Pumpkin in the Orchard Question

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

My "orchard" is really only 6 trees right now. And small trees at that - most with a trunk diameter less than 3 inches. I am going to plant some new zealand white clover in a ring around the drip line this year, and I am also thinking of letting some pumpkin and winter squash vines run around the trees. I haven't grown either pumpkin or winter squash in quite a while. Will they root where they touch the ground and therefore compete with the trees? I am hoping that their vigorous vines will help shade the ground for the trees during summer. Kind of like a living mulch but with edible bonuses. I would train the vines away from the trunks so the trees would have at least a 6 to 10 inch "breathing space" around them. Any thoughts or opinions much appreciated.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

As long as you keep the vines from climbing into the trees, you should be ok.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

As a kid, I remember pumpkins taking over our small suburban back yard. As long as they don't grow as fast as kudzu, I will be able to keep up with them. Lost the kudzu battle in rural TN once... being 10 years ago, I imagine the whole county is now burried deep under kudzu...

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