What garden conditions do you have?

Shoalwater, WA, Australia

My Carpobrotus has flowered. I'd say Shelly, that you have the same as me, the C. edulis, which is the south african one.

Thumbnail by kerri_67
(Zone 10a)

I like your Lilly Pilly. Natives are the go I reckon. I love trees, but collecting them isn't really an option for me without bonsai & containering. My teacher & most of the other students are doing Japanese Pines, Indian Cedar & stuff plus of course, various ficus species. I will do a Flame Tree 1st though I think or a Wollemi Pine. Tough decision really.
Would you like to swap a few tree seeds? I have Ghost Gum, Flame Tree, Kapok & Sweetshade amongst natives & a few exotics like Red Maple, White Spruce & Witch Hazel.

Merino, Australia

Hello Granville. i am too impatient to grow trees from seed. I bought the lillypillys as little tubes which are a cheap and ideal way to get trees. I was told by a bonsai person that you should repot them from tubes to a 5' pot cut in half, this restricts the roots . Leave them in these for 2 years then pot into their bonsai pots. I have been doing this and it seems to work. If Azaleas grow well in your area, try one . They make beautiful bonsais. .
Kerri , your garden must be nice and bright. I have some pigface but mine are the smaller flowered ones in bright red, orange, pink and yellow. The flowers are only about 1 1/2 : - 2" across.

(Zone 10a)

OK. It was collecting trees that led me to bonsai rather than wanting to do bonsai for its own sake. The only way I can get the trees I want is to grow them myself since most are unavailable at nurseries. Over time I will sell off excess trees to other bonsai growers like yourself. I have grown to enjoy raising trees this way because of the challenges involved & the degree to which you can get to know them as they develop. For different trees, there is a wide range of germinating requirements: different soils & temperatures, activation via exposure to boiling water or smoke, repeated rehydration. The list goes on & the birth of each tree tells something of its nature, which is important in bonsai.
I am in a super mood today btw, because 12 adeniums shot up this morning & a couple of Qld bottle trees this afternoon. I have the option of growing around 80 more adeniums with about $5 worth of seed. Patient is the gardener, hey?

Merino, Australia

Hello again Granville. I do have an Ovens Wattle from some seed that I may bonsai eventually. I use small trees instead of seed because I like to see the trees as bonsais before they outlive me.
I liked the look of the Adeniums and bought some seed to try. They grew beautifully for a year and just when the little trunks were starting to gain shape they all just died off. It could have been the weather as it is so changeable. They may have been affected by a quick change. They are not really a cool climate plant are they ?
Don't we mad gardeners always try to encourage a plant to grow where it usually won't ?

Good luck with all your little Adeniums. , Jean.

(Zone 10a)

Thanks Jean. I'd beg some wattle seed from you, but it gives me the worst hayfever. Adeniums do like warm weather & apparently a fair bit of moisture for something called a Desert Rose. I am not too familar with your location. Are you Horsham, Mt Gambier way? If so, I imagine you would get some low temperatures at times. One of my adeniums is looking a bit different to the others. It is redder & when I repotted it, I noticed it was less tender than the other sprouts. Maybe its just a passing thing but I am hoping a variegated one got in there somehow.
For some reason, the local council missed my place when it planted trees before each house along the street. Perhaps someone took it - I wouldn't know - but it is a blessing really because all these trees are either Weeping Calistemons or the "Indian Summer" hybrid Crape Myrtle, which is everywhere. That Crape Myrtle is so overdone in Sydney I am starting to hate the sight of them.
I reckon I'll throw in an adenium once they get up a bit. It should throw the council workers.
You are right about pushing the envelope. I am constantly wanting either a hotter climate or a colder one, depending on what plant has taken my fancy. Wouldn't it be great to have gardens in different locations? I am thinking of giving it a go by joining a community garden up in Brisbane. I have a 3 year old son living outside Murwillumbah, who gets me up that way a bit. I am counting the days till I can bring him home & start his gardening apprenticeship but of course, his mum has other ideas. At the end of the day, its all about patience for me. Life is presently a waiting game anyway & growing trees kills time.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I don't want to be a B*%#h but i keep checking this thread to see whos adding new garden conditions and its becoming general chat. (nag, nag, nag) so start a new thread ya bludgers! LOL. (I suppose I could start a new conditions thread)

Merino, Australia

Sorry ww , you know we just get enthusiastic over everything and get diverted. Jean .

Shoalwater, WA, Australia

Sorry mum :-p

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good on ya's, ya dags!

(Zone 10a)

Yeah sorry. One thing led to another. You know how it is.

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