A question about WS my Lupine seeds?

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

I think I messed up, I soaked my Lupine seeds, cuz I always do in the spring to plant them, the outer shell cracked, the seed opened and I planted them in my WS pots. Now I'm thinking I shouldnt have soaked them, its 26 degrees outside, do I still put them out or do I need to keep them inside and warm since I popped them? Should I have just planted them without soaking if I was going to put them outside? Ugh,,,,,
Thank you, Kathy

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

Doesn't anyone have an opinion about this?
thank you, Kathy

Eureka, CA

It's always a bummer when no one responds.... I understand! I don't have an answer but thought I'd at least acknowledge your request! Good luck!


Auburn, MA(Zone 5b)

Well, since I do all winter sowing these days and I hardly ever sowed inside, I've never soaked lupine seeds, but I'll give you my two cents (fwiw). It seems to me that the seeds will probably rot since they'll try to sprout once their coating is gone. that said, you have nothing to lose by leaving them outside, except some potting soil. Do you have anymore seeds so you can put them out without soaking? I've always had really good luck winter sowing Lupines.....getting them to survive until the next year is another story.

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you both so much for replying! No, I don't have anymore Lupine seeds, I planted every last one of them. I will try to trade for more.

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

I think they may be fine. I haven't soaked seeds before winter sowing them, but I have nicked them with a razor blade, which cracks the shell in the same way, and they've done fine. -Of course, it doesn't freeze here, but it does get quite cold and wet.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2008 8:37 AM

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Last year I soaked mine too. Mine germinated. I hope yours do. I never gave a thought about it. Good luck!

Warren, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you for the ray of hope, lol!

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