?? Hardy Cannas with dark foliage ??

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Anyone know if there is such a thing? I love the dark leaves on some of the cannas but none seem to be hardy to our area?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, I have been told that I am on the edge of hardy. Zone 6B for Cannas and with a good heavy mulching they "may" overwinter and some people have had them overwinter in my area. I pulled mine didn't want to take the chance. Did you see the Canna Co-op? There are several dark varieties and I thought the prices were very good.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I always forget to check the co-op forum. I have some that came back but none were with the darker leaves - I'm not really "into" cannas but do like the darker ones...just for the color of their leaves.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I never really liked Cannas, You know tall Red "boring", Then someone gave me some red ones and a DGer wanted some and traded me some yellows. I was going to give them all away and then I started to think how pretty my red and yellow tulips look together and that I would probably like the yellow and red cannas. This was last year and then I picked up on the Canna Co-op and started thinking how the other colors would look nice with the red and yellow I had. Next thing you know I have a whole Canna bed. Last year they were very pretty and the hummers just loved them. I'm getting more this year. DG has really expanded my interests.
This is one that I picked up in last years Co-op.....Boring! I don't think so anymore.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh what a beautiful Canna Holly!!! I just love them!!! My neighbor has overwintered his for quite some time by heavy mulching and cutting them back before the first frost and laying all the foliage over his. They just keep multiplying, too! I didn't dig mine, I just mulched heavily and laid a piece of cardboard and a large rock over it. I also have some that are 'suppose' to be hardy, one green leaved, the other the dark color. I got these from DH's sister, and hers have come back year after year, with no protection.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

There was quite a discussion on whether to dig or not to dig earlier this year. In the end I decided to dig mine up and hope that I could overwinter them in boxes. Just in case they didn't do well I got extra from the co-op this year,too. I figure that at co-op prices even if they don't overwinter I haven't spent more than I would have for annuals.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh mercy...you said the magic words "hummers love them" Ok...so is the co-op still open...I really need to go peek...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I know how much you love those hummers. Yes it's still open but I wouldn't wait too long last year they ran out of some of the varieties before the co-op was closed. They were very nice bulbs.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh like THAT type of co-op best...easiest for all around...going to look at selections now...thank you!

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


That is a pretty canna. What are you planting with them? I saw a reference on several threads to "tropical beds", but I am not sure what people are putting in them. I hate to plant anything that needs to be lifted in the fall - just too lazy. Since I was kicking around the idea of trying to some cannas, and Misty has been able to overwinter them, I may try a few this year. I just need to figure out where to put them.

I love hummingbirds.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Last year was my first year to have Cannas and I just planted them with what I had on hand. Besides the Cannas I had Scarlet Milkweed, Yellow 4:00's, Daturas, Ornamental grass and Ornamental Sweet Potatoes. This year I'm putting in a Hardy Banana and a Red Dwarf Banana and I'd like to see about getting a few Elephant Ears. Of course my plants will all have to be dug up and overwintered. I am still trying to decide exactly where in my yard I will put the bed. I have three different spots each with their own good and bad points. You can get a nice tropical feel by using some potted plants.If you have those kinds of house plants. I have several that may end up outside this summer.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, even though PlantFiles lists Canna 'Australia' as 9??? a few sources list it as Zone 7 http://www.brentandbeckysbulbs.com/summer/productview/?sku=61-41. Looks like the dark foliage you're looking for :) http://www.karcheskycanna.com/australia.htm

I've got a friend in Bedford (between Lynchburg and Roanoke) who has Cannas that come back every year and I'm sure she's not Zone 7. However, she does have them planted right next to her foundation so she's probably "cheating" the zone.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Going to check those out!!! Thank you, Debbie!! I get to "cheat" as well...my townhouse not only faces south-east but I have a brick front so anything planted close to the foundation reaps those added benefits.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I just got a catalog today from Van Bourgondien that may have the canna that you are looking for. It's called Red Wine, and has red flowers with bronze leaves. It looks very pretty. Plus it is hardy to zone 7!

Now for the bad news: this company has a terrible rating with Watchdog. Hopefully, you can find this same canna from another company. I didn't check the coop yet, but I know that there is one going on now.

Here is the link if you want to check it out.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

penne - you are so sweet...thank you!! I actually found a "few" (LOL) via the co-op...I just need to get my order in (thanks for the reminder!!)...today!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, the co-op! I almost ordered, but I stopped myself... I realized all I really wanted were a couple of 'Journey's End' from them... and then I was filling my box with 22 of the 75 cent ones to justify ordering, with no clear idea of whether or not I'd really manage to get them planted along the far side of my driveway or not! LOL.

If anybody orders, pretty please could you pick up a couple of 'Journey's End' for me if they'll fit in your box? I'll swap you some lily bulbs or some other lovely for them (or just pay you outright).

I may have some extra tubers of a dark leafed canna that blooms bright orange-red. I'm hesitant to promise though until I know how well they came through storage this winter...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill - would you like for me to order those for you? We can trade if those dark leaved cannas made it or just deduct from what I owe you on my seed order which ever you prefer? I'm probably placing my order today....been saying that since last week but truly I'll most likely get that order finalized today.
Just an FYI to all: The Walmarts have the canna tubers in now with many of the common names in that coop. Not sure the quality would be the same but for those only wanting a few and want to avoiding s/h - they're 4 to a pack and I think just under $5. I'm still ordering thru the co-op b/c I want more then a "couple" LOL

This message was edited Feb 8, 2008 10:22 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, I would absolutely *love* you to order those for me! How many tubers do you have room for in your box(es)? Don't short yourself on something you want to order, but if you have space available, I'd love one or two of the 'Journey's End' tubers. If there's still space in your box after that (but only if!), I've also been eyeing 'Dawn Pink' (one or two if they'll fit).

And if you finalize your wish list and it comes out to an even dozen (or three dozen), don't worry... I'll do just fine with the cannas I have! In addition to the tall bronze one, I've got a tall green one with pink blooms ('Pink Beauty' maybe) and a short one with striped leaves that I think is also supposed to get pink blooms (bought it late last year, and it didn't bloom). (I just checked my tubers, and they look OK -- still firm and plump.)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Let me add them up (I'm combining mine and 2 others plus your...LOL)...I'll need to take a peek tonight or later this afternoon if I get finished up here at work. Was going to do this at lunch but DD had me running an errand for her...ugh!!! If I understand correctly you'd like 2 'Journey's End' & 2 of 'Dawn Pink' if we can #-wise...correct?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Right... either 1 or 2 of each, whatever there is room for.

If 1 fits, then 1 'Journey's End'
If 2 fit, then 1 'Journey's End' + 1 'Dawn Pink'
If 3 fit, then 2 'Journey's End' + 1 'Dawn Pink'
If 4 fit, then 2 'Journey's End' + 2 'Dawn Pink'

Basically, I'd be happy with any combination of those 2, up to a total of 4... I don't know if the above makes it easier or more complicated, so feel free to ignore it!

And don't bump anything off your list to make room in the box... only add these for me if you have a box that isn't full. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You are so sweet...it'll work one way or another...I've typed up everyone's order - just need to verify mine and add up...will post tonight or tomorrow. No worries. :-)

Germantown, MD

Can someone go over Canna basics here? I got a bunch from someone and none bloomed this year - all just leafed out and had some browning - but not much else.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Hopefully someone with experience will get back to you. There is also a canna forum that you can check out.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

The drought was so bad. I have heard they like water, altho I have had OK results without too much effort, but better in wet years.
Most of my plant problems are due to needing more food and water. My daylilies were a total bust and I was told it was drought causing them to just skip blooming.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm horrible at remembering to water - so I threw the water absorbing crystals in their soil...probably too late for last year...we'll see this summer

Crozet, VA

Aaaaahhhhhh Chantell, just about my favorite part of gardening is the watering part of it. It is about the only time during my day or my life that I am able to feel as though I am doing something productive and be able to "space out" at the same time. It is one of the very most relaxing things that I know of.

I was thinking that watering plants would be a dream job for me. Getting paid to do something that I love. After three or so years of planting new things and adding to the size of our gardens we are now to the point where will be needing to purchase some sprinklers this year. John spent so much time last year planting day lilies that there is no way for us to hand water the new beds that he put in. That is not to mention the other hundred or so pots that are still waiting to be planted. Guess what we will be bringing to the first plant swap. ha-ha

Interesting reading ladies. I hope that you all will report later in summer how the canna's did. Oh yeah, just a quick report to Sally who so graciously shared some of her wonderful canna's with us last year. They grew and bloomed great. I thought they were especially beautiful. I did not lift them this winter and am hoping, hoping that they made it through.

Looking forward to hearing reports.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Amy, Did you check out the Canna Forum? It is a wealth of information.
I was up at my Moms yesterday and checked out my boxes of Cannas that I stored in their basement and they are looking pretty good. I didn't root through the entire boxes but pulled a couple from the top open and they looked fine. While I was there Dad started to ask me about plants for butterflies and humming birds. Mostly he wants to draw in the hummers. So I guess that some of the Cannas I ordered will end up in their new Garden.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I had bought some pots of Canns from Lowes on clearance- these plants must have been on their tables all summer. I just let them dry out in my basement for winter. They never did completely dry up. I just got one out and crumbled all the old dirt off. Not much roots but what was there, I potted and it still had an emerging leaf curled up, in suspended animation. We'll see....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I'd suggest soaker hoses or a drip emitter system rather than sprinklers... get the water right down to the roots, less waste by evaporation, and the plants will love it -- especially any that like water but don't really like wet foliage (roses, herbs, etc).

Crozet, VA

Great idea Jill. I probably won't be the one making the decision on what to buy though. Since John will be the one to set them up, he will get to choose what to get. I am sure that he will ask around and do his homework before he gets anything, so if we hear good things about the soaker hoses, we will go that way.

Thanks for the tips, I will tell him what you said.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We put drip irrigation out in the orchard and ran soakers everywhere else... everything is hooked up to a 6-valve electronic timer... Soooo nice to have the watering done automatically! If it rains, I just go into the room where the controller is (the wires pass through the window to the outside faucet) and push a button to put the system on "hold."

I still have plenty of watering to do with containers and a few things that aren't on "the system," but I'd spend half my day watering or moving sprinklers around without this setup. :-)

Crozet, VA

I hear that Critter. Hmmmm......might have to get hubby to make a trip to your place to see how you have things set up. I am like you in that if I were to water every day, I would get nothing else done. But...it is all so pretty!!!!! And worth every minute that I spend doing it.


McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Sometime in February, after this thread was posted, I saw a picture posted of a large canna in a postage size front yard in New Jersey. The poster said that this was a family member's canna. It was striking because the yard looked about the width of a large desk.

At any rate, I can't find this the picture. If anyone else has seen this, and can remember where or post a link, I would appreciate it.

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