Need advice on cultivar of Clematis

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)


I live in zone 9b/10a here on the east coast of Florida. I was wondering if it is feasible for me to try growing a Clematis vine or two? If so, any suggestions which cultivars are hardier for warmer climates? I do have shaded areas near trees. What is the minimum amount of sunlight that they need to bloom? Also, how well do they grow in containers? If so, what size pot is recommended?

I appreciate any help and suggestions y'all can give me.

Thanks so very much! ~Becky~

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) in a warmer zone like you any of the Floridas do well..Check out these
The Viticellas aka Pruning group 3's are great for Beginners...I also have found that living in a warmer zone they can take less sun than cooler zones...5-6 hours minimum is great..It's VERY important to remember they like to have their roots to stay moist ( but not soggy..they need to drain well...mine in pots are hooked up to a drip system to ensure that) when finding locations keep that in mind and remember to always plant them 2-4 inches deeper at a slight angle towards what you want them to climb...I am growing many in pots..they are about 8 gallon pots..whiskey barrels are great as well..they are great companions to climbing roses..I have many planted with my climbers...Pruning group 2's are ok but seem to need to be shaded in the hot afternoon..and are subject to wilting...I haven't been able for any of my double clematis to bloom doubles yet..I think those prefer cooler zones..yet I keep trying!!..Hope this helps...Jeanne

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Hi becky,
I don't think my zone is quite as hot as yours (zone 8b) but I started out with a couple of Jackmanii clematis that are doing real well. They are the standard purple but they get huge flowers (and lots of them too). One is on the east side of my house and the other is on the west. I have a pinkish clematis in my front flower bed which faces south (can't think of the name right now, will look it up later as I have grandkids here right now and one is waiting his turn for my computer, lol). They are all thriving real well in spite of the heat. Last summer we had lots of 95 to 100 degree days and none of them even wilted.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Jeanne and NL! There is a co-op going on here:

Which is selling clematis for $4.00 each. I will be trying Jackmanii and Venosa Violacea. Maybe another one. I haven't decided yet. These are small starter vines, but the price is right for me to try a couple of clematis without breaking the bank in case they don't like it in my zone and climate.

Gosh! I would love to see photos of yours in bloom NL! And yours, too, Jeanne!

Is there a thread to point me in the direction of the best and most successful way to grow small starter vines?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky...Clematis "Jackmanii" and "Venosa Violacea" are two great pruning group 3's that are wonderful for beginners..I went and joined that group but didn't see anything offered but lilies and it says my membership is still pending??..If these are "liner" plants they should be potted up in one gallon pots and grow out until the roots start coming out of the bottom of the pots...and remember to plant them 2-4 inches deeper even in their pots..I have done this with many liner plants and then dig a hole in my garden and drop the pot in and firm the soil around the pot..lifting it in early fall and planting directly into my garden..I would have to see where these plants are from and size before giving you proper advice..Here is "VV" you'll just love her..I love this clematis so much I have planted 3 !!..Jeanne
If I can see the list I could make recommendation..just make sure they are pruning group 3' can always research that on COTW aka Clematis on the Web...

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeanne - Yes, you have to join the co-op group first. Shouldn't be a problem being approved to join. The folks that do this co-ops have a very good reputation from what I gathered on the forum. You couldn't see the photos of the clematis on the page I posted? Maybe you have to be a member to view the photos and info about each plant.

Here is what the co-op link says:


These are from the broker here so there are no extra charges.
Prices is $4.00 each - flat rate box will hold 10 plants for shipping.
They come in 2.5" pots with tags.
Only restriction is we must by the whole group of 15 varieties and 5 of each variety. That's the way they are packaged, no exceptions.
Example we can't buy 10 of any variety unless we buy 10 0f all of them, etc.

Ernest Markham
Nelly Moser
Hagley Hybrid
Gillian Blades
Blue Angel
Pink Fantasy
Multi Blue
Silver Moon
V. Venosa Violacea
Special Occasion
Haku Ookan

When I inquired about the size of the vines, they told me that last year the starter vines were 8-10". Not sure if it will be the same this year. I am unsure yet what the total cost will be with shipping.

Thanks for the COTW link, too!

This message was edited Feb 9, 2008 11:08 AM

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes I got to see them this time..

They are what is called liner plants..since they are in 2.5" pots..if you've ever been to Lowe's or Walmart..those itty bitty orange pots with the clematis are 2.5"..they should be potted up as I said earlier..did you check out Brushwood
or ChalkHill
or Gardencrossings
Hopefully Jerome will have some this year as well..he has Koi Gardens

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Jeanne for the links to online nurseries selling Clematis. Koi Gardens is having a good sale at $6 each, but the $4 each on the yahoo co-op still beats KG prices. KG did show a photo of what the vines look like in 2 1/2" pots. That is probably what the co-op vines will look like also.

I think I am going to go back to the co-op and order 1 of the Ernest Markham also. I love deep reds and purples. :-)

I will take your advice and pot them up in 1 gallon pots as you suggested until they become well rooted. Thanks for that advice! :-)

This message was edited Feb 10, 2008 10:32 AM

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You are so welcomed hon...hugzzzz...and share pics later this year...wishing you luck..Jeanne

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