
(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Does anyone store their seeds with a puff of Messenger seed treatment?



Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

No, I don't, although if you find out it's good for them, I could :))

I thought it was for use right before you sow.

Refrigeration is my new way of saving seeds after sowing those ultra-old ones of Weezingreens from the swap and having them all germinate!


This message was edited Mar 27, 2008 12:33 AM

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

No kidding! I planted some of Weezingreen's seeds - and even seeds that were years old sprouted! What was I thinking of???? way too many seedlings!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oink? Were you htinking "oink"?

You have the list of the hardy annual ones? I know you did a lot of perennials, and maybe it's time to start hardening those off to make more room?

How are the snaps doing?

Sorry, Maggie, about the get back to your question, if you look on the coop forum, there is a person referenced under the last Messenger Coop who owns the company. She is a member of DG and you could ask on that Messenger coop thread, or you could just Dmail her.



(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Suzy. I have seedlings!!! I've not planted much in the way of seeds since I was a kid and last year planted 8 packs of Kaleidoscope 4OClocks with NO results. So when I planted, I planted entire packs. UhOh. I now have a Bazillion chives growing.
This is starting to look like the time I planted 14 Better-Boy tomato plants for the two of us. I was afraid some would die. I dressed them w/ manure and sprayed Miracle -Grow foliar feed on them. Not only did they all live but I had to surround them w/ 6ft hogwire cages to hold them up. We ate tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

FYI- my Kaleidoscope seeds from the swap are growing- unlike those packaged ones from last year.


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, that's great -- I hope they look just like what you wanted!

LOL! I did that on tomatoes, too. But I planted them a foot apart because they were so small :)

Good luck on the chives!


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

How are the snaps doing? Well, some are doing okay, some are struggling . . . it's been cold here. I might have to restart the pink mini snaps. Other snaps have survived, and some continue to germinate - BUT none of them have grown any true leaves yet! How am I to pot these up if they won't even grow true leaves???

Supposed to be 61 degrees today so maybe some things I wintersowed will germinate. But then, the temperatures return to the mid-40s. Is spring EVER going to arrive?

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