Would you believe it!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

See the Menehuni's WILL get you!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone! Welcome back Carol! Glad you had a good trip! So sorry to hear about all of the rain. Hope you dry out soon!

Aloha Yokwe Y'all!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh Carol! All those beautiful plants!!! I sure hope you and Bob can find a way to get around to asses damage and maybe save most...should I send you a snorkel or two?? So happy to hear that the trip was as wonderful as anticipated. Can't wait to hear about it, but know you have your hands full for a while. Hugs to you both, and to T & L as well...

Jenny - I figured I live on an island with her own set of myths and legends, and gods and goddesses...Pele would be happy to have a presence here to keep these upstarts in line! And lava rock is so good for planting the epiphytes!

Christi - yes, the islands all have two personalities - one for the tourists and one for the natives...but even with all the problems inherent with island living, many of us die-hards just wouldn't (couldn't) have it any other way. You are really getting a massive dose of
"island life" aren't you? Probably more in the last few months that ever before in your life!

Jeanne - The faeries in my garden tend to keep the menehune in a happy and constructive mood...they seem to have kept their mischief down to only destroying my wind chimes and tangling up my dream mirrors...both of which I can repair. And I know that they must be helping my plants survive all this wind! Its a matter of "happy thoughts".☺

Oh - Christi - I did see your post that you couldn't find the music notes...in Character Map - go to the Arial font and then scroll down...there are a lot of characters in Arial, so you have to keep your eyes peeled.

Aloha all and Yokwe!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Jeanne, I just love it.

Aloha, yokwe, ya'll. Got that Texian in there too.

How about aurabest.

Got a phone call from John wishing all the best on our trip. How wonderful.

My family here on DG is so special. Having all of you in spirit with us is beyond words.

Jeanne, BTW, the Sago's are putting out new growth. YAY! Haven't killed them yet.



Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Looking forward to the stories and pictures Carol

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

And RJ, the hibiscus cutting is growing big time. The "cotton" and "potato" are still dormant. Hope I haven't caused them to rot.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I notice my cotton was blooming the other day. Potato won't wake up until around april.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

me too...I might not wake up until April! haha

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Let's see DFW, February 13, 2:40PM
Arrival LAX February 13 4:00 PM PST
Seats 13E and 13F...13 OMG, row 13, did you see? that's row 13.

Depart LAX February 13, 4:50 PM PST
Arrival MAUI (OGG) February 13, 8:30 PM HST We're there! Hey, guys, we're there! Gained 5 hours!!!

Got the Benadryl and Afrin. All ready. Not gonna be sick! 1st quarter of the moon.

It is 6:18PM PST right now. Oh Lordy, less than 24 hours. Not packed yet. What to take? What to leave? Oh, dear, Oh dear.

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. I"m late, I' late for a very important date. (Mad Hatter...Alice in Wonderland)

Let's see put on the cd with Bradduh IZ...Chill. Chill.

Oh dear, Oh dear! Row 13 on February 13th. Oh dear, Oh dear!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Tic toc...Your suitcase says...."feed me"

mulege, Mexico

My birthdy is the 13th. It's a very lucky number.

Have a great trip.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL, Christi! My kids are still here and the house looks as if a bomb has hit! Won't lie to you and tell you it's going to look any better tomorrow - we'll look at the mountains and ocean instead! My Granny's birthday was on the 13th too, very lucky number!

From my perch up here in the bedroom I can see several whales out to sea and one is busy flapping his tail out of the water, it's a sight to behold!

Note to self - charge up the camera before Christi and Mike get here! See you in just a few hours now!

Aloha all!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Paradise soon!!
Have a great time. :*)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Told you ,sweetheart. Not coming to inspect the house. Coming to see YOU.
Wouldn't want anyone to see the condition I am leaving my house. In the old days...always had to have on clean panties, in case I was in accident (???) and the house had to be immaculate for those that may have to come after I was gone. So what??? I will be off living life and could care less. Anyone else worries about it...is it NOYB! I have turned over a new leaf and I like what I see.

Don't worry, be happy, don't worry, be happy.
Enjoy your kids. Life is short. Eat dessert first!!

Told my dad that and he was gone in less than 6 months. It is true. Live every single moment NOW. Clean houses are for people that needed to get a life. I was one of those in my past life. hahahah,

If we arrive at OGG, 8:30 PM, that is 48 hours and 45 minutes plus 5 hours that we will gain. Don't know how to figure that out. RRREEEAAALLL close! YAY!

Here we come!!!!!!!!!!
Aloha with a soft "ha"

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Katie, is it this 13th that is your birthday?

Kim, thank you so much for all the good wishes. Wouldn't it be absolutely incredible if we could all have a party? Whoops, been there, didn't do that.



KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Have a great time on your trip!!!

mulege, Mexico

No, it was last month.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHa... Christi you are like a kid just before Christmas! I love it!!! My Taligirl tells me everyday that it is just 5,4,3 days till she's going on vacation to my house! She wiggles her little pinky at me and says on THIS day! I get a kick out of her thinking that staying with us is her "vacation". She says that Mommy and Daddy are going to a yucky place that doesn't like lil kids, so she's not gonna go, nope, nope, nope,...gonna stay with Nana and Grumpy instead. My daughter is as twittery as you are...this is sooooo much fun! The countdown has begun...13 is a very lucky number!

Jenny, whisper to those whales to stick around for a while!

Aloha all!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Of course, I even remember wishing you HB. Sometimers.

Thank you, Pepper. Hope you stay safe in all the snow.

Weatherman just said we are to have all kinds of bad weather next beginning later part of this week. tehe. We won't be here.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Bet it will still be around when you get back......just kidding...i hope.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Sharigirl. I counted the minutes until I could hug your sweet neck too. Such a great memory to hold close to my heart. Tali knows whose good people.
I always loved to stay with my Nannie too. Her peanut butter sandwiches were better than anybody's. Hold her tight. They are grown all too soon.



Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Could be, Pepper. I'm a firm believer that Old Man Winter isn't going anywhere until after Easter. This year it is March 23rd which is the earliest it ever falls.
Still a little wary. hhhhuuuuummmmm

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Nah...Texas will be so glad to get her back that the sun will gently shine and her garden will be a bloomin paradise! Now on the other hand, Pele will cry sad tears to have Kilikina leave her loving arms.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Goin' to bed now. Don't know when I will go to sleep. Or if. Need to.

Love all of you very much. I am blessed.

Yokwe, Alohoa, Salamat, ya'll


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sweet dreams dear one.

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Christi, I pray you have a safe, blessed,peaceful, wonderful wonderful trip. Take lots of pictures for us that have to stay behind. I am so happy for you.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Katie - Happy Birthday for last month! So sorry we didn't know!

Hey everyone, how about a birthday roster? I would love to be able to let everyone know we are thinking of them on their special day. You guys are all family, and you got to know your families B'days!

I'll start! April 22 is my b'day. Earth day - good one for me, have you seen the hole in the garden!!!
Got a feeling I read somewhere Shari is an April baby too....

No worries, the whales wouldn't miss Kilikina's visit for nothin'. LOTS of babies around now, practicing their leaps and getting strong enough for that long trek back to Alaska for the summer. Moma whale says "watch how I slap the water with my pectoral fin - now you do it" and the baby copies Moma over and over again. I guess you can't tell it's the highlight of my year, can you?
Madam Pele won't shed too many tears because her Kilikina will be back! I am so excited to see the island through Christi and Mike's eyes, shockingly one really does take all the beauty for granted when you live with it everyday. How awful is that?

You are probably all tucked in bed now, I wish each and every one of you sweet dreams.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jenny...not nearly bed time for me of course! However, I will be leaving the pooter soon to fix dinner and such like. Just came in from watering the yarden...tomorrow will be very busy, so had to get that in tonight instead of in the morning. Aren't you on the birthday list here on DG? Yep, I'm April too (it's best donchaknow), I check every morning to see if there is anyone I know on the list. Just love those whales, I dig your enjoyment - truly!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I think I must live in a bubble or something - I didn't even know there was a birthday list - DUH! Never mind everyone, I am such an idiot!

Shari, have lots of fun with sweet Tali, how many days do you have her for? Lucky Duck!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I'll have her for 6 days. It's really not that big a deal, since they only live a few houses down the street...but its 24/7...so that's different. But she is my darlingirl, and I am looking forward to this. 4 years old is so adorable...heck...anything under the teens is adorable, and even the teens have their moments! Love my grandkids to pieces!
Did you find the DG birthday list? Are you on it? Know how? If you need any help, give a holler!

Aloha island friend,

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Ah, the "fasinating Fours", great age! How very nice to have the kids a few houses away. I don't have anyone to cuddle anymore because my grandkids are 17 and almost 16, although they still like to be hugged, even though they would never admit it!
Didn't yet find the birthday list, found Happy Birthday, but that can't be it...I don't suppose for one minute I am on it as I don't know where the heck it is! Do tell...

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Just fell across your coconut article Shari! Great reading, exactly how it is, although our fella now uses a ladder, he has become Americanized! Planning on getting some cut down while Christi's here because my car is in mortal danger at the present time from soon to be falling coconuts. I bet she has never tasted FRESH coconut!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay...wanted to make sure I had it right...go into "My Info" and down the left hand side you will see "Manage your Preferences"...click on that, then down the left hand side you will see a column of stuff...one being "Your Birthday"....and there you have it!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ooooh....another super treat for her! I love fresh coconut. Glad you enjoyed the article.
I am getting some grief about typo's and grammer...I don't write with that stuff in mind. Oh well....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

DH is home - won his ball game and now wants din-din....aloha !

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

What typos, I didn't notice any. I wish I were with you for that sunset pina colada and crab! One day I am going to catch you as you breeze through Hawaii on your way to somewhere else...

Thanks for the info, will spend time at work tomorrow between visitors to try to track everyone down! Still think it would be easier for everyone to tell me - have I got a lazy mind or what?

Warmest Aloha and Yokwe.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Our hours are so upside down. It is now 2AM for you as it is 7AM here. Maybe a little jetlag by tomorrow night. That's ok. Who needs sleep when the world beckons. If I could only make this body look like I feel...10 years old. hahahaha
You guys are all so sweet and caring. Thank you, Dave, for giving us this opportunity to find each other.

While we are on the subject (?), The next trip we will be excited about is one to my home. RJ is coming in mid-April and then Jen and Frank will be here...

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Don't I wish...too many responsibilities here at this moment in time....

Don't worry Christi, we will treat you gently the first morning, perhaps a car trip along the coast, then perhaps a nap in the afternoon so you can be as fit as a fiddle for the luau... The trip up to Lahaina for the Luau is very pretty, along the coast, usually lots of whales along that road...WhooHoo!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just been to the camera shop to be sure I have more than enough of the pocket disc that fit my Sony.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jenny - you don't have to track everyone down. If they have put their birthday in their preferences, then it shows up on the "Today's Birthdays" list on your home page. Mine shows up just above "New Member to DG"....If you don't have this on your home page you can get it. Don't re-invent the wheel sweetie!

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