My first plant

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I bought a lovely sarracenia at a garden centre this week. I've always been fascinated by and attracted (no pun intended) to these plants.

The plant I bought has a flower bud.

Although I'm quite an experienced gardener I've not grown these before. Can anyone give me some tips? Should I put it in a terrarium?


Thumbnail by kniphofia
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

NO TERRARIUM! These need to go outside AFTER all danger of frost is past this spring. FULL Sun, rainwater or distilled water ONLY, NO tap water. No fertilizer. Before first frost in the fall they have to go in a place that stays above 35F but below around 45F for about 4 months. They NEED this dormant period. These are great plants! For now place it in a Sunny window, put the pot in a tray with about an inch of distilled water or rain water. No tap or bottled waters.

You've got a great plant there. Who did you buy it from if you don't mind my asking?

Your plant can be grown outside year round in Ashington. One would have to create an appropriate place to do so though.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I bought my plant at Heighley Gate garden centre here in Northumberland. The plant isn't named but the label says it came from a Dutch nursery which I think is pretty much where all the houseplants we get here are from.

Thanks a lot for the advice.

There are gardeners who would pass out if a quality hybrid Sarracenia like that ever appeared at a local garden center over on this side of the pond.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

You got that right!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I also just bought my first sarracenia. Mine is not as lovely, but I think it has potential. It came in a little plastic terrarium box. I had planned to put it in a terrarium at home, but after reading this post I am thinking thats not the right thing.

What should I put it in? How big of pot? and what soil mix would you all suggest? I have been reading up on them and it seems people use different soil mixes and most suggest a terrarium.

Thanks for your help in advance.

No terrarium for a Sarracenia. It's not a tropical plant. Where you garden you can grow yours outside year round too. Do a quick search for making a mini bog. If you come up empty handed, post here and somebody will go digging for you.

You know, once you go soggy it is said you never go back ;)

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Mine are in a 50/50 mix of peat moss and perlite.

Portland, OR

yea that looks awesome, any ideas as to the parentage of this hybrid?

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Time for an update on my plant I think.

It's doing well and has put on a lot of growth. I'm thinking of making a bowl bog garden for it and putting it outside. It's been on my bathroom windowsill.

I absolutely love it!

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

That is a beautiful plant. Could you give an update? How did it do through winter? Should be coming out of dormancy now.

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