Quick, somebody post something ! just for fun thread

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

So I can continue to fritter away my time here instead of finish up the last of four almost solid days of painting three bedrooms. Sick of it. And a bit achy from the unusual stretching and bending. I should have 'trained' by storing my bon-bons in extreme locations.

Not all drudgery. Get a load of this. Hubby and I took the teen to hear a band at a huge bar in Baltimore, they played several Led Zep songs in the first set. (If he won't mature, we can get less mature..LOL) actually the place was at least half-full of boomers like us!
Edited after looking at the full size pic- I did not drink at all! after two hours of that sound level I was just a bit generally fried I guess.

And Happy New Year.!

This message was edited Jan 5, 2008 8:48 AM

Thumbnail by sallyg
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Whoa! LOL, We need something like this for fun - great pic! I haven't been around much, have been furiously working on a project that's a Christmas present for my daughter and it's supposed to be done by tomorrow to take to Maine with me! It's a Christmas tree skirt which I had hoped to show everyone pictures of by now but I'm still sewing - this project has practically consumed every day for the last three weeks :( I knew I'd have plenty of time because we're celebrating our Christmas together late this year but it still isn't done! If I don't get any pictures posted before I leave, I'll be sure to post them when I get back next week.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally I LOVE it!! You GO girl!!!
Chloe says: Happy New Years everyone!!! (note: that is sparkling cider, I swear)

Thumbnail by Chantell
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Wow that must be sparkling, those bubbles are giving her hair that wind blown effect. lol

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I got up this morning looked in the mirror and my hair was parted on the wrong side 8^0 Checked out everything else, Yep ok ! Bad boob on right, good one on left. Thought I was having a Twilight Zone moment!

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy New year!

Sally, you are really ambitious, paining all those rooms at one time. Can you send some of your energy this way? I am still in the paint selection stage but I need to get the entire inside painted before I'm down to bare wallboard from scrubbing, LOL!

Thumbnail by dragonfly53
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Here's a just for fun pic

and a fun link:

Thumbnail by claypa
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Way cool! Led Zep ROCKS! Your close enough you want to come down and do mine? We could go dumpster diving too.......LOL

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi. I was searching for a rose called "Romeo." Found a blues musician "Romeo Rose." LOL. Is he really good?? Never heard of him, and Google didn't find the rose. Bah.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Mid Atlantic rocks!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

You are very young, he's a hot r&b guitarist. He's very good!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Foxnfirefly, try words like "rosacea rosa cultivar romeo". I saw a brief reference to Rosa 'Romeo' that way.

These folks don't rock much, but some of them can. I'm taking the picture, so I'm not in it. Those are some of my drums, though. More fun! Every monday night.

Thumbnail by claypa
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Way cool! I like that too!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

the Pottsgrove Symphony? What fun!! I'm glad we're enoying this thread. Such cute baby photos!! Chris- ha ha, windblown, ha ha ha. Maybe that's what happened to you overnight!
Confess-- I did for once have help on the painting. Hubby and kids all helped, well the 11 yr old didn't really but anyway. Can't believe we got all that done, but once you have the supplies out, plus no school and with sleepovers so we could actually move the kids furniture and they didn't have to sleep in paint fumes.

Guitars- We have good luck with random places on vacations. Ex- in Chattanooga. Well, my husband had bought a Fender strat from a guy at work, so we were all gettting into it a little bit two yrs ago. We picked this place for dinner near the river in Chat (I think it was Chat..) And it had elec guitars bolted all over the walls. Way cool!! Amazing coincidence, we just picked the place out of a hotel restaurant guide but it was great .

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, you might just have something there, the way the wind was blowing a few night before we got snow. Or maybe it was my doggies playing tricks on their momma. The one is always up to something.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Girls,
Nice pictures Sally... To cute for words... How you all doing? It has been really cold here.... it is 18 as I type... My little rosa(dog) had to get a new coat today it was so cold...
Let me see what I can find as a funny picture.... Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL .... hey better late then never... :-) I can't find a funny one so here are my men...

Thumbnail by TurtleChi
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Susan! Been thinking about you -the baby banana you sent is in my bedroom by the south window and loving it. Just grew a new leaf bigger than the first five it had! Thanks again. It will be fun to have it outside this summer.

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Chantell, that picture is so cute

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

SUSAN!!!!! How you be, girl!?!?!?! Got ALL kinds of goodies for you when the weather warms...READ I think I'm digging up all the outside cactus - might keep a couple but gonna need to find homes for the others. That baby has gotten sooooo big - what a cutie - along with the rest of the men!!!

Dawn - thanks so much....I think she's a cutie too but I'm biased..LOL

This message was edited Jan 6, 2008 12:07 AM

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I just went back in the post and seen you little girl.. how cute is she??? Wow they grow so fast... We have a new one now also her name is Lydia, and she was born on the 17 of Dec... Gotta love them babies.
Terri, Whos baby is that???? CUTIE PIE....
I also have things marked for you girl... When the weather gets nicer you will get the things I said you could have..
Really nice pictures... How I be Chantell??? To long of stories to get into..LOL

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Susan, that cutie is my 10 month old granddaughter. She's very mischievous and likes to get into things.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi All, So nice to see the pics of all the little ones. Plants aren't the only things we are good at growing. Susan and Chantell nice to hear from you hope to see you this spring.
Sally, I have a funny for you. We have not been in much of a hurry to get the Christmas decorations down but today was the day to get it all packed up. We have a very, very large artificial wreath that hangs on the front of the house. Josh was out taking it down just at dusk when a female Cardinal flew right out of it and into Josh. He had the wreath half way off the wall before she moved and when she did she hit him almost in the face. Must have bedded down for the night. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Holly. You can just imagine how shocked they both were!
I once had a bird feeder that was sort of a tall box with tray, homemade job- anyway, the squirrels ate a lot of the seed and chewed on the hole where we filled it. You can see it coming can't you? One day as I'm about to put seed in, out explodes a squirrel! I 'know' how shocked your two were.
claypa- I just got around to checking that link way above- despite trying to fritter, the guilt,, oh the guilt...Nice gardens there! Had to click on Shock and Awe first.

Germantown, MD

Yeah, Mid-Adlantic is hot ! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi, Amy ! Nice of you to join us! Just saw your Roll Call. I personally am FINE with hodge podge gardens. and house.. and....

Thumbnail by sallyg
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

sallyg, just to be accurate, there is a Pottstown symphony orchestra, but the picture I posted is the Pottsgrove community band. A few of them are/were in the PSO, I believe. Our last Christmas/ Holiday concert is tonight. I just didnt want to leave the impression I'm in the P.S.O.!


It amazes me that a town this size (pop. 20k+) can support a symphony. I'm not sure how they do it, really.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Young??! Are you talking to me?? I still rock, but not like I used to. The last ime I was at Wolf Trap was probably more than 10 years ago and I saw Bob Dylan and Ringo Starr and the All-Star Band that year. Now I rock at home with a big screen, CDs and a Guitar Hero (my son plays with it!!)

Claypa--thanks for the search tip. It did weed out musicians. LOL!! I think the real name is "Olde Romeo" and a picture I saw before, the rose was a rich Eliabethan burgundy with a warm yellow centre. The two places I found this rose is available from are Hortico and Apuldram (in the U.K.) Here is a link if you wish to look:

Hortico nursery:

Nice drum kit!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sally, you look so charming in your bandana. LOL

Love the baby photos and Chantell, that little rascal is growing like a weed! Susan, your men are so cute, especially the one in red.

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