"Meyer's Lemon" Tree HEAVY w/blooms in garage

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Usually, I bring this guy into the house for the winter; this year, he's in the garage. As opposed to the few blooms I customarily get during winter, the tree (4 years, 3 ft) is LOADED with blossoms. I'd bet there's 150 on the thing. Few questions:

--should I hand pollinate? I did last year, but then read they self-pollinate....
--should I water more? Less?
--fertilize now? No?

I want that crop of lemons. =)

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Unless bees find their way into your garage, hand pollination is required. They do self-pollinate, but with bees as the transfer agents. I would wait until next month to fertilize unless you start to see some new growth. With fruit forming, there will be a demand for more water so it wouldn't hurt to increase the watering frequency. Does the tree get sunlight or artificial light? If it doesn't, then I wouldn't increase the water.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

The tree gets sunlight through a west-facing window in the garage. And it's LOADED with blooms......I'll go water and hand pollinate right now!! Thanks, Bettydee!

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

WOW! mk, soulds like your lemon is doing good. I am new to citrus. My surviving lemon, lime, orange, and whatever the other one is (started out with two of each) are in the house and I have two grow lights that I run in the day. No flowers at all, and the orange has lost all of its leaves which I think has scale (white specks and brown spots were on all of the leaves before the last two fell off last week), but not for sure. I took photos with my wifes camera but I am not good with a camera. She is the realtor, not me, I just used her company name so that I could remember my DG name. Have you grown any other citrus? Any problems? Any suggestions? Sorry for invading your thread. Thanks, Mike

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