Home and Garden Show at Timmonium Fairgrounds.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey you all who love some flourishing garden sights in the cold days of March, see if you could make the trek and attend this awesome yearly event. I have been many times, and the landscapes and plantings are unbelievable! This is held in conjunction with a lot of crafters and booths that sell plants, flowers, foods, herbal soaps, lotions and potions, etc. It is just so relaxing to wander through all the landscaped areas. They are judged and so quite competitive.

The Rawlings Conservatory will have a booth to promote this beautiful place. The below is a c/p of a letter sent out to all the volunteers by Betsy, the volunteer coordinator. Maybe we could get a group together again???? There are plenty of us in and around this neck of the woods.


Greetings Everyone,

The theme of this year's MD Home & Garden Show is "Home Sweet
Home". The Conservatory will have a booth at the MD Home & Garden Show on
March 7th, 8th and 9th. The goal of our being there is to promote the
Conservatory and the Volunteer Program. We will display orchids and other
plants, photos, and information about the Conservatory and how to get

We will need many people to keep the booth occupied the entire
weekend. Please consider coming with another volunteer/friend to keep each
other company and allow one person at a time to visit other displays. This
would be a great opportunity for a Garden Club to volunteer.....we need lots
of people for this occasion. Please contact me if your Club is interested.

All volunteers will receive complimentary passes to the Home &
Garden Show (a $10 value!) There is also a craft show and a huge list of
vendors to check out.

Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for the
show, and what time/day you are available. I would like to make a schedule
accordingly. I look forward to hearing from you!

HOURS of SHOW (we will divide each day up according to how many
hours people can invest)
Friday- 10 AM- 9 PM
Saturday- 10 AM- 9 PM
Sunday- 10 AM- 6 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

There were some amazing landscapes last time I went a few years ago. When you consider that they build from scratch on the concrete floor! and some freebies- still have my Go Green bumper sticker, LeafGro note pad...
Gita do you plan to volunteer, or fork over the ten bucks?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Well.....If I "donate" 2 hours of my time, I save $10. Incentive enough?
I also think that Seniors get a small break in admission.

What i would like to do, though, is time it so that if we DO get a small group together that comes--or even just YOU, Sally, I would be done with my "shift" and then could freely cruise the place, grab a bite to eat, etc.
I have been to this affair several times, but never had the pleasure of someone's company. it would make it so much more interesting--especially a Gardener....

Would you be going????????????????????????? Huh? Huh????

Sally--I know you don't participate in the "Best--Worst and What did I Learn" Post (General Discussion Forum), but please go the the one that is part #29. (We are on #30 right now). Towards the end, I posted pictures of most of my paintings I have done (1974-1978). I think it will "blow you away" a bit.....I participated a lot in #28 as well. If you are a fast reader, you might want to scan through the whole Post. Many people have posted garden pictures too.

This post is so hard to keep up with, but I have now been "sucked into it" and feel like we are all one big family. I spend WAYYYY too much time on it!
There are about 15 regulars on this Post and almost every 5-6 days, there are about 200+ entries and they move on to the next #. Whew!!!!


This message was edited Jan 28, 2008 11:17 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow, Gita- great paintings. I can't find a flaw with any. They do not at all look like beginner paintings. Your artistic eye . Being able to see how things "look", not how you think they look.
I would probably be most likely to come on Friday to the Show. I bet most others want to go on weekend, but thats my prime time with hubby. and family rec time. Its just so hard to decide on prioritites with kids, husband, mom, MIL,
Priority right now is- puppy needs to go outside!! which means I 'have' to go out and play with her and not my compost.
too much.

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