Pinch Strawberry blossoms?

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

This is my first strawberry bed - everbearing Tributes. I put them in a lasagne bed last November and they never missed a beat; they've survived & grown thru even our freezes.

I just went out to check them closely for the first time in a couple of months and a few of them have blossoms on them - boy am I surprised!! Should I pinch these off, or since they've been in the ground 3 months now, let them grow?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

With everbearing types planted in the fall, I think I would just let them do their thing.

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Thank you, Farmerdill!! I was hoping you'd chime in here. :)))

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks, farmerdill. I planted my everybearing ones in the spring so I did have to pinch the blossoms for a while. Now I know that with fall planting I don't have to. Makes sense.


Nashville, IN(Zone 5b)

The only thing I could add to Farmerdill's mention is that you should keep them covered with a light frost barrier at nights. Strawberry blossoms are very susceptable to frosts when they are just about to open, and when they are open. We usually have to keep our early season bearers covered at nights thourgh April. A 1 oz. fabric should do it. What do you think, Farmerdill?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

May be a good idea, if you want early berries. I am an old timer dating way back before that stuff was invented, so I just let nature takes its course.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I look out the window at my garden, including the strawberry bed, entirely covered in snow, and can only wonder that somewhere flowers are opening.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, there's no snow on my strawberry bed, but no blossoms yet either. LOL.


Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Brambledad, I'll keep that in mind. I just checked our forecast for the week and we do have some low temps coming midweek.

Nashville, IN(Zone 5b)

Careful Farmerdill...remember what happened to the dinosaurs :)

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