When compost is ready

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Great going Mike, now that most of leaves have fallen. We've chopped up most of leaves and into the compost pile they went. I'm wondering about having a shredder that's not to large to help shred more leaves, branches next year to built more compost in the future. For now, lot of cut down branches go to the bon fire pit. :(

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I wanted a shreader so bad I bought a new DR 9HP, then went with DW to an estate sale, and what do know, there was a old kemp 8 HP, and wasn't running, had to have it for $100., then just messing around on e-Bay and some one in another little town near me had a 8HP troybuilt, but needed work, pick up only,$125., and cleaned carberator, and it runs nicely.Told DW that I use all three, and of coarse she doesn't understand that I have two different screen at work here, and no I can't sell any.I just say that I'm obsesed.See ya.Mike

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

What a deal on the Troy! You did good, buddy! We have 2 and love em. I am expecting the old one to be ready very soon. I sent it in to have new wheels and tires put on it and the motor tuned for DH's Xmas present. We've had it 20 years + and it doesn't owe us a thing. Have had to replace the motor at 15 years. The tines at least 6 times, but this is the first major thing it's had to have done. I actually prefer this one to the new one, but I'm use to it. I love the balance, it's so precise for such a massive piece of machinery, it'll turn on a dime and give you change. Sure makes it easier to garden.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ah, I'm now waging, a trip to Hawaii, or a Troy built shredder, thinking thinking, thinking.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Personally I have a better chance at finding another "fix er up", than Passage to Hawaii.Mike

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