I was up flying around Saturday

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I think I'm confused on the names. One of them did die a couple of years ago. I thought it was the old man (80-90) or at least he looked that old. Thought it was Hank. Hank senior? I never could figure out the English accent so now I know the reason. The guy who started the Hilton Head hospital just died not long ago. Dr. Lamott I believe. Another person I have run into time to time.

I doubt we ran into each other. As soon as I figured out you were a single Mom I would have run for it. No offense but I had no interest in family or marriage at the time. I'll give you a time line of back then.

Move to HHI in June 91. One of my friends was doing an internship at the Westin and another friend just got out of the Army and moved here. Job market was terrible in the northeast that year so I got a job with the Westin. After about a year I hated Hotels so I started selling real estate by day and waiting tables at Cattials at night. It was in Moss creek village and that's were I met a lot of the old school characters. It was a high end hopping place for a few years. I guess it was 95 by the time I went into real estate full time. I was a partner in a couple of businesses and ended up being a daytrader for a living. LOL. My story is almost movie worthy. Lots of travel to exotic places a long the way. Looking back I must have had no fear and lots of energy, I couldn't do it over. LOL.

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

That was Peter LaMotte, Sr. - didn't know he died. His father had been big time IBM and used to give the kids and grandkids stock at Christmas. Guess they're all looking pretty good right now. They were a really nice family. Dr. LaMotte's son, Peter, Jr., went to HH Prep with my son. Then my son transferred to HH High and graduated from '93.

I was with Sea Pines Real Estate (sales) from 79' - '93 so I bet we do know lots of the same people. I'm still in real estate up here in Sunset Beach. Also used to have lots of golf pro buddies. Every now and then I still run in to someone that I knew back then. I ran into Tom Jackson (from Belfair - partners with Reggie Bray) in Florida about a year ago!

Yes, years ago there was more energy and no fear! LOL!

Well, it's nice to know you settled there to make it your home. It was nice of you to catch me up. Thanks, Core, and take care.


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