Strange Day Yesterday

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay, did anyone else have a really "weird" day yesterday???

First, I woke up and discovered that someone (looked like a local college student) had driven his car into a ditch, but the only way that he could have gotten there is if he had driven up and over a trolley path where motorized vehicles are not allowed. He had to hire a flatbed to tow him out.

Then, I received a series of three emails from three different acquaintances ... each one of them was announcing a tragedy that had just occurred to them or a loved one or pet.

Then, in the mid-afternoon, a series of rescue vehicles went whizzing down my road to a park at the end of the street. The park is adjacent to train tracks. Shortly thereafter, a medi-vac helicopter landed on the park's baseball field. I walked down to see what had happened only to find out that someone was struck by a train!!! They flew him out, so I've been thinking about him all night and hoping that he survived. I watched for the story on the news last night and did not find a thing about it??!!

Then, I received an email from another friend out west. She had spent the day watering her property and fighting a wild fire.

SHEESH! Was Bad News a trend for others yesterday, too? I hope not.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I finally found something on the news:

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Wow, that sounds ominous!! But I am happy that nothing actually happened to YOU!!

Yesterday was ordinary for me, though it included a basetball game!!

The Chinese Lunar New Year kicked off on Friday, I think. "The Year of the Rat." Does that foretell anything??

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Actually, the year of the rat is usually an auspicious year, generally, if I remember correctly -- happiness & prosperity for all!

I'll have to double-check to see if I'm right. :)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

(Weird ... not sure how I posted that twice ... )

Edit: Hold that thought!!!! Looks like you may be on to something, FnFF: Chinese astrologers in HK have somewhat negative predictions for this Year of the Rat:

During my time in Taiwan I seem to recall that it was "good" to be born in the Rat year though.

In any case, "Sying Nian, Kwai-le!!! ... Gung syi fa tsai, hung bau gwo lai." :)

This message was edited Feb 10, 2008 3:03 PM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Wrightie - strange day indeed - I had a completely "normal" one - or maybe I am oblivious :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL ... you know, I grew up in the same place as the Twilight Zone writer, Rod Serling ... perhaps that is what accounts for this.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Wrightie, you sure have lived in some interesting places. I envy you your world travel. Sorry you were having a day with so many bad things swirling around you.

Here's everyone's year of the rat predictions by birth year as well as some general predictions.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Ah, Hart--I was going to post a link for the Rat beat me!!

Yeah, Wrightie, exactly what I was thinking----you live in a Bermuda Triangle zone. Something metaphysical about your astronomical location in the galaxy.....cosmic dust falling from the sky or something........

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Fortunately, that wierdness seems to have passed. Though, I did try to find out the status of that man who was hit by the CSX train and it appears as though he may have died (according to commentary on wtop's website). I cannot believe that that story did not make the local news!

I really enjoyed living in Asia and soaking up as much of the cultures and languages as I could. I miss it!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

gotta say that this
"(looked like a local college student) had driven his car into a ditch, but the only way that he could have gotten there is if he had driven up and over a trolley path where motorized vehicles are not allowed. "
is not that weird on a college town.
Tell us more about Asia. I heard a funny guy once (NPR or dsomething) describing his trouble finding something he could eat for breakfast in Japan. Talked about some weird bean?thing they like to have that he couldn't stomach.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, you are talking about Natto, aka fermented soybeans. Japan is an interesting place when it comes to food. LOL

Here you go:

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

You want to hear more about my time in Asia?

Here's a tidbit that not many Westerners know. Taiwan (aka "Formosa", the beautiful island) has one of the most dramatic and beautiful landscapes that I've ever seen. I have ridden my bike around the island before ... very mountainous, with stunning coastal views, of course. Here's a sample of some photos from Taroko Gorge. Pictures cannot even begin to do it justice though:

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)


Weird day here too. Found out MIL has cancer of unknown origin .On top of her having shingles as well.

In the middle of a bathroom repair that seems to be spiraling out of control. The guys are having a hideous time for the last two days and now with the ice they can't get here at all today. Anyone want to go ice skating. :0).


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Juanita---so sorry for MIL...hope she has some hopeful answers soon o nthe cancer. That illness ama be a foctor in her shingles, why they came on.

Construction jobs can be hard to stay on top of--the work guys know what they plan to do and they can surprise you, can't they, assuming you knew all along something they do

My day totally normal here- do not want to clean or plan dinner, as usual, and for sure can't find urgent yardwork in this weather! Monday was odd- I spent money on myself. Clarks shoe outlet, and Eddie Bauer 75 % off clearance.

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