Garden Tours at Monticello

Crozet, VA

Last fall there was some discussion on here about a group getting together to tour the grounds at Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson. I found an events calendar for Monticello and their House and Grounds Tour begin on April 1. Sorry that I don't know how to post a link to the website that I found but you should be able to access information by searching for Monticello. (Anyone out there who wants to share with me how to post a link?)

There was some talk between some of our members who live in the Hampton Roads/VA Beach area. Come on out ladies, I haven't heard from you all for a while now. Are some of you still interested in getting together and taking this tour together at some point?

Looking forward to it.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

When you find the site - just go up to the link, copy and paste link into the DG-reply :-)

I did the tour last year and it was great - hot and humid - but a great day :-)

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Crozet, VA

Oh Shoot!!!! You went last year. Just kidding. Thanks for directions for posting links, even though I often have problems with cut, paste and copy. I will give it a try at some point. Thank you also for posting the picture for us.

Oh yeah, you were within about 45 minutes of my place when you visited. Sorry to have missed you.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

In my end of Virginia, the best months for low humidity are May and the first two weeks of June, after that, normally the temp and humidity pop up. I am still interested.


Crozet, VA

Hi Laura, same for the weather here too. That will be the time that we aim for. Are you involved in any wintersowing, seed swapping or other garden related things at the moment? How have you been spending the winter months? Even though it can't really be called much of a winter in terms of temperature and precipitation.

Good to hear from you and glad to hear that you will still try to attend if a group get together.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm growing some hosta seedlings, and that is about it for winter. I don't much like the cold.


Crozet, VA

Same with me for the cold. Yesterday was a very nice day to be outside though. I just purchased a leaf shredder and we played with that for a while yesterday until it overheated and stopped chipping. If today stays nice, I might go back out and play a bit more.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

ohhhh, leaf shredder! I was wishing for one last fall, but needed some other things at the time. It seems the good ones are so expensive.


Crozet, VA

Hi Laura - I bought this one at Gardener's Supply. I think that it was $299.00, but not positive. When I look on my credit card, I will tell you for sure. We used it a bit on Saturday and I had such fun. It "eats" up branches and sticks up to about an inch and half in diameter. This will certainly help our compost decay quicker since everything is smaller.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Rubyw, I'd like to join y'all on that tour. Went there once with the youngest son's elementary school group as a chaperone. It was fascinating. Please keep me in the loop.


Crozet, VA

For sure!!! That will be a nice day trip for you. The only time that I have been was when I was in elementary school. Long, long ago. ha-ha

Yep, come on spring!!!


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