very much. Health issues have me unpredictable at the moment. I will dmail you. I never did forget, Holly. Life just gets in the way sometimes...

When the perennials peep their heads out of the ground, I would be willing to share some of mine with you. When they do, I will take inventory and check and see what you can use. If wintersowing works out for me, I may have some of those, too. I planted a bunch.

Did you get your water garden finished? You were going through some tough times then, too. Is it done now? any photos?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Your right Luanne, life does get in the way sometimes. My shoulder is pretty much 100%. I have complete range of motion now took almost 10 months to get that last little bit back and I have good strength in my arm, not quite as strong as it was but very good. Probably I wouldn't even notice if it wasn't that I know my right arm was stronger than my left and now my left arm is stronger.
Well my water gardens are coming along. The new water feature which is a bathtub pond is just about finished. The tub was gone over with a grinder, sand blasted and painted but since summer was almost over we are waiting till this spring to plumb it. I have pictures of the whole project and when it is done I will post pictures of the entire project. I got quite a few water plants from the Texas water lily co-op. The bigger pond will come with time we got huge rocks / boulders moved in last summer and we may start digging this summer. But we are also thinking about getting the greenhouse/conservatory up so I'm not sure which will become this summers project. Guess I will wait and see what Ric feels like working on. When you feel up to a visit let me know.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I am really looking forward to meeting you, Holly. I am glad to hear that you are mending well.

A greenhouse/conservatory? Please tell me about this project!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Many, Many years ago at least 10 maybe more. They were tearing down a large warehouse, Ric talked to the demolition contractors and arranged for us to get some of the very large glass and steel warehouse windows. They are probably about 8 ft X 10 ft with a center section maybe 2 ft X 4 ft that opens. We brought them home and stored them in our barn for a one day greenhouse project. We have been visiting several conservatories lately and I was talking to Ric that I would really like to make our greenhouse more like a conservatory with a small court yard, benches and maybe a small pond just a nice little tropical garden . Rather than a greenhouse that has rows of benches and plants. We think it will be about 12 X 15 and it will be placed against the back wall of the house. We could punch a hole thru the back wall and put in a french door directly in but I have so little wall space on the back wall that I'm not sure I would really want to do that. Our house is passive solar and that back wall is mostly glass. So we will probably just give it an outside entrance and leave it at that.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi, I'm down in south Jersey but every now and then a friend and I travel to a big buffet in the amish country which is in Lancaster somewhere...I'll have to dig up the brochure to tell you where it is exactly

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wind, I have been wanting to meet you that would be wonderful to get together. Possibly Buttoneer could come along with me, although her time is limited, she works full time and does quite a few craft shows in the summer, too. She makes button jewerly.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

that would be great :) I would love to try and meet also...I'll dmail you with my regular email too. Maybe in between buttoner's craft shows we could? I have a plant I've been trying to root for her; so maybe by then it will be alive and rooted and I can just bring it along rather than mail it to her!

I still haven't looked up the name of that Amish restaurant yet. All I remember is that it is a huge operation with a very large gift shop attached.

My friend is from Switzerland and loves that area, says it reminds her of Switzerland with all the farms, fields and horse drawn plows. She is the one who first took me there with her husband. Sadly, her husband just died last year of cancer. I could kick myself for not knowing how to work my darn cell phone camera. I had taken a lovely photo of the two of them with the scenic background and promptly lost it for not clicking 'save photo' after I took it!!!!!!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ladies, it is the Shady Maple Restaurant, located a couple miles from two of my favorite Lancaster County Nurseries, Black Creek Nursery & Mrs' Martins nursery. The best time to visit this area (for the nurseries) is April or May. Count me in.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I do craft shows (as Holly said) nearly every Saturday starting 1st weekend in June. saturdays are best to go there because all these Mennonite places (mentioned above) are closed Sunday. If you wanted to go during the week, I would be MORE than glad to take a vacation day & meet you & shop with you.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

That's it...shady maple!
oh boy, nurseries in the area too, wait until I tell my friend :) she would love to come too I'm sure! She has beautiful gardens and is a master gardener; and as I said loves the 'Pensy Dutch', as she calls it.

I get finished this semester the second week in May so after that and before my summer class starts (first week in July) would be the best for me and it could be during the week too. I'll have to ask my friend when is best for her. So all who are interested, just keep in touch when is best and I'll mark my calendar :)

I'm sure I'll have lots of extra plants to share too. I rec'd so many great seeds from trades and in Illoquins fall and Feb swaps.

Buttoneer, isn't it a long drive for you to get to Critters? I wanted to go yesterday, but it was too far for me.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

It was 90 minutes (about 75 miles) for me & Holly. Not too bad. I think 100 miles would be the limit, what with the gas prices & such. I cal tell you Doc drove from Williams port & stayed overnight at a B&B.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I could come most any day but I will be leaving for another trip. We will leave on Monday May 12th and be gone till June 3rd give or take. That first week in June when I get back would be very good for me. Poor Buttoneer may have to take a sick day (cough, cough) a little sun is just what the Plant Doctor ordered. LOL
Or we could go the 2nd week of May just before Mothers Day a great time to flower shop. Wind when exactly are your classes finished?
LuAnne, Does any of this sound as though you could possibly come depending on your health?

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

The first two weeks (even the first week) would be great. Mrs Martin has most of her plants in, including tropicals. Just let me know so I can (cough, hack, hookey, arrgh) a day off from work.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I would love to meet all of you. Even if I can't do the whole day, I want to link up. Figure out what day or days are best for you and I would love to meet you in my area! If you have the time, I would love to have you over to see my gardens.

I absolutely love Black Creek Greenhouse. I have a few others,too, as there are so many Mennonite family run smaller greenhouses nearby. My mom loves to come and shop for plant around here, as at home, she is limited to Lowes.

I have heard of Mrs. Martin's, but sadly, I have never been guys will have to take ME there! HeeHee. Right in my back yard and never been there...

I still can't believe that there are not more locals on DG. So many people garden here. I do love this area. I would love to spend some time with you guys. Narrow down your schedules and I will do my best.

Yes, Shady Maples is one of the areas notables. I haven't been there for awhile, but I still hear good things about them.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

The first two weeks of May would absolutely be the best time for me. Any day in the week but Saturdays are good, too. The first Saturday in May is our hobby greenhouse club meeting so I couldn't do it, then.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

FYI, there is a mid-atlantic gardening thread going for May 17 Longwood Gardens trip, so that Saturday is out if you want to go to Lancaster County on the 17th.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hi buttoneer :)
I was just thinking we should post the link for the longwood gardens trip! It should be really fun and their gardens are so beautiful, you can get alot of planting ideas etc.

I'm in finals the first two weeks in May and won't be able to make it to Lancaster then. Then 17th is longwood gardens, and then the next weekend is Memorial Day weekend already! sheeesh, moving right along.

Also, just fyi, the Philadelphia Flower Show begins this weekend!!!!! I'll take photos and post for those too far to attend it's always really great.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Mrs Martin's and Black Creek Greenhouse sound like stops I'd like to make :) and,

RatherBedigging, I would love to see your gardens too if we had time!

I can go during the week anytime after May 17th, but a weekday is probably not great for everyone who has to work though...

Don't try and plan a date around me, I am not normal with a 'normal persons' schedule. School is a real pain to schedule around. I have a summer class too, that may mess things up for me.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wind I think that you will be busy the first half of May and I will be traveling the second half. Maybe we should think about June? I would love to go to the Longwood get together but I am heading south before that. I will be at the Phila. Flower show on Wednesday.
RatherBDigging, When is the best time to visit your garden? How would June look for you? I can do either weekdays or weekends.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I can't go on a Saturday in June. I have craft shows every Saturday from June to December.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Just a FYI for any body that is interested. Our Central PA Hobby greenhouse meeting is this Saturday, March 1 at 9 am in Harrisburg, PA. Guest speaker, refreshments & plant raffle table. Visitors welcome. If interested, please contact me. Thanks.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

One day, I would LOVE to have a greenhouse. There is much to learn, I am sure, before planning one. When I ever get to this stage, I would love to come. Are they at different areas, or do you all meet in Harrisburg for them?

The only thing that may through me off, is that sometimes DH work conferences happen in June, but have no idea of the dates at this time. Right now, I could make any weekday work in June. School is out June 5th, so after that is best, but I can make it work if before. Work out the date and let me know and I will reserve it to be able to meet you all and of course, spend some money!!!

If you have time, I would love to have you here, even for a flash tour. Coming all that way, you will want to use your time on plant shopping, I am sure. If not, it is ok. I will just meet you wherever, or I can help you find Black Creek, and meet you at a designated area. Definitely would like to check out Mrs. Martins with you. If you need more places to go greenhousing, I can help you there too. Before then, I can let you know what I have extra of and I could offer you some of my plants.

Set the date and I will plan.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

People come from all over & meet in the Harrisburg area for the HGA meeting. They will probably have a booth next week at the Hbg flower show. We could meet at the Shady Maple Restaurant as a meeting point. They have a website & you could mapquest or google the directions. They are sort of in the middle of things. How does everybody feel about this? I am anxious to see some different nurseries, too, time permitting. Any day except Monday or Tuesday is good for me. I get 15 vacation days & 2 personal days a year. Let me know. May will be here before you know it & after getting up to 13 degrees F this morning, I am ready for May.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I will wait for you out-or-towners to narrow down a day.

Do you want plant-only, or any with trees and shrubs, as well?

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hello, can we consider going in June?

I haven't had a chance to talk to my friend yet. I'll try to reach her asap. I'm hoping she would come with me since she is the one who took me to Shady Maple :) I need to find out her schedule.

I can't make the March 1st meeting, but thanks for the invite ~ sounds fun :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wind, June would work for me. Can you do weekdays or does it need to be on a weekend?
RatherBDigging, Would a weekday be ok for you, or do you need it to be on a weekend?
I can do either, but Buttoneer does craft shows on the weekend starting in June.
I just got back from the Hobby Greenhouse meeting. It was a lot of fun. They always have a program of some sort, not neccessary always greenhouse related. Last meeting it was about growing in raised beds this meeting was about birds in the Harrisburg area. Beautiful pictures of birds and butterflies.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I would have loved the meeting about birds and butterflies...I have a bird feeder on a hook which is clamped on the rail of my deck. It is literally 12 inches away from the window! I have been getting a great look at many of my birds that stay around my yard. I know many of them, but there have been some that I would not know by name. I am planning to find a good book with local birds in it for I.D. Holly, did they recomend one at the meeting?

I also would like to raise/encourage butterflies by growing 2-3 kinds of asclepias (spelling?). I started researching info on the monarchs. May I ask you if you can let me know when the next one is? Do you know the topic before each meeting?

For the Lancaster area trip, many weekdays are ok. Unless there is an appointment that I cannot change, I will make every effort to join in...Esp when everyone is coming to MY home area!!!
If there are people coming in different cars, I will try and get a list of as many greenhouses and nurseries together for the out of town people. Maybe I could make up a map. I would get the addresses of the the greenhouses, too, even if they are the small family run greenhouses. If anyone has a navigator system, then they could plug in the address and it would be easier for them. I would imagine that we would start the day at Shady Maple, get to Black Creek and Mrs. Martins and then continue on, or have the options to go where you want afterwards... If there is something in particular anyone is looking for, let me know and I will see if I can scout out where to find it. If I can save you some time on your garden journey, I will certainly try.

Closer to the date, do you want to set up some way to trade plants of ours with each other? We may need to set up a new thread...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I put together a post about the Hobby Greenhouse meetings. It has alot of info you might like. Here is the link

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