Hurrah! the daffys are coming up

Lancaster, PA(Zone 6a)

Cleaning out some leaf litter a group of daffodils are starting to show their heads. The depressing winter is on its way out


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Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I noticed that mine are popping up as well. Unfortunately, mine almost always poop out and do not bloom, so I cannot get my hopes up for them. I need to pull them out and replace them with a more reliable variety.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wrightie, if you've had them for a while, they might just need to be divided... although normally people say to dig & move after they've bloomed, you might even try doing it sooner rather than later so they can enjoy having some more room this season, maybe have a chance to fatten their bulbs up nicely for next year.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Nope, it's not that. They've only been in for four or five seasons and have never done well. They're supposed to be 'tahiti'. I forgot what the correct term is when the buds fizzle and go brown before blooming, but that's what most of them do. Illoquin once 'splained it pretty well to me, but I cannot recall where that thread is. I'm pretty sure that I need to replace these guys.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Bummer... I just planted a clump of 'Tahiti' last fall... maybe they will like me better than they like you? LOL

Come see me when things are blooming in spring, and I can show you some of my favorite, dependable daffs! :-) The island bed in back has a lot of "yellow jonquils" from Breck's and 'Ice Follies' daffs for early bloom, followed by a later showing of small flowered 'Geranium' and 'Yellow Cheerfulness', all of which seem to be doing well. If you're looking for scent (I think Tahiti is scented?), I've got a little clump of 'Thalia' that seems to be doing well, so I put a bunch more in the back last fall. Hmm, trying to remember the name of the one on the far side of the driveway... it's got a neat little ring around its trumpet, like 'Pheasant's Eye', but I think it was something else... anyway, there are a lot of possibilities! :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's the thread; the term is blast.

Oddly enough, 'tahiti' is normally very dependable and is one of my favorites so they will likely perform well for you. I may have gotten mine from an unreliable source or it may be that they are not in good spots.

I have since planted other varieties, but these 'tahiti' have been one of my bigger let downs so far.

Oh, remember that you have mostly sun and I have quite a lot of shade here, so what does well for you will not necessarily work for me, right?

This message was edited Feb 10, 2008 10:13 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, but your shade is mostly from deciduous trees, right? So that shouldn't matter to daffs... by the time the trees leaf out, the bulbs are all re-energized for next season.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

... and the house, which casts shade at that time of the year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

How much shade, and how much sun?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't think it takes much sun... I've got daffs that bloom by the front walk, and they're shaded by the house from, I'd say, about 11 am onwards.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Mine have also shown thier little heads, and an hour form now, the wind chill will be -1 degree in Baltimore.

I still have several hundred bulbs to plant. Now the ground will freeze. Good Grief. Bummers. Rats.

Oh yeah. The Year of the Rat. Double bummers.

I love the cold weather, but mostly becasue I might get a few snow days off to plan the spring garden. We haven't ahd a single snow day, yet. What was taht about the perks of teaching? Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.

But I see dafs in my yard! Yeah! Spring is coming!

Blessings on your garden,

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

In some spots, my Daffs are up about 4". Other places, they are just peeping out.

As i write this, some of the windows in my house are rattling away like crazy. I do not have thefancy replacement windows. Still the regular ones with the storm windows.
It has been very windy all day. Tonight is supposed to be the coldest night of the year--something like 13*!

Gonna go to bed in a few minutes and snuggle up under my comforter and not to worry!!!


Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Right in the middle of a snow squall yesterday I saw two robins sitting on the fence. Hope it's a good sign!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

The wind was so bad yesterday it picked up our picnic table and sent it flying.. I have a backyard full of glass now and no picnic table. :(

The good news is I have 7 flats of onion plants all over my living room that are mixed up because my babies helped their momma. lol

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Lastelf: I'm glad I'm not the only one who still has bulbs unplanted. . . . I have no idea whether they will make it. They're in the fridge chilling.

This message was edited Feb 11, 2008 8:56 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

7 flats! Wow, that's a lot of onions. I hope you put a few accidentally decapitated ones into your salad... :-)

Sorry about your picnic table... sorrier about the cleanup... ugh.

I haven't looked out back yet... not sure how many containers I have to go chase...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy, I think as long as there's no fruit in that fridge, they'll be fine... I pulled the last apples & onions out of our new garage fridge and put my bulbs in there. They may or may not bloom this spring, but they still look good, so I figure as long as they send up foliage after they're planted they'll at least be good to go for next year...

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

If the onions make the transplant and anyone needs any please let me know. I have NO clue what they are now. I had (have) red, sweet, and something else that I cannot remember. I had the flat sitting on the table and Kendall, who is my smallest decided to "help". When I came downstairs she had pulled half of them out because she needed to plant seeds.. Oh well it is only onions and the smile was worth it...

We are hoping the wet/dry vac can help with the clean up. Right now I just have to keep my dogs out of it..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, you know everybody here understands Kendall's need to plant seeds! Onions usually show themselves a little as they grow big in the garden, I think, so a mixed row of onions shouldn't cause you grief, even if it isn't the farming "norm." :-)

I hate to think of running a vac over the whole yard... but do it before new grass grows and grabs onto the fragments...

The tabletop wasn't safety glass, like auto windshields?

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I am not sure what the glass is. It is too cold to go out and even peek at it. It should be in the 50's on Saturday so I will go out then. It is in the girl's play area so it has to get picked up ASAP.

I wish you could see Kendall, because she just is cute. Alex does not care, but Kendall went and stuck pots in the bathtub while I was drawing her bath because "mommy said you have to clean them."

I cannot wait for summer again to see her with her sand bucket picking tomatoes.. I will try to get a picture of that!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I do love love seeing the daffodils coming up. Mine made lots of progress in the last week.
wrightie- and anyone else- any daffodils I have in my journal are yours for the asking. all have been here enough yrs to prove themselves, altho I can't say I have shade problems for them.

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