
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all. I took some berries from my Honeysuckle a while back and just now remembered where they had gone. I have a seed, only one! Was wondering if it would be worthwhile to try to plant it, and if so, how do you go about it as it seems very hard? Not as large as Canna seeds, but hard like one. All help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

(Zone 9a)

Would it be worthwhile????

Of course it will be worthwhile.

From a zone 6 plant - you will probably need to give it a clod treatment (3 months) before sowing.

Is this a vine or bush form? Do you know what kind it is?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

This is the one I found that looks like what I have:
This is its second year and it didn't produce any berries the first year that I had noticed. I went and looked at it yesterday and it did have more on it. Was very few when I took these from it. Thanks for any help you can offer!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

That is what I have , misty, but i didn't know it has berries. Going outside tomorrow and look carefully.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Gail, When I first found them I think there were only about 4 total. I didn't stay out too long when I checked them last to count, though. How long have you had yours, and does yours stay year round? I would love to try to start them from seed. How should I do the cold treatment? Thanks again for any help!

(Zone 9a)

Hello all,

That is one of my favorite scents in the whole world. :)

I'll assume that you are now working with enough seeds.

I've seen it presented that they can benefit from a warm-cold-warm cycle.
This is because of the hard seed coat.

It would help if I knew how hard and fresh they are. I would really need them in my hand.

If they are pretty fresh I would sand on them until the outer seed coat was opened up. If I had enough I would scarify them to different levels
and then soak them for a few hours.

For a cold treatment - put them in a plastic bag with CLEAN perlite that is moist enough to get your hand wet when crushed but not wet enough to give enough water to wet a paper towel when just placed on it. (I know I probably could have worded that better. It is 12:35 AM :)
The best way to get the right moisture content is to use a spray bottle to mist your perlite. Or you could soak it and let it drain until it is where you want it. Make sure it is EVENLY moist.

Put this bag of perlite (with seeds inside now) into your refrigerator in a spot that stays between 36-40 degrees F for 30 to 60 days.
I use a designated seed frig. because your kitchen refrigerator can never be clean enough for seeds. I don't care who you are. :)

If you now have enough seeds I would take some out at 30 days, some out at 60 days, and leave some for three months. If you still have only a few seeds you might want to leave them all for 60 days.

Give the bag a shake every now and then.

Good luck

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I moved out to the farm 11/2 years ago and this honey suckle has been here for decades. It is really cold this morning but I will go look for seeds!

(Zone 9a)

gessiegail, you really live in Taft, TX? ???Cold???

I just had my legs torn up this afternoon because I had to wear
shorts to the woods (or wood if you would prefer but I don't live
in England so I went to the WOODS :)

Good news I found about a dozen seeds on my favorite Honeysuckle.

I was planning on lifting it after winter sets in. It's further away than I would like. Maybe seeds (first time I have seen them) were it's last ditch effort to stay in the WOODS.

Now I can let you know about germination results.


(Zone 9a)

Almost forgot - CLEAN THAT DRIED UP BERRY SKIN OFF OF YOUR SEEDS BEFORE STRATIFYING OR SOWING THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I only have the one seed, so I think I will try the grafting on mine that is quite large, and still doing very well after the cold weather we have had hanging around! :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Now after looking for a propane heater all morning they say it will only get down to 38 Saturday night with a real feel of 34. Yeah......no big problems.

Taft doesn't usually get cold but 4 years ago we got about 2 feet of snow! Really!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all! Just wanted to stop in and let you know that I have two new baby puppies! :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

What kind, misty?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Daddy is a Min. White Poodle and Mommy is a Black Pug. I am going to call them Puddles cause I can't register them. I got Daddy for free, so I didn't get any papers, but both are full blooded. Technically, they are Pug-A-Poos. :)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

How precious and I love both names.....Puddles and Pug A Poo!! I would call them that .Those would be precious names.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all. We had another baby 5 1/2 hours later, but Mommy was too rough and injured him and he didn't make it. Tuxedo-the male- is eating like a pig- so we nick named him Mini Hoover, cause we call Mommy hoover! I decided at 3AM this morning when I was hunting Mommy down that I wanted to call the girl Teensy. She is still having a hard time sucking, but she is learning. AND Daddy said we can keep them since there are only two! :)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Sorry all, DH had problems with the program he installed and the pics ended up being covered by the copyright, but I chanced it and just loaded them straight to the desk top and it worked! Here is the baby girl, Teensy. :)

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Here is baby boy, Tuxedo. :)

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Bubba and Sis #1-was for size comparison, but they don't want you to see! LOL

Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by mistygardener
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

And the REAL Mommy! LOL Her name is Freesia
Teensy LOVES me to hold her and love on her, so I feel like I am their second Mommy!

Thumbnail by mistygardener

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