Impromptu Seed Snatching Envelopes

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello All,

I just thought I would share a great little tapeless envelope design that comes in really handy for those spontaneous seed snatches. It can be made from any scrap of paper found in your purse or wallet, including old receipts, and requires no tape. I learned how to make this from some seed packets I got in a trade years ago but unfortunately I don't remember who sent them.

Start with a piece of paper...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Next, Fold the paper in half...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Then fold a thin flap of paper at the top over...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Repeat the same fold...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Turn the paper over
Fold down the top corner so it is flush with the bottom and forms a triangle on the end...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Repeat for the other side...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Then fold one of the corners inward, keeping the upper diagonal edge flush, and tuck under the flap created earlier...

This message was edited Dec 3, 2007 11:23 AM

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Then Repeat for the other side...

Thumbnail by Danita
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Now you have a secure envelope that requires no tape!

To put seeds in the envelope, just pull one of the little tabs out and fold out, put seeds inside and refold and tuck in tab.

On the back of the envelope, you can write the name of your seeds.

I hope you find this envelope as useful as I have over the years! :)

Back view...

Thumbnail by Danita
Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Danita, thank you for shareing that. I have run out of pockets too often !!

Chesapeake, VA

Pretty cool, Danita. It is like origami!

Chesapeake, VA

Hey! How about an origami seed envelop contest? What do you think?

What should the characteristics of a winning entry be? And what would the prize be? And who would the judge be?

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Let everyone be the judge like a voteing thing,
some of the characteristics would have to be, ease of use, and do they hold the seeds well~ no falling out, attractiveness?, I dont know, any other ideas?
And for the prize... how about a bunch of seeds? They could trade or keep, and no postage from them. I would donate something, either seeds or postage or both. Im sure others would donate to the winning pot too.. Wouldnt you?? Yes you, Reading this post...

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Well here is mine. LOL
Very good idea.

Thumbnail by TARogers5
Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

those are cute too...
I like these, because you can make one real quick while you are in the restaraunt, when you saw some good seeding flowers on the way in.
Ready to snatch, on the way out.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

That's why I love them too, kelboindy. :)

They do come out a little different looking depending on the proportions of the paper.

I thought these envelopes sort of resemble and would look cute decorated like little frogs.

Chesapeake, VA

Another idea: what about a seed envelope, origami style, decorated as a holiday ornament? Put some glitter on the edges...

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh, That would be so cute to send out seeds in trades or whatever during the holidays.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Oooo, a great idea for all those scraps of wrapping paper!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

That is a great idea, so festive

Chesapeake, VA

Well, we should do it before the holidays. Who wants to host it?

Chesapeake, VA

Oh, all right. I'll host it. I'm borrowing and adapting rules from the seed swap that Theresa just had. Here they are:

Only a few rules. Swap runs from now until December 18
*Seeds will be mailed out to everyone no later than December 20.
*Send 1-20 packs seeds in holiday origami seed packs in a bubble-type envelope. Up to 5 packs can be the same variety.
*Fresh seeds please. 2007
*Label your seeds with their common or Latin name and hardy zone if applicable. Also include your DG name on your seed packs.

*Send seeds in the bubble mailer along with:
1. Return address label for you
2. Your DG name and hardiness zone at the top of a list of seeds youre sending.
3. Stamps or cash for return postage
4. Write Holiday Origami Seed trade on the outside of your mailer.
5. To be a real angel, post pictures here in this thread of your artistic efforts. The finished product, or better yet, pictorial instructions.

Send to:
Mel Leibrand
1500 Myrtle Avenue
Chesapeake, VA 23325

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I figured if I waited long enough, some one would!! LOL
That is great!!! I hope you are in here Danita, See what you started!! and TARogers5, you have to send in with all your great ideas too!!

Mel, lets move this to the RR forum, or al least post it there and give a link to here. Do you want to do that, Or do you want me to?

I will start getting mine ready to send to you.

Chesapeake, VA

KelboIindy, I just started one here in Seed Forum. Go ahead and post the link in RR. Thanks!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

OK, I posted the link, I hope we get a lot of ideas!!

Chesapeake, VA

Thank you, Kelboindy.

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