I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh Carol!!! How glorious!!! It sounds as though your trip was full of fun and adventure, and lots of exquisite plants! Those shots showing the hills just completely covered with green remind me so much of the islands out here! Incredible....! And that pic of you guys in the rain forest...you all look so small, that it is obvious you were surrounded by an amazing panoply of vegetation! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!! Well, maybe not as much as I would be if we didn't get to see these beautiful pictures, and hear of your adventures. I did a lot of research on the mangosteens and durians for my article on tropical fruit a while back...wondered if you would be getting your fill of the mangosteens! I'm with you on the durian though...ugh!

I just wish you hadn't come back to such a flood! But all this rain will hopefully result in a gorgeous flush of blooms in a while....I hope I hope I hope. What all did you end up bringing back?

I too would like the write up when you are all done with it...but in the meantime I await more pics and stories....

Yokwe and welcome home!

This message was edited Feb 9, 2008 4:50 PM

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Ha you guys, don't like to rub your noses in it but Christi and I are going to hear all about the adventures first hand! Doesn't the whole trip sound fantastic, I hope you brought back those blue MG's....

Aloha to all!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Gee, no...I didn't Jenny. They are so invasive here....can't deal with another one!!!!

Off to bed.

Salamat malam....


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

It is getting soooo close. Time to start packing and then taking things out, me thinks. Another gorgeous day here although the freeze are supposed to be back by mid-week. So what? I'll be in Paradise. whoooohoooo.

Rest up Carol, we will not be sleeping with all the listening I will need to do.
See ya later, ya hear?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oooooh girl....how I wish I could go too! Carol tells a good tale! You are going to have such a wonderful time!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Could we do some sort of mental telepathy type thing? How wonderful it would be to have you there, Shari. You can be assured that we will have you with us in spirit. If your ears ring, we are talking of you. Too bad the old cassette recorders are no longer available. They did away with them and didn't replace them with anything. Ahhhhh...progress?

Yokwe and all that, darlin'.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I will definately be tuned in! Will be thinking about you the whole time! Just got back from a plant hunt. On Mondays here (your Sundays), people have patio sales - people leaving, or just wanting to sell some stuff...and there were a lot of plants advertized for this weekend...so JB and I went and looked. Didn't find anything I didn't already have - and mine were in better shape for the most part. Hot and tiring , but made him appreciate my efforts when he saw the sad shape most of the others were in. 2 hours, and only came home with a couple of plastic "stools" to put plants on. Oh well...not nearly the fun you guys will soon be having, and my plant hunt was laughable compared to Carol's all the way to Borneo!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Even if you didn't get anything, it makes you feel great when you see how great your own flowers are doing.

Send me some of that warm weather feelings when you get there. I will try to tune this old brain in. (make it strong waves so it can get through this thick skull of mine)

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

To me going overseas means Catalina Island :(
Not quite as spectacular....

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