Park's Seeds Butterfly Collections on Sale

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, 'Butterfliers' and wanabee 'Butterfliers'--

I wanted to post this e-mail alert I just received from Park's Seeds about special discounts on their seed collections. I thought these particular seed collections would be of special interest to Buterfly Gardener, both lurkers and posters, here--

Of particular note are the 'Old Fashioned Zinnia Collection', the 'Butterfly Collection', the 'Coneflower Collection', the 'Herb Collections' and the 'French Marigold Collection'--all excellent nectar (and a few host plants) for butterfly gardens---especially if you are just starting out with planting for butterflies (or if you missed the wonderful BF seed swap earlier this winter and still want to get some BF seeds sowing done!).

(Sorry, I don't see any milkweeds listed (asclepias) but I am sure seeds for those could be had for the 'asking' on the forum--for those of you putting in your first butterfly gardens....)

(If you need seed sowing, germinating or propagating information on these, check out the Wintersowing Forums or the Propagating Forums on DG. All of these seeds are fairly easy to start, though!)

Have fun this weekend planning your butterfly gardens--(and keep warm!) t.

This message was edited Jan 26, 2008 8:56 AM

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