Cardinal flower, WS?

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

My daughter has a low spot in her yard and I'm determined to plant flowers that can take the wet/dry conditions. Cardinal flower seems to be a good choice for zone 5. Any advice? Thanks!

Red Wing, MN

Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is hardy to zone 3. I've had it in my zone 4 garden for a few years, it is great in wetter spots in the garden and does not require full sun. It is a first-rate native hummingbird plant for us and blooms in the later part of the summer when the fledglings are out and migration has begun. I've wintersown them for the past few years and this is a great method for them. The seed is very tiny, though--try not to sow it too thickly!

Zone 4
Red Wing, MN

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks Donald

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Donald--do you wintersow any other plants for the Hummingbirds? What about salvias?

Thanks. t.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I wintersowed lobelia cardinalis and it did well. I made only 2 hunks out of the gallon size jug. It survived our drought, grew pretty large as 2 basal rosettes. Hopefully it will bloom next year.

I wintersow lots of things especially for hummingbirds- several types of salvia, nicotiana, nasturtium, columbine, agastache, hollyhocks, just so many. After having fed them from a feeder and growing plants that they love every year has brought a lot to my yard. I have to say they visit most of my plants, doesn't seem to matter what color or type. But salvia seems to be their favorite.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

karen-- have you noticed if your HBs have a favorite salvia?

And do you start your salvias late in the winter--like March?

Just wondered how tender they were?

I ordered lobelia cardinalis seeds from Specialty Perennials so I hope to have some good luck with those.

You must have a lot more sun in your garden than I salvias (when I can get them to grow) always seem a bit putzy.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

t.- Yes, I have almost all sun. I started them in April.

I tried splendens (red and purple) from Parks- poor germination, those that grew stayed small and bloomed, but not enough to do agin. Disappointing. Don't think I even took a picture of these.

The coral nymph were beautiful, I think they bit the dust with first frost. They didn't bloom until late, maybe July.

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Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Close shot

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Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Yvonne's Salvia was, by far, the star of the show. Hummers went bonkers for these things.
This was taken Sept 2

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Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

Salvia roemeriana, 'Cedar Sage', is a long-blooming salvia that likes part shade. It's only hardy down to zone 7, but it blooms the first year, so you could treat it as an annual.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

hummer magnet

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Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)


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Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Your Yvonne's salvia looks like an HB winner!

Here's a write up about it:

I will check on the Cedar Sage. Looks promising!

I suppose I should check on the Salvia forum...

Thanks for the tips.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Cathy check for native plants that are hardy in your area, she could have a rain garden :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

another clump

Thumbnail by kqcrna
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

doccat, after reading your article, I believe that is the perfect solution. I even have some large rocks to work into the landscape. The problem is so bad the hill is eroding and the neighbor won't help by running his gutters in another direction. Terrible planning by the builder. The neighbor's entire roof drains into her yard.

If you all missed it, it is a great article:

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

There is a Yahoo Group called "Yvonne's Salvia"

From the links section there is a Frappr map showing all the places where gardeners are growing this plant. Some of Emily pictures are posted there, too, and hers are a big as Yvonne's. Mine got to 4 ft., wintersown in April.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

kqcrna, Your salvia display is so beautiful!

I looked up the Yahoo and the GW discussions about Salvia Yvonne and it's so touching!

And all the photos show such a grand looking Hummingbird plant! I can see why they would love it!

I hope you post your photo on Plant Files and tell the story about how you got the seeds! (-:

Sorry--I just realized I have hijacked this thread with all the HB Salvia discussion--I just got excited--so sorry..

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

no problem, I've learned a whole lot!

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