Need to find bulk (5 lbs) butterfly friendly seeds

Edinburg, TX

Thanks Fly...everything helps!!!

I got Cordeledawg's seeds earlier in the week...I feel like a kid in a candy store!!! Deb sent sooooooooo many and a large variety!!! WOOHOO!!!

~ Cat

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 5:06 PM

Longview, TX


Question? Are partridge pea and standing cyrpess native plants in the Valley. A couple of our campsus' ( McAllen and Weslaco) have butterfly gardens planted by the kids and I wasn't impressed by the plants someone they hired to make for them. I hardly saw any butterflies. If the partridge pea is native down there I know it will draw the sulfphurs. Not sure about the standing cypress but it will draw the butterflies. If they are native I can bring some seedlings down there when mine get a little bigger.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Ooh, I saw Standing Cypress in the Select Seeds catalog and it's native in FL so I bought some. I haven't planted the seeds yet, but I'll be sure to let everyone know how they do this year. I heard they'll also attract hummingbirds.


Longview, TX

The standing cypress will knock your socks off. At this late date I don't know if they will bloom this comming spring and summer. They are biyearly bloomers. I normally plant my seeds so that they sprout during the fall and are about three inches tall at the beginning of spring. You might plant them right now and hope that you are planting them early enough. If they don't bloom let me know and I can see you some new seeds if you have problems getting seeds.

Edinburg, TX

Not sure what it is that grows at the ranch...but we have something that looks like partridge pea. Never much paid attention to it as sulphus are abundant and I don't want to raise them. Haven't seen any Standing Cypress - am assuming you are talking about a tree and not the plant ipomopsis rubra. Bought some from Groco too but haven't sown them yet.

Sulphurs use sennas and the Lysides use guayacan. Have watched them lay eggs on that.

~ Cat

This message was edited Jan 30, 2008 7:54 PM

Longview, TX

No, I was talking about the ipomopsis rubra. Which senna is that. Since it's native to the Valley that's what I need for them to use.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Cat!
I know I'm a bit late chiming in on the thread, but when it's all said and done and you are still in the market.. I have a good place you can check out.

Since you are concerned about the arid climate I thought this one might be one you could consider...
Regional Western Colorful Dryland Wildflower Mix with a 10% discount for 5-49# so they are $8. 28 per pound for 5 or more pounds..

Just thought I would throw this in because I get the Peaceful Valley catalog and happened to find this in there for ya..

I will probably be ordering from there in the next month or so myself.

Be sure to keep us posted........ It will be gorgeous to behold once everything blooms!!


Longview, TX

Sorry to read about your grandson. He was very lucky. Car wrecks scare me more than anything.

Longview, TX

I gave you a bum steer on the pricing from Some of the prices showed $55.00 and I thought that was for bulk. What it turned out to be was for one oz.(gasp) the particular seed was aurelaria flava, which I've been chasing for two years for an alternative east texas native plant for the fall brood of the buckeye. I went ahead and got it now I'm praying I don't sneeze when I open the package. After my next trip to the valley in a couple of weeks I'm going to take a picture of a plant or weed growing in the yard of the appraisal district in Edinburg. I've noticed it the last three times I've been to that office. The leave is shaped somewhat like a baby spinich leave only thicker and there's a small yellow flower with a black center. I'll down load it and see if your familar with it. I don't want to miss any potential butterfly host. Since it's growing in their grass I assume they'll let me dig up a few since hey consider it a weed.

Edinburg, TX


Criminy!!! $55 for an ounce?! DON'T SNEEZE!!!

We get lots of buckeyes at the ranch...I believe it is a native plantain and much as I've looked for eggs or caterpillars on them I've not seen a one!!!

Am wondering what plant it is that you speak of - growing in the appraisal district on Trenton? I only go there to argue about my property tax hikes - can't think of why anyone would go there three times :o)

~ Cat

Longview, TX

yes. It is the one on Trenton. They had valued a building the school rents for abount 2 million wlhen it was bought for only 700,000.00 the year before and we had to help argue the point. In your earlier posts you seem to have butterfilies I've never hear of down there. That's such a rech area for butterflies.

Edinburg, TX

Debs...had no idea about your grandson. Do hope all is well.

James...Oh yeah, that sounds like our county appraisal district (insert all those characters from the keyboard's top row here)!!! :o)

...and we get about 300 butterfly species in this tri-county area of Hidalgo, Cameron and Starr. :o) Show up during theFall season and you're likely to see about 150 or so of them.

~ Cat

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Cat~ It is my nephew, not my grandson, :o). And thank you and James for the hopes and well wishes, he is doing good considering he slammed into death's door.

His mom, my sister is a property tax advocate... With figures like that you could sure use one. She travels all over the country to help people settle their disputes about their taxes. The AD's always have their figures wayyy too high.

Cat~ did you check out the link? The dryland colorful mix looks like a good deal.

About the other thing we were discussing, check your email and get back to me so I can send them out tomorrow. I been waiting on you, LOL!


Edinburg, TX


Nephew...sorry for the confusion...I was going on the previous posting - am so glad all is well for him and your family. (hope I didn't carbon date your butt too much by saying grandson!!!)

Yes, I checked out the site. They've got a really good selection. Will definitely keep them in mind in preparation for the Fall season.

Will check the d-mail.

~ Cat

Longview, TX

That statement about the carbon dating was pretty funny. I'll have to remember that.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh yeah I am full of carbon, no doubt about-it, ROFL!! And full of frass too, LOL!

I have the bumper sticker on my car GF!!
snaps fingers in a "Z"

This message was edited Feb 3, 2008 12:21 PM

Edinburg, TX

Glad ya'll caught my carbon dating remark. I use that at work all the time. Seems like the employees keep getting younger...or is it that I'm getting older? ROLF!!!

Also love my Frass Happens bumper sticker! Doing that snapping "Z" finger thingie too!!!

I want to try to design one of those I Brake for Butterflies one using photos of local butterflies...just haven't made the time. My old one has faded over time.

Reminds me...we're having our first NABA member meeting of the year this coming Saturday. Must make sure my car is washed and looking good...gotta show off that bumper sticker...and I'll be wearing my matching t-shirt too!

~ Cat

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