A looming Dirt Deficit?

Greensboro, AL

I just have it from a kidney specialist, urinary tract infections are caused by ecoli. Lots of cranberry juice or extract in get caps can keep the ecoli from attaching to the walls of the bladder and thus prevent the infection. ecoli is everywhere. Yes. the source is probably feces - human and animal.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Indy, the wild pig tracks show they went by the cattle operation that tested positive for O157. It was also in the water, downstream from the cattle operation in question. Although the reporters made a point of standing in front of the Earthbound Farms sign when doing their stories, the contamination was from conventionally grown spinach, not organically grown spinach. Talk to an organic grower about the onerous amount of paperwork required for their OSP (organic systems plan) to maintain certification. The chain of custody of the product is well documented and conventional growers do not have to track their product that way, which is why it took so long to find the contamination source on that incident. Natural Selections processes both organic and conventional greens.

Dean, it starts with the faeces and then can get in the water supply or tracked around by hooves, paw and feet. What has been interesting is reading the results of studies trying to determine why some cattle get/shed O157 and others don't. Quality/type of feed has a lot to do with it. Nature did not intend cattle to be garbage disposals. Irritated rumens cause problems further down the line. Probiotic microbes can keep the pathogenic ones under control, but they require the right conditions to survive. Gets back to the feed and living conditions again.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the link and the quote organic1. I love to read Malcolm Beck's articles. His book "the secret life of compost" is terrific.

Greensboro, AL

Yes. Organic1. I really enjoyed exploring the MalcomBeck website and linked to it in my upcoming article, No-Dig Gardening.



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