Peach Tree question

(Cathy), MO

My son has a small acreage and it had 2 little peach trees on it when he bought it. He cut down a couple of the trees around them so they could get more light, as they were kind of scraggly. Both of them bloomed and set a few peaches last year. He watched over them like a mother hen, but when they got about golf ball sized, the peaches all dropped off. He asked me to post on here to see if anyone knows what could cause this and what to do to keep it from happening this year. Fungus? Some kind of insects? Any ideas?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Peaches take quite a bit of care. It is quite possible that the trees are stunted from prior neglect. Peach borers also do a number on them. The peaches themselves are subject to insect and fungus damage. If the trees appear to be healthy, than a good dormant oil spray in late winter, followed by a regimen of home orchard spray after petal drop may solve the problem, A little fertilizer ( manure or Jobs tree fertizer sticks) may also be helpful.

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