My compost isn't hot and I'm going nuts

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Isn't that the weirdest thing, when they come oozing out the ground? I too periodically go on rescue missions, we have a little low area out by the front of the house and they will come to the top after a really heavy rain. I just pick em up and put em in the rose bed. They are so big and fat, I try to get there before the birds do..........LOL

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I have a fond memory of my first time away from home, at the Naval Base in Alameda Ca.,. I was 16 and trying to figure out why every morning when the sprinklers came on the lawn would be covered with birds. I stare out the window trying to figure it out, till one morning I spied a bird struggling to yank a huge worm out of the grass! Then I understood one of God's laws. "When you think it's raining outside on a lawn in California, do not surface -- DIVE, DIVE!"

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I have a problem. I am very protective of my worms. I collect them and place them into my compost pile where they have lots of food and ample water to keep them happy. If they are too cold they can burrow toward the center of the pile and warm up. If they are too warm they can go to the outer edges and cool off. They are very spoile worms.

The problem? you ask...

I have a great fondness for watching the birds come to eat in my yard. They like to feed on the flies and mosquitos and peck about for grubs in the top of the compost heap. They are cute and they are very helpfull in keeping the insect population under control... but I get upset with them when they grab the tail end of one of my prescious worms and tug it out of the pile for a meal.

I know it is natural and all a part of the big circle of life but do you think it would help if I put up a sign asking them to help themselves to all the other available food but to please leave my worms alone?

LOL When I turn the pile I always stay out there by it to keep the birds away long enough for any worms I have moved to the surface to dig their way back down again. The birds sit in the trees overhead waiting for me to leave since the turning brings fresh insects and worms to the top.

Now my darling, non gardening spouse, is convinced that I need to see a Psychiatrist and should be heavily medicated for my own safety and well being.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Zany, you might not want to spread this around too much, that's even a bit over the top for me, and I'm certifiable and proud of it, hahaha, thanks for the laugh!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I had something digging around my compost piles searching for something, maybe worms.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Weighing in on this:
sign? you betcha!
certifiable? absolutely not!
Birds are just as capable of making pigs of themselves as kids. I used to watch them gorge themselves on berries as a kid.
One way to resolve is to lay 1/2 hardware cloth (metal mesh) over the top of the pile. Place kitchen compostables on that - the birds can feast on this, but not get to the worms.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Dean, you may have attracted some critters attention you don't want. Make sure your scraps are buried deep. We occasionally have a problem with one of the neighbor's cat, I think it's just nosey, but I keep threatening to turn the Boston's loose. Of course the cat would get a real lickin! They are all cat trained, we don't be messin with no cats, but they can all use a good wash up! LOL

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thats what I was thinking, but we live in a resdential area surronded by houses. Do possums dig for worms? The holes were about a half-inch in diameter and about 6 inches deep.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

They do dig for worms. Hmm, have to find a way to discourage that. Let me think on it.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Possums better stay clear of my worms! I have a very powerful pellet gun and I know how to use it! LOL but it would be easier for me to just put a wire cover over the pile than stay up all night in the cold to catch them.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Zany, honey, I think you only have the high class type possums in CA. They are all vegans..........grin Actually, I have a paint ball gun, that my youngest got me and showed me how to use it! What a hoot! I haven't seen that "hot pink" kitty lately come to think of it. Non toxic and not dangerous..........LOL

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I wish that were true but alas our possums are big, dirty, ugly and mean. Even the ferral cats that I see stalking the deer and coons steer clear of the possums.

I always wondered what the silly cat would do if it caught the deer!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

You have not met snowball......... check this thread........

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ya'll are all talking about worms. I know there are probably thousands here, but can never seem to find them. Since my compost is on the ground, will they go there automatically.
When I don't need them, I see them everywhere!!!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

You put goodies in your compost, the worms will come and bring friends and relatives!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, they should be telling all their friends. There's lots of goodies in there. From potato peelings to manure and bananas. I just don't see them, but I guess they just don't want to be seen.
Last year when I was clearing the property and digging in the dirt, there were hundreds, now that I want them.... Well you know

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

If the pile is too dry the worms can't breathe in it and will stay away. With food and moisture they will be there. But you won't see them without digging into the pile. They will come when the pile is not too hot for them. Now that mine is cool again the worms are starting to really take over.

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