advice needed from those who have visited botanical gardens

Crozet, VA

Hi Everyone - There seems to be an interest from some of the newer folks on here about a get together sometime next year at Norfolk Botanical Gardens. None of us have ever been there and I am wondering if any of you who have visited either there or other gardens as to what are some of the best times of the year to go? I type this, I realize that I could pull up the website and that they probably have a calender as to what is happening month by month. DUH!!!

So, let me re-phrase my question. If there are any of you out there who have the time during this busy season to reminiisce a bit and let us know some of your favorite garden tours. I don't know why, but I am looking to go at a time when a visitor would walk away exclaiming that what they had just seen was "spectacular." ha-ha Is that asking too much?

I am sorry to miss the tour that Gita and some of those more north are going to do soon. Not a good time for me, again. I am vowing that 2008 will be a better one health wise for me and I am going to meet as manay new Dave's Gardeners as possible. I certainly did enjoy meeting so many great people at Hart's Plant Swap last June.

So, I would appreciate any input that comes our way. Thanks everyone.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The Rawlings Conservatory does THREE mega shows a year.
In the Spring is the Bulb Show
Then in the Fall--the Mum Show
And soon after that--the Ponsettia Show.

They will ALL take your breath away!!!! You can make it another time. Get well and have a wonderful Holiday Season.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi Ruby, I've been to the Norfolk Botanical gardens four times, mostly in the summer and late spring. The "best" time is when their 100's of thousands of azaleas are in bloom. I'm not sure when that is, however. Second best may be when the roses are in their first blush of bloom around Mother's day. You might want to check what's in bloom on their web site and plan to visit when your favorites are blooming. Warning, you can spent several hours there and not see every single garden. There is a nice tram to ride around, and a boat trip around Lake Whitehurst. The latter costs a bit more and takes more than a half hour, but is very pleasant.

We had a round up visit there this summer, by the way.


Crozet, VA

Thanks Gita and Laura - You are both good sales people for the gardens. Now, I want to visit both places. ha-ha Due to the season and me getting in the spirit, the Poinsetta Show sounds really lovely. For those of you who are getting together for a tour, please remember us souls who won't be attending and treat us with some pictures.

Laura, it is good to know about the tram and the boat trip also sounds like fun.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I have visited various bot. gardens in the US and overseas and I have found that there is *always* something to take my breath away. Gotta love those changes of seasons!

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

Here's the link to the Azalea fest Just found it, didn't actually go through the details. Could be a great opportunity!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Go to Pittsburgh before the Chihuly exhibit at Phipps Conservatory closes! They extended the run through mid-February, but I don't know if we can count on another extension.

Crozet, VA

Thanks plantmover. Mention of the Azalea Festival brings back some good memories for me. Back in the mid 1980's I found myself getting divorced and raising a small son. I joined Parents Without Partners and we had some functions in Norfolk one year during the festival. The fun that I had with that group during the time I was associated with it, would have to rate as being in the top ten most fun times of my life. I felt more like a teenager then, than I felt as an actual teen. ha-ha Thanks for the memories. I can't believe that has been over twenty years ago now. My son will turn 27 years old next month!!!!! My, how time flies!!!!!

I should visit in 2008 as a commemoration to time gone by.

Critter, I will have to google Chihuly at Phipps. Thanks for sharing.


Crozet, VA

Critter!!!!! I did the google and wow oh wow, two of my loves in the same spot. Glass and gardening!!! I have loads of old glass pieces that I inherited from my parents. Nothing such as Chihuly does. Glass always catches my eye and especially colored glass. My oldest son has the same love for glass that I do.

Thank you so much for sharing this info with us. Maybe I an catch Chihuly elsewhere some time or another. I would love to see an exhibit.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby, you should also look for the various (PBS) tv specials that have been done on Chihuly -- namely, the one that documented his Venice, Italy exhibition. If you like glass, I think you'll be "blown" away. lol

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

I wonder if that's the same glasswork I saw in Vegas this summer. Almost the entire ceiling of one of the casino's check-in lobby was glass like this. It was breathtaking!

I'm a googloholic...yep, it was!

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

You're so right about time flying, Ruby. Sometimes it's good to go back to places that represent seasons in our lives, to bring back memories that otherwise might've been forgotten.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If any of you love historic gardens, a trip to Monticello in the spring/early summer is a must. You can also purchase seeds and plants for some of the things in the gardens in their shop.

Lee-Custis Mansion, I think they call it Arlington House now to stop reminding people that they seized poor Mrs. Robert E. Lee's home and made it into a cemetery, has beautiful gardens too. I mention it mainly because it's not a place you think to visit for gardens. It's at Arlington Cemetery.

Crozet, VA

Hart, and anyone else who might decide to visit Monticello. I live about 30 minutes from there and would love to tour it with some of you, or invite you over for some sweet tea or lemonade. Don't any of you come to Charlottesville area and not let me know, or I will be very insulted. ha-ha Just kidding, but the invitation to visit my private garden can be on the same time as Monticello.

Are you thinking of visiting in 2008 Hart? I just re-thought my invite to my gardens. They look as if they are in ruins at the moment. Our front yard is full of rocks, rocks and more rock that John will be using on the walkway that he has been building for almost two years now. I am not sure if he will get it done this spring or not. I hate for anyone to see that mess, but sure would like to see some of you good people again.

Hart, you always come up with amazing ideas. I love it.

Plantmover, you saw some lovelyy stuff if you saw that glass. It is some gorgeous stuff isn't it? Also in this area of the country, if a person is on a visit to Monticello, they can also plan to visit a glass blowing studio a couple of towns over in Staunton VA. It might be by appointment though. I have been there when the store was open, but no glass blowing was going on. I will check and see how tours are arranged.

Thanks for the tip on PBS shows Wrightie. I will check and see when something is scheduled.

Have a good weekend all.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby, here is the program that I was talkin'bout. I'm sure that there are ways to find it for free, but I wanted to show you the specific show.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Ruby, I have no one to go to Monticello with and would absolutely love to go. I've always wanted to see it, but my hubby is visually impaired, and so sight-seeing just doesn't do anything for him. If there is a nice time to visit in the spring, and a not too terribly expensive hotel we could get rooms at for one night, I would love to come out there.

If we do this, we need to keep it simple though...I am good for a few hours on my feet, but not all day long, so would need to be able to take breaks. I drove that way with my Mom a few years ago and seem to remember it's about four hours from the east coast, is that right?


Chesapeake, VA

I'm a member of Norfolk Botanical Garden. And it isn't a question of finding the best time to come - the only time I wouldn't go is in the dead of winter. There is a festival in the fall where there are a lot of reinactors and Vendors, and American Indian stuff, and crafts. No azaleas or camelias. But the weather is warm, which is what you want for the tram and boat ride, and there's a LOT to do in the garden itself that weekend. So, if you want to visit, that is the best time to come, I think.

If you guys would like, I can post the activity schedule for the spring and summer when the schedule books come out.

The Norfolk Botanical Garden is famous for two things: the Nato Azalea festival and the rose garden (where there are lots of weddings). My favorite garden, though, is the hydrangea garden in late June/July. It is magical.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Ah, I couldn't imagine a botanical garden not to like! But I, too, have been eyeing Monticello for its historic and native plant gardens. I also think it has vineyard. That would be a good place to visit and see Jerfferson's digs.

But, BrightStar---you've sold me out on the Norfolk gardens. I am a sucker for roses and a hydrangea lover. I must see those!!!! Send the activity schedule right away, please.

I like to visit the National Arboretum about in D.C. about any time of year because their is interest everywhere, all seasons. Another place in D.C. is the Dumberton Oaks Garden and Museum. I think it is best visited in the late Spring and summer or early fall, because they have lovely statues in the garden that they cover in winter. I went in February some years ago and only got to see standing sacks hither and thither. Disappointing!!

Crozet, VA

Wrightie, thank you so much for taking the time to look up the info on the show. I am going to think very seriously about ordering the tape. Maybe I will order it for hubby for Christmas. If I do that, I get to watch along with him. ha-ha

Largosmom - It's a date. You too are invited, firefly. Let me make a note to get a schedule from Monticello and get back with some good dates. The spring is what I think would be the best time, but what do I know? ha-ha

Brightstar, it would be lovely for you to post a schedule. Thank you for reminding of tram and boat and cool weather. I wouldn't have thought of that on my own.

I don't foresee anything happening before warm weather again, so we will just keep in touch and get some dates posted here and go from there.

You folks have a good week.


Chesapeake, VA

This area has much to commend it. It is near so many things. You can also take a little daytrip on a schooner, go to Virginia Beach and sit on the beach and look for dolphins (they visit frequently during the hot summer months), get a tattoo...

Crozet, VA

My hubby and I just bought a week of a time share at a new facility there. I believe it is for the week after Labor Day, but not sure. I visited VA Beach as a child and then didn't visit for a period of about 15 or 20 years. The past ten or so years, I have spent time there again and have a new appreciation for it. I envy those of you who live so near the ocean.


Chesapeake, VA

The week after Labor Day is a good time. Most of the tourists leave after Labor Day, but the weather is still good. You will miss out probably on the sidewalk entertainers that are there during the summer nights, but many of the beach stores will be open.

In general, most of the crowds have left at that time. The state park nearby is open, of course. The parasail people, the cruises, etc. are still there.

And, you can still get a "I visited Virginia Beach" t-shirt or tattoo...

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

LOL!! " ...and get a tatoo"!! Sure. It's fun to be wild for a weekend. I thought Virginia Beach was deadbeat (vs. Ocan City, MD, the hot spot)) but that must have changed. Actually, I have never been there or wanted to go, but you're making it sound like Key West. LOL!!

Crozet, VA

I suppose the draw to VA Beach for me is that it is close enough to home to travel fairly easily. Neither husband or myself fly and spending more than 5 or 6 hours a day in a vehicle puts me in a bad mood. On and off over the years I have had friends who lived in the area also, and visiting with them always made trips special too.

Brightstar, you do good advertising. Maybe we can entice firefly to join us in your area at some point.

I hope that everyone will have a great week coming up. Don't try to do too much. Do what you can comfortably and leave the rest. Happy Holidays All.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

It's funny, but I find that most people on the East Coast like to drive about 3 hours south of where they live in order to go to the "Beach". In New York and Pennsylvania, they go to New Jersey. In Virginia, it's Maryland or Virginia Beach. The people in Virginia Beach tend to go to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. For rubyW, she has to head East, so the 3-hour rule can't apply, lol!


Crozet, VA

You are a cutie, Laura. Between visiting VA Beach as a child and then returning fairly often the past ten or so years, I was one of those who went to The Outer Banks of North Carolina. Now, it has been a good while since I have been there. About ready for a trip there soon too.

In 1998 I purchased a computer and got hooked to (and on) The Internet. One of the places that I spent hours upon hours visiting was a chat room in Yahoo. It was called The Health Lobby. Over the years I was fortunate enough to be able to meet a good many of the chatters. There was a lady who lived in or on, Cape Cod Massachusetts. This wonderful lady had a yearly get together for any of the regular chatters who wanted to attend.

Sine 2001, my husband and I have now visited there on several occasions. If we were to drive on through without making a over night stop, it would be about a 16 hour drive for us. I have a niece who lives about half way through the trip. We usually stay a night going up and a night coming back at her place.

When I was in the 7th grade, my parents, my sister in law and myself flew to Hawaii to spend a week with my brother who was on R & R (Rest and Relaxation) from his tour of Viet Nam. That is a place that I have always wanted to visit again and take in the sights as an adult who has more appreciation for things. I am not sure if a return trip is in the cards or not. Time wll tell.

So to end up my beach travels report, we have two trips to Florida. As a senior in high school, my parents took me on a trip to the west coast of FL. I was able to swim in Gulf of Mexico on that trip. Oh yeah, speaking of the Gulf, I also visited Biloxi Mississippi in about 1999. That too was to visit with some members of an Internet Message Board that I was a member of. Looking out the front window of the hotel where we stayed was a very picturesque beach leading to the Gulf of Mexico waters.

In the late 1980's my ex husband, my ten year old son and myself visited Daytona Beach FL. That was a very nice trip too. I figure that I have a much better chance of re-visiting Florida than I do Hawaii. Oh yeah, have also always wanted to visit The Bahamas or some other Carribean Island. I need to start thinking on a beach trip soon.

Well, that was a nice stroll down memory lane.


Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Ruby, I've had the good fortune to visit many beaches myself, and some that you have as well. I had friends stationed in Hawaii, so we were able to spend two weeks between Oahu and Kawaii several years ago. It's a beautiful place, and well worth the trip. I think my fondest beach memories in terms of sheer beauty, though, are of the beaches in Florida panhandle. The white sands are flecked with black, as if someone spilled pepper into the salt, and the seas are that azure blue that you see in postcards. I've not yet been to the Bahamas, but it's on my "must do" list. Thanks for my own small trip down memory lane!

Chesapeake, VA

largosmom,what is your favorite thing about the area in which we live? We live close enough that I can say that - just on different sides of the tunnel...

There is a body of water, and a tunnel goes under it. It is dreadful to try to get out of my area for a weekend during the summer - the tunnel will be backed up. But, on the other side of the tunnel is Newport News, where largosmom is.

Right now Newport News Park is having its drive-through Christmas light show - my knowledge is somewhat dated, since I live with my head in the Va Beach sand, but it seems to me that there are thousands of lights in it...or at least there used to be.

I saw it years ago. Is it still as good as it was then?

The Norfolk Botanical Garden has theirs going on right now. Sadly, it doesn't grow much, because their funding was cut. But, it is pretty much the same from year to year. My favorite part is when you get in the woods part, sort of, and suddenly the lights are in the trees all around you, like stars twinkling at night. You just round a curve through the lighted path, and suddenly, there it is. So beautiful. I'm going to get a last-minute group together and drive out to see the lights again this year.

The old neighborhood is fabulous, too. Lots of Griswolds around here...

Crozet, VA

I have visited VA Beach the last week of the year several times. Even though we haven't driven the whole boardwalk, well it used to be a boardwalk, the Christmas lights along oceanfront are very pretty too. Supposedly a person tunes their radio to a certain dial and hear commentary while driving through the lights. I will have to remember to drive the show next time we are there during this time of the year.

Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

largosmom, you mentioned the FL panhandle and I couldn't help but chime DH and I love those beaches. As if the sand wasn't amazing enough, the water is absolutely divine. How can that blue blue water be so clear? I love being able to see my toes and anything else that may be swimming around!

We've been to several Caribbean beaches, and those were nice; but we feel like the FL panhandle beats them all.

btw, I'm a fellow newport newser...are you by any chance affiliated with the Master Gardeners here?

Crozet, VA

Hey there gals - Your descriptions of the FL panhandle beaches is very enticing. What are the names of some of the towns where a person might find lodging? I will look and see if there are time share rentals available that I can possibly trade for.

Thank you.


Hampton Roads, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi Ruby-

Pensacola has a lot to offer and typically has the cheaper airfare. If you're looking for something more laid back and don't mind fewer tourist attractions, consider the Ft Walton/Navarre area. I suggest the Destin and Sandestin area if you're looking for upscale/resort features with lots of dining, shopping, and people.

My DH has been to Orange Beach, which is just across the border in AL, and says that it is very nice as well. I've only been to the outlets in Foley just north of there, which were quite nice. He has also been to the Panama City area several times and says they have lovely beaches also.

I don't think you can wrong on the beaches anywhere on that stretch...unless it's during spring break!!!

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I've been to Ft Walton Beach.

Let's see, for local questions, no, I'm not affiliated with any Master Gardener's here. I've considered taking classes, but they conflicted with my work schedule this year. I'm into hosta hybridizing, and my landscape looks terrible, lol!

For local attractions on this side of the water, I love the Mariner's Museum, and the Virginia Living Museum, which are about a half mile apart, and take maybe a couple of hours each. They are great for a quick side trip with visitors, and you can catch lunch locally. Speaking of which, the Anderson's garden center on Jefferson blvd nearby has a wonderful cafe on the backside. Great sandwich spot. There is a rose garden near the James River bridge that I haven't yet seen that looks nice for a quick visit and lots of pictures in the spring. Of course, the colonial "triangle" of Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown are just up the road, and all are nice places to visit.

I love kayaking, and that has to be my favorite thing to do here. Between all the little backwaters off the Chesapeake Bay, and rivers, and reservoirs , there are tons of places to enjoy some time on the water.


Chesapeake, VA

Where is the best place to go fishing in our area? I heard that Newport News Park has a fishing area...

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Having went to Phipps Conservatory last March and Longwood Gardens last Wednesday, I was told the best time to go for zone 6 was when the spring-summer flowers are in bloom. In PA, it's June. Winter is beautiful but up here in PA, the only thing they could do for outside is ice skating, all trees adorned in lights and topiary reindeer with lights, which is beautiful. One time many years ago, I went to Longwood Gardens & at the time, they were having an Alice in Wonderland theme & I got my picture taken with the Red Queen because they had charactor actors there. What was also cool was they had taken an entire tree, topiaried it into a flower pot and lowered a cylinder of steamy stuff in it & put a tube into the spout, then pumped the steam out. Totally awesome.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

BrightStar, this is probably not the best place to ask about fishing, lol! I think almost any body of water around here has fish in it. I even see people fishing in the drainage ponds off the roadside.


Chesapeake, VA

Well......I was going to tie the subject to underwater plants...somehow...

Did you know that there is an underwater carnivorous plant? Like a venus flytrap, sort of, but underwater?

Not around here, of course. But it would seem like there would be underwater plant farms somewhere, wouldn't it?

Chesapeake, VA

I could mention that I read that Japanese fighting fish came from swamps - so ONE could be an addition to a very small pond garden instead of a Koi. Of course, the birds would get it if it was outdoors. But then again, they get Koi, too, don't they?

I mean, I could just see a lighted aquarium in the living room with the carnivourous plant and a Japanese fighting fish...

Please note that the plant eats only TINY things, much smaller than a Japanese fighting fish.

Of course, I do admit that these were not the fish I was thinking of when I asked about fishing...

Chesapeake, VA

I could mention that I read that Japanese fighting fish came from swamps - so ONE could be an addition to a very small pond garden instead of a Koi. Of course, the birds would get it if it was outdoors. But then again, they get Koi, too, don't they?

I mean, I could just see a lighted aquarium in the living room with the carnivourous plant and a Japanese fighting fish...if the wrong thing gets in the aquarium, watch out!

Please note that the plant eats only TINY things, much smaller than a Japanese fighting fish. Of course, it might get a fin sucked in once in a while...and have to pull loose.

Well...see, I tied together the subjects of plants and fishes.

Of course, I do admit that these were not the fish I was thinking of when I asked about fishing...

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