RCN Open House

Crozet, VA

I am not sure if anyone else is interested in trying to get a group of us together to attend this or not. This is the nursery owned by our own rcn43. I know that there is a thread somewhere on here with a lot of folks wanting to purchase some of the offerings at Ricks. Wouldn't it be cool if some of us could meet that day and spend some time looking at what promises to be a really lovely showing of great perennials?

The Open House is scheduled for Saturday May 31 and Sunday June 1 from 9 AM til 4 PM. I am not sure if there is a trick to posting a link to the their website or not, but a person should be able to find information by searching for Rick's Custom Nursery in Lexington VA.

I am hoping to get some interest in this going. If any are up for a day trip or even an overnight trip, please post here and we can begin making plans for another get together. Mark you calenders now.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ruby - not sure what your excuse is for being up this late (early?) - me, I can't sleep and figured I might as well work - but, this is a good idea - they have some Euphorbs I am very interested in and this would be the perfect time!


Crozet, VA

Thank you for posting the link. Is there a trick to it? or will it automatically work if typing in HYPERLINK@?

Oh, I am up and ready for the day, which ends about mid afternoon when I find myself lazing around on my couch, kind of nodding in and out depending upon how much traffic there is through the house. ha-ha

I have had a dumb sleeping issue for over a year now and have learned to just go with it. It works okay because I don't have to go to a job each day or have little children running around that I need to tend to.

I have been keeping up with the Seed Swap threads and know that you all will have a grand time. I will miss it but do want to see all you northerners at some point this year. Such an interesting group of people who attended the swap at Hart's last year.

Lexington is such a great town. We live close enough for a day trip, but might consider staying over night somewhere in order to take advantage of some of the other "draws" of the area. My husbands father and sister both attended Law School at Washington and Lee U. John's grand father was commandant at Virginia Military Institute during the 1940's and 1950's. The campuses adjoin and that is where his parents met in a cafeteria.

I hope that you are doing well and that we can get a group together to visit the nursery. Of course we will have to ask Debbie what she would suggest we do about a meal/snack together. Maybe she will have a picnic table or two where we can congregate.

Hope to see you then and spread the word. Thanks Bec.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby: When you write a message, just type out any web addresses you want to link to (for example, www etc.), and when you post it, DG will convert it to a hyperlink. You can always preview the message to confirm it is working right.

I love the idea of a field trip. That may be memorial day weekend though, making it tough to schedule.

Crozet, VA

Hi Happy and thanks for making it a bit easier for me regarding posting a link. I am a simpleton sometimes. ha-ha Oh, I admit, a lot of the time. That is the way that it is done in Outlook Express which is my email program and I was hoping that Dave's was set up the same way. Yippie!!!

Yeah, a lot of folks already have plans for Memorial Day weekend. It may just end up being John and myself who attend. I will come back with reports to make you all drool. Okay?


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Another way- if you are at the page you want to link to, go to the address bar at the top of the screen, highlight, right click, copy,,,go to your draft message and right click paste.

We're not in a stage where we go for daytrips like that, sorry. just kids etc right now.

I could be a serious nightowl if left unscheduled. have to go to bed so I can get up at 7. Sometimes I am up a bit late, and of course can't stay in bed all night without one or two night time..... well......let's say, stretch my legs........But on the very rare beautiful morning that I wake up early, I do like that. But not enough to make it a priority!

Crozet, VA

Thanks Sally.



Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Dittos !

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Just returned from Florida and found Ruby's thread :) I love the idea of everyone coming to Lexington for a visit! When Ruby first asked me about it I told her that we have a very large deck with a table, benches and lots of chairs where you would have plenty of room and privacy for a picnic :) Early in the day it's a little hectic but I'd probably have time after lunch to give you a personal tour of the gardens and be able to answer any questions.

FYI, Memorial Day is May 26th, the Monday before our Open House.

Have lots to do after being gone for a week but I'll be checking in soon and catching up on all the threads :)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, for the moment, at least, I'm free that weekend, and I love the idea!!!

Crozet, VA

Wonderful Debbie!!! We will talke more. I hope that you had a good trip to Florida. Sounds very nice around now. What part did you visit? Was it business or pleasure trip?

Glad that you are home safely.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh @#$&*, I will be in S.C. then. But maybe. We could stop by on our way home. I'll have to check out the map and see what our final plans will be. I would so love to see your gardens. Holly

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Gosh, I've got to get focused!!! Too many tropicals swimming in my head right now :)

Our trip to Florida was purely pleasure - we didn't have an opportunity to take any time for vacation last summer so it was LONG overdue! Visiting friends in Sarasota who we have seen maybe once a year in Lexington but have never visited their new home in Sarasota. A short trip but had a great time - even did a little landscaping while we were there as a way to say thank you for letting us stay with them :)

Holly, if the weekend of our Open House doesn't work for you, then by all means let us know your schedule! The week after the OH we kind of lay low, take a breather and catch up on gardening, etc. after our hectic traveling since the first of April. If you think you'd be traveling through this area on your way home from SC, just let us know :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We enjoyed Brookgreen gardens and Huntington Beach State Park so much on the last trip we decided to go back. We will be camping at the State Park with my Son,Dil and Gs. We have reservations for 10 days ending June 2nd. After that we really haven't decided if we are going to head home or maybe wing it like we did last year. Of course after 10 days of tent camping with a 5 yr old I might want to find a luxury hotel and spa. LOL I'll tell you this retirement thing sure is nice. I'd love to stop by and I'm sure we can arrange it on one of the trips. Thanks

Crozet, VA

So glad that you enjoyed your trip Debbie. Holly, you really know how to live lady. I am envious of your travels. John and I always talked of being able to do that, but are tied down a lot because of the three dogs that we own and which I sometimes have guilts about leaving, not mentioning the cost of their care while we are gone.

Having said that, I guess that it is time for us to look at some possible options about leaving the dogs. We have paid really good money to own a time share week and have never been able to take real advantage of everything that is possible with it.

Food for thought. I too want to be like Holly.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I know what you mean about being tied down. We use to have quite a barn full of animals. Horses, goats, chickens and more. Not to mention the 5 dogs and I can't even remember how many cats and other house pests (as Ric called them). About 10 years ago we made some big lifestyle changes mostly due to my worsening allergies. I really couldn't do the barn work anymore and grooming the horses some days would send me into an asthma attack. But you know what they say close one door and open another.
I really have had a very good life, not always as carefree as right now but very good. I keep telling people to remember that I had 4 children a barn full of animals and a full time job. I didn't so much retire as wear-out. LOL

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