Seed Exchange on 1/26

Germantown, MD

Just got this announcement and I'm signing up now - hope to see you all there too!

The full brochure is here:

Swapping Seeds: A Gardening Tradition and Hallmark of GREEN Living!

The seed swap is a fundamental part of human history. Seeds were one of the first commodities valued and traded. Today, modern gardeners collect and exchange seeds for many reasons ranging from cultivating rare, heirloom varieties to basic thrift. The exchange of seeds perpetuates biodiversity. It is an act of giving and the ultimate form of recycling.

The Third Annual Washington Gardener Seed Exchange, hosted by Washington Gardener Magazine, takes place on January 26, 2008 at the Brookside Gardens visitor center in Wheaton, MD. Seed Exchange attendees trade seeds, exchange planting tips, hear expert speakers, and collect goody bags full of gardening treats.

New to this year’s event is the garden book and catalog swap. Participants are encouraged to bring their gently used garden books and mailorder garden catalogs to trade with each other. Any leftover publications at the end of the swap will be donated to the National Agriculture Library in Beltsville, MD.

The first annual Washington Seed Exchange was held on January 26, 2006. After that event’s success, seed swaps in other cities across the nation have joined in celebrating National Seed Swap Day each year on the last Saturday in January.

Subscribers to Washington Gardener Magazine receive a $5 discount off the admission to the Washington Seed Exchange. The event is limited to 125 attendees and is expected to sell out. Registrations are encouraged to send in their registrations by January 20. A registration form can be printed out from the web site: http://www

Washington Gardener magazine ( is the gardening publication specifically for the local metro area — zones 6-7 — Washington DC and its suburbs. Washington Gardener magazine’s basic mission is to help DC area gardens grow better. The magazine is written entirely by local area gardeners. The content of the magazine gives real examples that residents of the greater DC region can use immediately in your own garden.

Washington Gardener is a local, independent, and woman-owned business based in Silver Spring, MD.

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Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Amy. I might be up in Timonium that Saturday for a Great Dane Rescue event. If not, I will try to make it to the seed swap. I love Brookside.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much Amy for all the information on the seed swap, plus it looks like garden books and seed catalog exchanges are also planned for this year's event. Plus, there will be expert speakers from the local gardening community giving brief talks on seed collection, plus propagation tips too. Apparently, there is a limited enrollment of 125 participants, so registering early is a must!!!! It's sounds like a great opportunity and Brookside Gardens is pretty close by.

Germantown, MD

Shirley - hope to see you there. I registered early too though I can think you can still do so at the door as long as they have room - I know They cap attendance so it isn't TOO crazy,

BTW I heard who the speakers are:

12:30-1 “Solving Problems with Propagation & Hardening Off” – Gene Sumi, Homestead Gardens
1-1:30 "Succession & Companion Plantings" – Mark Smallwood, Whole Foods Green Mission Specialist
1:30-2:15 “The Forgotten Annuals” – Janet Draper, Smithsonian Horticulturist

I'm excited!!! Gene & Janet are always great - don't know who this Mark is but I'm definitely interested.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


The seed swap sounds really great, but I double checked my calendar and I can't make it on January 26th. I'm sorry. Please feel us in on all the details. Hope you have a great time!

Germantown, MD

Sorry to be missing you Shirley - I just got my reg confirmation note and see the speakers include two of my favorites - Gene Sumi and Janet Draper - looking firward to picking their brains (so to speak).

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