for Jenn of the Glen, not to hijack the roll call

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Jenn- I sure do go to 'Farmers Co=op- thats the name it used to go by. The owner is a local guy, grad from Old Mill schools and nice enough to donate some thingsto a garden project there. I always liked that I could get grass seed bird seed bulk. If you are dedicated, (and have squirrels) you can go thru 25 or 50 lb of black oil sunf seeds in a winter. Great price in big bags.
Everhgreen Gene's - I went in the fall, had a really nice gift selection, and a really nice plant and shrub selection, oh and garden decor too.
Richardsons Nursery is closest to me and takes good care of their plants.
Who's your veggie stand owner? The Linthicum one near the school is the one my step mom raves about. The one I go to would best be called quirky, I think.

I think many people use that BHG map. Looking at it today looks confusing! Looks like it skips zones, and puts us in 9?!? or am I color blind? There is a fairly recent thread discussing zones, in the Mid Atl forum. I go with about 7 but there are always microclimates....

Coincidence- I went to a dog park last week; one owner had an English bulldog, and a mastiff young'un. Mastiff was English, I think, tan with black muzzle and not all wrinkly. The bulldog

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I am going to try to run by the farmer co-op Saturday. That is still the name of it... The guy who owns it has been the one helping me save my yard, which is why my garden has been in such bad shape. I had moles, grubs, and everything else in the world wrong with it. (this is the back & side yard, the front yard I had to call in real help) He is a great help, and just laughs at me regarding my veggies because I get so lost. He is trying to help me with the Roses I have inherited but that is not going so well. I am off on MLK day so if it is not freezing I am going to try to work outside for a little while.

Vince's which is by the Catholic Church in Linthicum is the Fruit Stand I was talking about. I have bought flowers, veggie plants, and they redid my front yard for me this past summer is where I go. The corn is great! I like supporting Jason; he is the kid who owns it.

Did you go to the park in Annapolis or the one in Pasadena? We will start this spring going to the Pasadena Park on Sunday evenings, listening to the music and have a picnic in the summer.

There is a Fruit Stand in Glen Burnie, but I bought some plants from and they were full of Aphids. I lost everything I planted that year. Nothing would kill them. I did the soap thing, put them in the shower, and the chemical thing and had nothing but mess on my hands.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We've been to Downs Park many times with the kids , when they were playground age. It doesn't have an off-leash area., like others, but has the beach for dogs.
I was at a park on 424 in Crofton, called Bell Branch, which only takes me about fifteen minutes to get to, which is all the time Addy can stand in the car now, expecting to get out and play LOL
I hear the dog park in Annap is a nice facility but very heavily used, esp at peak times Lady said she once went and there were maybe 40 dogs there!
Broadneck has one but that is also 30 min from us.
Kinder park is great but no dog area, just on- leash trails.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Greetings Jenn!

That is one weird map! I've never seen anything even close, and I can tell you this. I'm sitting at home at the moment because all this beautiful snow cancelled school for my students-- which means me. That map looks like I'm in 9b! No way. If I planted like that, everything would be dead. I'm just over in Essex, so not far from you at all. Six is too cold. I think that you're also in 7a, even with the micro climates. I'm in one becasue of the water out here on the Back River Neck Penninsula, but I'm still very much 7a.

I suspect that you really are in 7a, too. That's where the USDA maps place AA County, even the western part.

Glad that you checked in at the roll call! Thank you Sally!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Sally. I will update my zone in a few minutes..

We have been to the park in Annapolis but for the past few years it has gotten bad. My bullmastiff had a bad time so we left and did not go back. There was a dog there who wanted to "play" with Bella, and she was not happy at all.

I hope you all got home safe if you were working. It was a nasty trip home from DC!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Popping in to see if you kids would be interested in meeting at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis for puppy play dates this Spring?

This message was edited Jan 17, 2008 7:07 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That could be fun, but depends on the day; as I was telling Jenn, I hear it can be a madhouse on the weekends. I was hoping there might be a Bowie area one that would be convenient for you, w.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

EEK, sorry, I didn't make the connection to QWaters. I have every other Friday off beginning next week, so if anyone else can escape on a Friday, then that might be do-able.

There's a pretty lame one in College Park, but I'm not sure what Bowie and other towns have to offer.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Friday is usually good for me.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Great. I should probably get a dog now.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Snort, chuckle. Yeah you look ind of funny showing up at a dog park w /o one!
hmm, Jan ten, Feb, March ten,... Should be ready to go by April I'm thinking. By June he/she will be taller than Addy, right?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Good chance that he'll be at least her size by then(?). I anticipate him being somewhere around 25lbs when we bring him home at 8 wks ... He probably weighs about 2.5 lbs right now, on day 10, LOL. And, yes, it's likely that we'll be getting a male (with mantle coloring).

If we get a boy, I want to name him Zebedee after a character from a favorite British childrens show of DH's.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

cool name

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd love to take off a Friday and bring my dumb little cockapoos!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

love to have you!

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