Photo Contest for Wash DC-Area Garden Photos

Germantown, MD

Washington Gardener Magazine just started putting out the invitation to enter their 2nd Annual Photo Contest.

Here is a link to the rules and all details:

I double-checked with Washington Gardener's editor and yes, you can enter even if YOU do not live in the DC-area -- you just have to have taken the photo(s) you submit within 100 miles of DC during the 2007 calendar year. So that means my cousins from FL and the UK who visited me this summer and took lots of flower shots during our touristy trips to the Mall and USNA can enter their shots too.

I know I'll be spending my Christmas break combing through my photos from the past year and prepping my entries.

- Amy

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Amy. I just received my latest issue, but haven't opened it up yet.

Sigh ... I wish I could take a decent photo!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

that link took me to a different page...

try this one...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll try to post a direct link to the pdf with the rules...

You have the first 3 weeks in January to submit entries (by mailing in a CD or via email).


Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Critter, belated congrats on runner up for the 2007 DG photo contest in the container category :-)

Germantown, MD

Thanks for the better link - still trying to get my DG tech stuff learned.

I've been taking my Christmas holiday to go through some of my photos from the last year - a few I will enter - a few more I'm going to make next year's holiday cards with - only wish I had taken many more. Add that to my new year's resolutions!

- Amy

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

This contest sounds like fun. I might give it a try!

Germantown, MD

Cool Penne - I'm taking this snow day to finish up my entry and get it in.

Germantown, MD

I did not win - but viewing the winners shown at the Seed Exchange I can see hy - stiff competition - they are listed on the site now under "Contests" - scroll towards bottom.

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