Trades update

Coffs Harbour, Australia

How about a pic of some of your received trades and how they are growing?
Heres my snail creeper from Chrissy. I grew it from seed and just planted it out today. It has a tendril going right to the top of the bamboo stake. I have 5 more in pots. What will I do with them?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Sue,
I was just thinking on the weekend that some of my received trades are starting to look good. I'll take some photos next weekend but it might take me a while to get them posted as work is now very busy, KK.

Hi Sue and kk and everyone, if it stops raining I will take some pics today (my brother is still in bed right now so I have a few mins).
Sue down here in NSW they are screaming for snail creeper seeds
, over the radio ...three weeks in a row ...I don't know what that is about so perhaps if you plant the ones you don't want in pots and wait until they throw out a flower,people will buy them one can resist the pretty little flowers and the lovely perfume. I am very happy they are doing well ...for anyone in cooler areas they may be a little later. The only plant I lost from you was the curry bush ...I think it just drowned, so much water.I grew it once and it was a bit touchy here perhaps the climate. Thanks for letting me know :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes Chrissy, the curry bush is definitely a medditerranean type plant, preferring hot, dry climates. I'll send you water lilies next time!
Maybe I'll put up a frame or trellis and grow on all the creepers just for the seed!
Hi KK. Glad to hear you are busy. Its that time of year I s'pose! Looking forward to catching up when you get a moment. I'll take some more pics soon, as one of Sunsets babies has a gorgeous flower. I also have an epi out, and I'm not sure where it came from, but it seems to have that flourescent colouring to it!

Ha ha ha waterlilies, that isn't a joke!
back tomorrow time for bed, I am pooped!
Sweet dreams everyone, midnight is nigh!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

One of Sunsets babies

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

KKs gifts on the right

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

PS, did you see the little plants in the bonsai pots? They are Adeniums grown ffrom seed!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sunset and Chrissy's gifts. Left over guttering is great as a succulent shelf.

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Sue this is my snail creeper (one of them) ...after all the rain!
It is devouring everything in sight and is covered in hundreds of buds, the air smells so good! Did I tell you that it gets rather excited if it is happy

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I am so loving my succulents from you and 77...I am a fan now!, my daughter in law paid 8.00 for a little fake one, why would anyone want a fake one when the real thing is so easy ...thanks again everyone ...I treasure everything that I have received :) more pics tomorrow the pink Angel bits and the bush morning glory cannas from both brical and 77 are shooting ...I am totally thrilled!
stuff going out tomorrow to those who haven't received yet sorry for delay,(visitors weather etc)

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more ...only 4 were mine :)

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Well, my snail creeper should do well where I put it then. I had potato vine growing there but pulled it out as it wasn't a very prolific flowerer, but a scented flowerer will be devine!

melbourne, Australia

i have received heaps of cuttings from both 77 and chrissy about a week or so ago. it is still too soon to say what is going to survive or not....

but 77's species geranium that self seeds looks very healthy and the canna is still very green. Also the iris's, lambs ears and erigeron still looks good. Not too sure about the rest as yet as they are still looking sad but i am still babying them and hoping that they survive.

chrissy gave me heaps and i am unsure of the names but there are i guess about 1/2 that look really healthy, 1/4 that are hanging on and 1/4 that i think i have lost. this might be due to the high heat that we had for days after they were planted i think. i am still babying them though so we will see.

i guess i will know for sure in another couple of weeks. fingers crossed.

I haven't planted the snail creeper seeds as yet - will do that after xmas rush. also will plant foxglove seeds from ww then as well.

we had a little rain over the weekend - enough to wet the ground and allow me a day off of bucketing... but we do need a lot more. it has turned very cold and we went out last night for xmas carols and had to rug up in blankets and coats it was so cold. its funny weather here in aussie thats for sue.

take care all,


Merino, Australia

Good morning chrissy, Sue , kk and Shelly.
I just went out and braved the cold wind to take some pics of my little trade babies. I have lost a few but that is always expected with our weird weather.
The survivors are doing well and will soon be ready to leave the shadehouse for the outside world.
I am also posting a pic of the last of my epis to flower. They are so beautiful. I did read that the flowers only last a day or two but each flower that has bloomed here has been lasting for over a week .
I still have a couple of little babies here that may get a trip north later. .
Chrissy, I planted the snail creeper seeds but nothing has come up so I think they may have disappeared. I have had this happen before with seeds. They must get taken away by ants or something but they are not growing and there is no sign of any left in the pot.
I did manage to buy another creeper . It was a poor little orphan that has black and yellow flowers. It may grow as it is still green.
Today is cold and it may rain later so they say but I'll believe that when I see rain.
Must go and throw some water on a few pots now. happy day all. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Chrissys creeper thingy.

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Merino, Australia

More babies.

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Merino, Australia

More babies next to one of my plectranthus cuttings.

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Merino, Australia

The beautiful 'Andromeda" epi.

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Lovely to see all the adopted ones are my lovely bits from Brical pink Angels ...doing well the little leaves are leafing happily out ...the only things that haven't survived was the curry plant (always a bit touchy)and the seeds from brical ...I think the huge amount of rain and cooler weather has done that, I look foward to seeing what might still pop up when the weather warms up,perhaps some things seeds have rotted, never the less I am so thrilled with everything, I cluck over it all thanks so much everyone many sleeps until Christmas :)
Here is to 77 ...our babies from her are flowering together!
and here is to our most generous friends for not only the "gifts" exchanges and swaps but to the generous knowledge shared as well.

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

WoW Jean! That Epi (Andromeda) is beautiful! I didn't know they came in yellow! I thought they were all reds and pinks and maybe white! Well, I learn something everyday! Without even trying.
I don't think I've lost anything from a trade yet, although silly Leo keeps knocking things around. I REALLY need some tables/shelves to get things off the ground! Maybe I can rig some up when I get a break over xmas.
I am madly mowing lawns for xmas and managed to squeeze in 2 extras today in case it rains in the next few days. I don't want to leave anyone with long grass for the big day! That, and it's going to be 3 weeks before I'm back mowing! I can't wait for the break!!!!
Has anyone planted their Cyclamen seeds yet? Mine were very successful! I sowed them in a sandy mix and sprinkled a tiny bit over the top and kept them moist for about 10 days, and up they came!

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Sorry I have been missing,Visitors have just gone is tucked into bed ...a few mins to myself now ...I couldn't go out to get a couple things off today,too frantic here, boy oh boy I am bushed back tomorrow everyone, just loving my little adopted darlings :)

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Ok here is my latest update ! only lost the curry plant so here are the latest snaps it is very wet so I can't walk in the garden are the ones that are not in the garden, the succulents came from very generous 77 and ww

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Something is wrong with my thingy it won't let me post my pictures ...I will try later! :(

Trying again

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Well it worked after 3 tries

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I hope my thingy isn't having a nervous breakdown ...this lovely stripey rhoeo is from ww it! and the v plectanthrus see how they compliment each other?

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What else

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That last one was the pink angel leafing out beautifully (all of them:) ) from Brical 1 thanks so much! and this is a red canna from 77 the others I recieved from Brical are out in the mud but going well thanks so very much them:)

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This one from ww

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More from ww Rhoeo safe in hanging baskets, no doggy itchs that way (no dogs here but you never know who or what may be allergic)
I think the rhoeo is pretty in hanging baskets it is 14.00 a pot at the moment! ww put them in hanging baskets :) thankyou for these I love them ...the stripey one is my favourite

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Some Brical 1 seeds have made it through the big wet are the candlestick senna ...I am hoping some of the others survived and are just a little slow ...I am thrilled to see these ones thanks Brical 1:)

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Finally I just wanted to say thankyou once again ...who knew the big adventure that is daves garden! a total blessing to have accidently wandered in here here and found such amazing friends
In the Autumn when the bulbs are dying down I will be sending you all some of my "Unforgettable" callas because that sums up how I think of you all ... You are all "unforgettable"

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Merino, Australia

Hello all. ,chrissy you are the nicest person. I, too, am so glad I found DG, as I have made great new friends here.
I wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas . The New Year is going to bring you all such good things I hope.
I will be taking a few pics of the garden but it will be a quiet time for us . We may take a picnic lunch out if the weather is suitable. Today is overcast but no rain as yet. I am hoping.
Happy gardening everyone and Merry Christmas.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, have just finished a big slice of Pizza, after me and DH finished mowing the lawn. We knocked it over in 2 hours (the lawn) with me using the push mower around the edges and DH on the ride-on. I got most of the weed spraying done this morning, and it turned into a really hot, dry, and windy day, (32 degrees) I went into town and had a productive day with hardly any hold ups. I made myself go slow and got a haircut and coffee and cake in between bouts of shopping. I managed to book a helicopter ride for tomorrow (weather permitting) for DH's Christmas present. I'm taking my camera as I asked the pilot if they can fly over my house! I'll post them if they turn out. I'm so excited.
I spent the afternoon potting up more cyclamen seedlings, Acalypha cuttings and cream poinsettia cuttings. I also received some Angel cuttings from Judy, and prepped and planted them straight away. I think the garden and nursery are all good gor the week we'll be away, but with bark and branches still falling about the place, I imagine we'll be cleaning up as soon as we get home.
I'm glad everyone is so happy with their trades! I find it hard to find things that suit the different climates, and then work out the best way to send them. Today while potting up the poinsettias, I thought it would be ideal to wrap the small roots in Sphagnum moss and post some off, but being so close to Christmas, it's not the best idea. Next time!

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Merry Christmas! and a picture of some Christmas Lights to ...put you in the mood !

"driving Home for Christmas ,can't wait to see their faces ...driving home for christmas, just movin on down the line!" of my favourite songs at christmas time safe Sue have a wonderful time and everyone else too, please be careful on the roads and have a lovely time

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

I've been re-organising again! Some of these are trade babies and some I have bought. I'm going to make an area in the garden where i can showcase them individually and let them take their natural forms. (one day)

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it's all looking very good ...
It is good to hear you finally have rain Sue ...some up North are getting too much a lot of evacuating going on.Hope you won't get the flooding.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yeah, I've had enough!!! The whitefly have moved in, along with the mealy bug and scale overnight! I can't spray them until it's dry. Some plants are begginig to rot, so I spent the afternoon doing some check ups and removal of leaves/disease e.t.c. I also have to isolate some plants with the most problems, so there are now plants everywhere!
Here are a few more keepers/trades
Note the epi's and cacti you gave me Chrissy, triffids alright!

This message was edited Jan 6, 2008 4:52 PM

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