Source for Olallieberry Bushes

Moon, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi: Does anyone know of a source for olallieberry bushes? Thanks.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

I Googled this to see. Could not find a single online source -- even by page 7 on Google, still nothing. Since they are commercially grown in CA and OR, where do you suppose the growers get their plants? Very odd. I wish I could have been more help.

Good luck,


Moon, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Karen: Thanks so much for taking the time to check. I also did a web search and was surprised to find nothing. There *must* be olallieberry bushes to buy out there! Cathy

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)


I didn't even find a listing for a wholesale source. Good Grief! Are they kept in a secret nursery somewhere and you need a special password or handshake or something? Lots of folks talk about growing them in their back yards -- where did they get them from?

Here's a place that sells the berries, maybe you can call them and ask where they got their bushes:

Here's a list of all the departments in the CalPoly Ag program. This is a huge ag school. Somebody there should be able to direct you, I would think.

Here is the web page for a chain of large nurseries in Southern CA. I would try the one in Ventura first.

I lived several years in Portland, OR. A chain of large nurseries there is called 7 Dees - looks like only 2 of the Dees come up in search, but here they are:

Somebody somewhere knows the answer to where to buy these. I hope this helps.


Moon, VA(Zone 7a)

Karen: Thanks again for all your efforts. I did start looking at California nurseries that carry Blackberries and stumbled upon Tress of Antiquity, which looks like a wonderful place. They do carry Olallieberry bushes, but are sold out for the season. I'll keep looking, but will plan to order from Trees of Antiquity next season if I can't find them elsewhere. At least there is one source, but I swear, this is like a mystery novel, The Case of the Missing Olallieberry Breed. lol Take care, Cathy

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)


Trees of Antiquity is a good place -- I've ordered from there and was pleased. If you can't find anything for this season, at least they are a source for next year. Hey, one source next fall is better than none at all, which is what I was finding.

I saw a number of threads something like -- I have olallieberries in my back yard, etc. So, that's why I figured that in CA and OR they were buying from the local nurseries rather than online.

Good luck with them either this year or next year.

Take care,


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