Do you plant in other people's yards?

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

I still have some plants from this past winter that need to be planted out, and I'll be sneaking some of them into my neighbor's flower bed today. The bed is next to my house, and I took it over a couple of years ago. It was just sitting there empty, with dry compacted soil and a few little weeds. I think my neighbor thought I was a little nuts when I asked her if I could plant there, but she sure is happy about it now! Anyway, just wondering if I'm the only wacko that does this...

Yep. Before we bought the house next to ours I asked the neighbor if I could plant in a weedy area of hers they hated to cut because they didn't get very good access without walking on our property. I could see it from most of our windows.
She loved the change!
I also plant public areas in our community with vegetables and flowers for anyone to enjoy. Gorilla Gardening!


Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

LOL-I do it, or will be. I have asked both of my neighbors if I can use their yard for my flowers-LOLOL

How sad it that..:o)

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! -At least if I've truly gone over the edge, I'll have company... GGG, that's a great idea to plant in public areas. I think I'll start scouting out potential locations now.

Auburn, MA(Zone 5b)

I've been known to do that, too. I've heard it called "guerrilla gardening" or " drive by gardening". :) Since I ran out of room in my own, I've started gardens at various relatives....although usually they know I'm doing it.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Yes, I do it too. I have gently expanded our property around all the borders with bulbs especially...I like to 'naturalize' the daffodils and camassia into the neighbors woody areas...

I also put my cut weeds and some chopped leaves on a pile on my neighbors' 'side'--he doesn't mind--I don't think I've ever seen them in the back yards...

And I always plant locally native butterfly nectar seeds and plants in the park that borders our property when I go on walks...

I like that term 'guerrilla gardening'! Very cute (and appropriate!)

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

Tabasco, adding natives to wild areas is a great idea too. -I'll add that to my arsenal! Merryma: I too plant in a relative's garden; My twin nephews, who are 11, are avid little gardeners and eagerly look forward to me bringing plants over.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I admit it, I have thrown seeds on to my neighbor's property in hopes that flowering vines will cover up the abandoned farm equipment. Shame on me, but that's what I see when I look out my sunroom window....Rusty old stuff at the edge of the property line that connects our patch of woods. I'm not through yet either. They can be thankful to know it wasn't Kudzu.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Killed my myself laughing and sighing in relief!!!! 2 years ago we started renovating our backyard in Netherlands and had a lot of plants that had to be "parked" somewhere because everything came out, the yard was raised by 30 cm and a drainage system (VERY necessary in Holland!) put in. My neighbours had a little spot in between our houses that they didn't do anything with. She was more than happy to facilitate my plants. My plants did great, I dug them up the next Spring and planted them in their permanent home again. And then we decided to come to the US and I can start all over again, although I have plenty space now and almost no plants.
I guess I was and might become again a guerilla gardener. I had purple european poppy's.TONNSS! of them. So when they were dry enough I emptied them out in container and took them on my dog walks, so now every where in the village they still see poppy's everywhere and don't know where they came from. They are invasive but a lot of areas along street look a lot nicer now.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have heard of guerilla gardening from Org Gard. magazine.
There's a new development going in behind me. They plowed out the woods and built a berm in the spring that gottotally covered with jimson weeds five feet tall. It was incredible. They have cut them but I am helping it out for next year with my tithonia stems. Grandpa Otts vines, gloriosa daisy stems, etc. We'll see! I have been very tempted to make up a soil and seed mix to dump on some of those untended islands you see in parking lots.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Sallyg, go for it. If they're unattended anyway, you'd just be beautifying those parking lots. If they don't like it, maybe they'll plant something they will tend to.

Conneaut, OH(Zone 5a)

Guilty,I plant in my neighbors yard also.It seems to me,you are a yard person or your not.New neighbors bought the house behind me(our backyards meet).The first thing they did,was remove all the shrubs around their house.Then they put gravel all the way around the house.Then they removed a giant lilac and some small trees.They left all the stumps,so you can't mow it.Then he says,"I don't know what to do with this area".I dumped about a foot of top soil on the whole mess.For years,I plant different annuals,direct sow seeds.I take care of it and it looks great,but they say nothing.Last year I planted morning glories on the other side of the chain link fence(their yard).They got this huge concrete planter on the other side of the fence.Every year his wife plants petunias in it.She has planted a few plants in her yard,but they always die.She commented to me that the only thing that does well in her yard is the concrete planter.I shouldn't have told her but I couldn't help myself.I told her that I have been tending it.She hasn't spoke to me since.I see her checking out my yard.I grow everything, my yard is way overplanted for most people.You would think they would ask me for advise,its obvious,I have some idea,what I'm doing.I really find the whole thing amusing.Edge

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I may not plant in their yards, but I am gonna plant some things that might spread to their yard! LOL On one side they never mow, so I imagine they will end up with plenty! LOL

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Edge, you would think people (obvious not gardeners) would be happy with a neighbour like you and ask you anything and discuss how they make their yard look nice (again). Their loss: no yard and no nice neighbour to talk to.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I must admit that I've planted a few 'wanderers' by the fence...You know, a couple daylilies, a passiflora that sorta grew over to the other fence gate, and a baptisia that leans over and spreads a bit. Now we won't mention the giant cecile bruner rose that I have to go over and hack back from the neighbor's yard:-)
Guess I never much thought about just sorta 'happened'!

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

Who knew there were so many of us? I think we need a T shirt; Maybe "Garden Encroachment Squad".

P.S. I once planted trailing nasturtium so it could creep over into the untended flower bed next to mine.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

"Garden Encroachment Squad". I like that! LOL

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Now you all have made me envious...I live on a farm and have no next door neighbor to plant on but I love a new club and "Garden Encroachment Squad" sounds like a good group.LOL
By the way I am new on DG and am slowly, and I don't say that lightly[I'm on dial-up]learning my way around. There is so much to check out and I'm having a ball.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

You will be looking in to DSL soon then! LOL
WELCOME and Happy Holidays!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hi Indy and welcome in! Not that long ago I was just reading, caution, now I'm addicted to Dave's as well as gardening.....

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Indynannyof8 - you are going to love it hear - and you have a farm - which means lots more opportunities for making gardens. I just have a city lot - oh and the terrace on our street :-)

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

mistygardener, sallyg andSeandor thanks for the notes. Yes I already love it here you all are so warm and welcoming.
misty i am constantly looking for a high speed connection think my best chances will come from my rural electric co but is still way in the future. I have a dish for tv but an extra dish is required for internet and still a monthly fee for that . My new hobby might get too expensive and I need all my extra change for gardening.....
seandor my dh is always saying no more beds but I sneak out and make them a little wider and longer each year.LOL

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Good plan! I have the neighbours convinced to let me plant on the terrace :-)

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