DoesAnyoneGrow Virginia/Wild Strawberry Fragaria virginiana?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Does anyone grow the wild type, not a cultiver? I don't mean Fragaria alpina. I mean Fragaria virginiana.

What are the fruits like? Are they sweet? Small? Big? Invasive?

I really want to plant strawberries but I want a native wild type.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Gosh, I have tons of wild strawberries growing in my so-called lawn. Not sure what type the are, however. They do spread, and I haven't eaten them, but I have fed them to my parrot on occasion. They are about a quarter inch round.


Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Do they survive okay even when the grass gets cut? Or do they lose all their berries?

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Hmmm. They are really short, I *think* that if the blades were set high, the berreis would remain on. They bloom very early in the year, and I don't have lots of grass out there. They grow wild in this area, so unless your lawn is well manicured, they are likely to be present. I'm not sure that I would grow them purposely for the fruit. I'm not sure how big they would get if cultivated.


Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh. I wanted to plant Fragaria vesca but thought it would be nicer to plant a native species. For me and to share with the wildlife.

I have lots of the Indian strawberries but they're pretty worthless to me.

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