Mini "greenhouse"

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I bought 2 mini "greenhouses" at Lowes today - a real bargain I believe at just $12 each. They are wire shelves 64" x 38" x 19" with a plastic tent that covers the shelves. The tent has a zipper door that rolls up for ventilation.

Here is a link that shows what one looks like:

Has anyone had any experience with these or something similar? I am thinking of using these for plants that need to be started inside, but that could cope with cooler temperatures once they are on their way, stuff like pansies, snapdragons, and maybe later petunias.

Any advice?

Seandor :-)

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

How did you get these for $12.00? Sounds like a steal to me! I thought they were usually priced around $50 or more! You really scored, I think!

They should be good supplements to your germination projects. And I have seen the African Violet posters using them for their AVs. I don't know that they would work for 'Wintersowing', per se, because you can't make 'slits' for rain water to get into the seed trays, can you?

Someone on DG used them last year to start seedlings on their deck or patio and had pretty good success, but a strong spring wind storm toppled one of them, as I recall...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I don't intend to use them for winter sowing per se, but to "finish" hardy annuals that I want to be a reasonable size for May.

Good tip about the wind. I will have to place them against the garage where they will be protected from the worst of the wind.

I simply lucked out - these were old stock (boxes are a bit beat up). . . but apparently Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the days that things get marked down so shelving space for new products becomes available.

Plano, TX

what a bargain! thanks for the heads up on the markdown days--i drive past a lowes daily and will know when to stop in now! i was thinking the opposite--whatever doesn't sell over weekend can start marking down--

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Exactly! That's what I would have thought as well . . . :-)

Plano, TX

i love it when i "luck out"----------makes my day! much more fun than buying full price!! and i am such a bargain hunter!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes - DH and I have always had to be frugal - but I think it makes you smarter.. . any fool can pay the full price!

Plano, TX

it's like a challenge sometimes! find something you want and just wait till you can get it for less --love garage sales too

Eureka, CA

I had one of these for years.... a bit smaller, though basically the same. One year I used it to keep my tomato plants warm (we don't get warm enough here to grow tomatoes, but I had them that year!) Finally, after ??? years, the plastic rotted from UV exposure I guess, and the wire racks started to rust because they lost the coating over the metal. Sounds like you got a great deal!! They should provide you a variety of uses for many years!


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

WOW, you paid less for two than I gave for my one! WTG!!! I gave 35 for mine, so maybe I oughta check to see if ours are on sale! LOL

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all your great comments . . . they really helped with DH who was shaking his head slowly when he saw me come in with TWO! Now that he understands that other people recognize what a steal it was, he now thinks I was brilliant. (wouldn't just take my word for it, though . . . on the other hand, if it was stuff for one of his cars . . . hahahahah)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL Glad we were able to help out there!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

I got two of those a couple of years ago - a 3-shelf and a 4-shelf. Got them as Christmas gifts from my brother, so I have no idea what he paid for them; yours certainly are a steal!

The first year, I used the 4-shelf on the balcony to hold some WS pots and a few other plants that weren't quite "established" yet. Put the plastic over, but left the "door" rolled up. Worked out quite well. The 3-shelf was inside, holding plants that were being over-wintered.

Last summer, I put both of them on the balcony. They served as my "shade" gardens, holding coleus, caladium, hostas and such (I broke the 4-shelf down into two pieces). That worked out great, organizing smaller pots nicely, and gave me a lot more space. I tied the 3-shelf to the balcony railing to combat the wind; the broken down 4-shelf was nice and sturdy against the wall of my apartment.

They've turned out to be very useful for me, but no way would I have paid the full price for them (hehe, that's what brothers are for); truthfully, they're kinda flimsy to cost so much. Twelve bucks is just about right.


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, I don't expect too much for 12 bucks lol. But I am hoping to move certain things I am starting inside to the outdoors as soon as possible - like pansies, violas. I figure by March I should be able to do this.

So that will open up more shelves inside to start even more stuff! Like snapdragons.

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I've had one for a few years. I paid $24 on ebay, so you got a real bargain! I have 2 major problems with it-

1st is that the ties on the cover never seem to work (I've gone through 2 covers) and the cover blows off. My 2nd problem is that, when the cover stays on, it gets very hot VERY quickly- I "cooked" about 8 flats of seedlings this way!
Right now, I have no cover on it (it blew into the next county), but I have winter-sown flats inside those clear zippered bags that blankets come in. I poked holes in the blanket covers, and I put a garden thermometer inside to monitor the temp. on sunny days. I wish I could get a shade cover for it! You can get replacement covers for it through; they have the unit itself for $50(!) and a replacement cover for $17.95. Charley's has the cover for $12.95- but alas, not shade covers!
I may stop in at Lowe's and see what's up. It IS really handy for having the shelves. I'd leave the cover off, tho'...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, I have a pretty sheltered spot - I might use the cover with the "door" rolled up - and only close it for those nights when it will go below freezing. In any case, I won't be setting them up until March.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I have a greenhouse like the one you just purchased(different brand) and just love it . This year will be my fourth season, But it has too many tears in the front flap to work properly so I purchased a new one last fall at Menards for 25$ (Clearance price).
It is located on the east side of my garden shed. I seems to get just the right amount of light and has never blown over, however in the summer I keep a large pot of water on the bottom shelf for weight. In the winter I store some pots so it is never empty.
The Lowes here (Kokomo, IN.) also had them for 12$ but that was a couple weeks ago and I would guess they are all gone now.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Last spring we had an unexpected late freeze (in the twenties) I put a jar candle on the bottom shelf and closed it up,over night leaving a small vent hole at the top.All survived well.
My only problem is to remember to water every day, things dry out very fast. Some times my peat pots have to be watered twice a day.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

You actually have this out in the winter? Wow! That never even occurred to me!

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

The winter picture is just empty pots, I wont put anything live in there till it warms up,probably April .
I am just a lazy gardener and don't take it inside ( of course the shed is full).

Thumbnail by gardengus
Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

gus, your shed is beautiful!!!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

nice shed.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks , my DH built it for me a few years ago to make room in his garage.
It is a great place to spend too much time.

Thumbnail by gardengus

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