Sheri...our literary star!!!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sheri...loved your article on Hibs.... You write SO well. Your articles encapsulate your knowledge and enthusiasm VERY well.



Yes...I know...not a Hib but the newest photo I have of a new brug bloom.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Gorgeous Carol! Be safe on your trip! Aloha!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Carol, that brug is to die for! Bon Voyage!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Safe Travels Carol!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Loved your article love those Hibs! I'm thinking of "branching out" and getting more hibs....may even try the hybrids!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ha, ha you guys! I just now saw this. There is so very, very much that I don't have any knowledge of whatsoever! My articles are more of a way of sharing what I love, ya know? Gorgeous bloom Carol! Have you noticed there is talk of a coffee article in the Writers forum, and Jill in Maryland (I think...) was talking about Kona...I mentioned to her that you guys grow coffee...hope that was okay. Have a wonderful, and productive adventure my friend!

Yokwe everyone! Seems like I never see anyone on when I am anymore!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

After reading your article I made 6 cuttings from my noid Hibisus and put them in a mini green house. Thanks for the excellent instructions. :*)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Kim - you are most welcome! You will have to post a picture when they start to bloom. This is one of my favorites:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Sure will!
Pretty bloom :*)
Nite all.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sure...would love to collaborate with Jill about a coffee article....

Take off tomorrow...getting ready for 'dead butt'....


I looked but don't have time to plow thru all the threads...could you send me her addy?

It is interesting because the Kona crops died early in the 20th century and they came over here to get replacements. Hilo Coffee is GREAT!!!!! Kona has the market share. may change!!!!!

This message was edited Jan 22, 2008 7:20 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol - just d-mail critterologist. That will reach her. I remember you telling us about the Hilo coffee...that's why I thought of you...

Can you sleep on the plane? sure wish I could. I always have to take a good book!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Gee...I just wrote to someone in Ontario...offered my help! i 'mature' i can sleep on the plane with my ugly neck thingy and enough benedryl!!!! I have a good book - Pollens' 'In Defense of Food'. His 'Omnivores Dilemna' is one of the best books i have read. We (the group) also have Scrabble to play... It is Japan Airlines and their food is killer and their service is terrific. A bit robotic...but nice.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I am thinking that traveling anywhere with a Carol or Shari would be an exciting time or need for sleep. 20 more days! Whoooowhoooo!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. Ontario??? Oh well. Sounds like other than "dead butt", you will have a wonderful flight! Have lots of fun!!

Christi - after these hectic two weeks or so at the Market, you are going to love the laid back serenity of the islands! Well, you would have loved it anyway, but after all that you will NEED it as well!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Supposed to have Friday at Market but the news right now is for sleet and ice. Do not get out in that kind of weather. No one and I mean no one can drive on ice. Whenever we have a day or two of ice there are always way too many accidents and injuries and fatalities. Since it only lasts about 48 hours or so...insane to chance it. I don't make enough to take a chance. Would have to cross the Trinity River bridge and that is a guarantee of ice. This is warm snuggle weather and it won't last long.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Glad to hear that you are being sensible! No sense in taking unnecessary are too valuable to us!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Ditto what Shari said!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know Shari, I was just thinking the same thing....Where's all my Peeps!? I miss ya'll when your not around!
Great article Shari,
Carol...Bon voyage! I look for the naners when you get back. I'm on vacation again next month...
I've been asked to represent Caldwells nursery as far as online advisor -..if I accept, I'll be asking all of you advice too!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Cool Beans Randy! What a compliment! Of course, it is less than you deserve, but very cool none-the less! Missing you guys ....

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It is exciting...they wanted to pay, I thought they were nuts..I told them this was fun for me!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Take the money and have fun....double the pleasure.....!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Congrats Randy, sounds like a great honor - well done!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Let them pay you...then, later if you ever need it, it would look really good on a cv.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Of course you should be paid. It is well known that the business world pays for what one knows. If not, there would be no reason for a college education. Your knowledge of the plant world and "dirt" (hahaha) is beyond a college degree. You not only "know what to do" it is evident in your wonderful garden world. We would all be in a mess if you didn't share with us. I am in the process right now of converting most of my beds to your method of feeding. I have all the confidence in the world that because of your help I will grow the best flowers ever. Having said all that, you're not going to charge us too, are ya? We love you dearly and are so proud that someone else recognizes your worth.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL....Yeah, maybe we shouldn't be so quick to encourage him to take the money. We wouldn't want him to get any ideas......He's such a wealth of information!!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

ahahhahahahaha....gosh thanks guys...okay I'll think about that for sure...I'm just thinking about what I don't know compared to what I know -- it's a dismal comparison..Mabe I'll specify that I'll be a tropical plant advisor, and then still there's a huge I don't know column, but the song says.
I've got youuuuu baabe! my real resource..all of you

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We don't know enough to know that you don't know it all. Say that real fast 10 times.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Randy...the trick is giving really good info when you know it, and finding out really good info when you don't. You learn as you answer...but I'll bet that the majority of the questions you get will be things you already are very knowledgeable about. I think its a great idea!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good advice!
Those two Katie and Chuck from Caldwells would fit right into our crowd, they are so cool, down to earth.. and the nursery...I call it the plant need a golf cart to get around it's so big!! She said she is so busy she just doesn't have time to answer emails. I'm excited...and looking forward to it...It's just kind of slow getting the ball rolling.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

When you do get going with it, you will have to link any really interesting things over here to us too! This sounds like fun!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I will ! Mabe I can interest you in writing some articles too!??

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

You are very sweet, but I know absolutely nothing about Texas plants!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sweetness, we are waiting for more of your wonderful information about plants around the world.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)'s for tropical plants though...most of their inventory is bamboos, palm trees, philo's and cool tropicals...but..I've already learned from your articles...wink

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Who knows? I had a weird thing happen...a gal read my Hibiscus article and sent me a comment which included a link to her home page. Out of curiousity I clicked on it, and she had put a few paragraphs of my article on her page! I was stunned! She added a "for more of this article go to..." and put the link to Dave's in. Totally flabbergasted me! And her site had nothing to do with gardening! Maybe it will bring more people to DG...but sure blew me away. It's funny, I pretty much write about the things that interest me, occasionally doing an article that is requested, but mostly just having fun. It always surprises me that anyone is really interested! Has always been that way. What a funny world we live in.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey my dear ones....may I ask a favor? Could we start another thread, WITHOUT my name in the title? I feel very funny seeing this title in the "most recent posts" etc. I adore you all, but I don't want the other writers getting jealous of my "fan club"...ya know? Now I bet that sounded just awful in black and white! I am NOT getting carried away - I have all of you in my mind as I write... but ...oh heck...for a writer, I am sure at a loss for the right words right now! Hopefully you will all know what I mean.

Love You and Yokwe,

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. You are sounding a bit embarrased there Shari....

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

well..see that's why I wanted to ask you first! I want to share the fun!.. You know I'll be a free DG advertisement..It's all I talk about anyway...I will be directing as many nursery folk to Daves Garden as I possibly can.
Of course, I don't want anything to conflict if you know what I mean Shari, and having said that...the door is open....have a tour, and you will see you are knowledgeable about these "Texas" plants...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I think it's awsome!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

OMG!!! I thought you were my friend! So what do you go and do...send me to that site, and now I need about a gazillion $$$$$$!!!! I HAVE to have that Brom on the main page...I'm too excited to remember the they ship to APO's??? Do you get a discount???? Room and board offered here in return for plants! What a gorgeous site! Randy, you are so lucky to be associated with them!

Yes Pep, I am embarrassed....

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