Tampa Bay Plant Sitter, anyone?

Riverview, FL

This is going to be an odd request, but hear me out.

I'm looking for someone to 'babysit' my plants and take excellent care of them. I'd be more than happy to pitch in some money to help cover their expenses, time, dirt, fertilizer etc. as long as you'd baby them like they were your own.

Why am I asking such a bizarre thing? I'm currently at a point in my life where I don't know where I'm going to be living in a few weeks. I may or may not need a 'sitter' in the off chance I find a nice place that has a spot to put my plants so they at least get sunlight ( since right now my place faces north ) However I'd like to at least find someone who would be willing to take care of them in case I do need a sitter.

Currently I live in Brandon but I'm willing to relocate them to anywhere in the Tampa Bay area, long as they find a good home! Mostly I have orchids, however I have one hibiscus, a gardenia, roughly 4 cannas and a bird of paradise. I also have two bougainvilleas and a snow-on-the-mountain and one rose.

I've managed to keep them all alive, however I know they'd do a heckova lot better with some sun and space. I'd take them to my mother but....she has a habit of killing my plants and then not telling me....

It would only be a temporary 'sitting' position. Few months at most. And yes, I would want updates as to how they were doing. Pictures not necessary. :p

If anyone was even remotely interested, please let me know! Message me here or at darkempress2003 at gmail dot com. Thanks!!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

darkempress, did you ever find anyone to help you, in your area? Just wondering.

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