White Pines and if you can start from cuttings.

sterling, PA(Zone 5b)

How would you go about starting a white pine from a cutting? Is it possible to start them from cuttings or only seeds? Thanks

White pines are not grown from cuttings except if they are to be grafted onto another rootstock. They need to be grown from seed.

Saint Helen, MI(Zone 5a)

JerseyGuy until a few minutes ago I thought the same thing... I just looked up white pines in a the Dirr plant propagation book and he states that white pines can be grown from cuttings. That surprised me. I have the direction if anyone wants them.
I would grow them from seed still. Better yet I would purchase them as seedlings. Right there in PA you have musser forest (they have a web site) they sell seedlings really cheap. You usually also get them from your local conservation district pretty cheap.
IMHO I takes so long to get a seedling to grow into a nice tree I don't think it is worth it. I would rather pay $1 or so for a 2ft tall tree. Then spend your propagation efforts on the rare and/or expense stuff. Just a thought.

sterling, PA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sari i will check out there Site

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