Las Cruces, NM

We're already up to VOL 35 and there sure have been some beautiful pictures from everyone.

Thank you Pelle for having me to start this new thread.

Here's where we came from ... http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/793352

To start this one, I dug up a couple of my old pictures ... "Faces Only a Mother Could Love"

Thumbnail by NM_Jane
Las Cruces, NM

And, check out the beak on this baby white-winged dove.

This message was edited Nov 30, 2007 8:59 AM

Thumbnail by NM_Jane
Marlton, NJ

Great pics Jane!!

Thanks for starting the new thread! Pelle

Brainerd, MN

Pelle - how do we do that quote thing again? I want to answer lilyfantn's question on the new thread.

Marlton, NJ

Here you go sybil.


Brainerd, MN

"Do you bag your own suet sybil? If you do, do you find that the birds prefer the home made kind? I always wondered about that but haven't tried doing any myself."

Lilyfantn: There weren't any of the suet logs I usually put up. The butcher gave me a huge roll of stretch string mesh tubing so I made my own suet bags.

Thanks for the info on the quotes Pelle. You can see how well that worked!

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

(quote)type what you want to quote in here(/quote)


do it exactly as I've shown above except, replace the ( ) parenthesis with [ ] brackets

and you'll get this:

type what you want to quote in here

Brainerd, MN

[type what you want to quote in here]

Brainerd, MN

I'm on a Mac. I suppose that is the problem.

Brainerd, MN

Red-bellied Woodpecker. Named thus because the name Red-headed Woodpecker was already taken.

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Brainerd, MN

And another...

Thumbnail by original_sybil
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Sybil - it's HTML coding so I don't think being on a Mac would matter. If you're typing it in, like it shows up in your post above, you're leaving parts out.

This is what I'm seeing in your above post: [type what you want to quote in here]

you have to actually type the word quote in brackets before and after the words you are trying to quote, not just put the words you want to quote in brackets

(quote)type what you want to quote in here(/quote)
just exactly like the above, except replacing the ( ) parenthesis with [ ] brackets...don't forget the / backslash to end the quote

Beautiful photos by the way, I just LOVE the woodpeckers :-)

Marlton, NJ

He's beautiful sybil!

Klamath River, CA

Common Merganser swallowing a fish.....taken from a long distance so it's hard to see the fish in any detail, it was either a trout or a baby salmon.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2007 8:59 AM

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Hebron, KY


Red-bellied Woodpecker. Named thus because the name Red-headed Woodpecker was already taken.

Actually, the RBW does have a red belly (small red coloring), that's why it's called Red Bellied. ;-)


Hebron, KY

Wanted to say on the previous thread......

all really great photos everyone!


That's a neat shot you just posted!

Thanks for sharing everyone!


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Sweet pic adelbertcat!

Jane!! What a terrific start to the new thread, Ben and I love your owls. The beak on the dove is really something!

Love those Red-bellies sybil.. :-)


Marlton, NJ

Carolina Wren made a brief appearance today. 2 Pics

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ


Thumbnail by pelletory
Hebron, KY


Great shots! I love the Carolina Wren! Always happy to see him and hear his song!

Thanks for sharing!


Marlton, NJ

Small Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 pics

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

I zoomed out a little to show how small he really is.

Thanks Marilyn!

Thumbnail by pelletory
Hebron, KY


Great shots of the Hawk!

I usually don't get around to taking pics when I see a Hawk in the yard. I look at it for a moment and then scare it away so it won't get any birds. Guess I should try and take some so I can view them every so often.

Thanks for sharing.


Brainerd, MN

(quote)type what you want to quote in here(/quote)
just exactly like the above, except replacing the ( ) parenthesis with [ ] brackets...don't forget the / backslash to end the quote

So, this is not a quick cut and paste deal, you actually have to work at it? Well, I refuse!!! :) Thanks for the encouragement however!

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

LOL, you're welcome Sybil :-) Your photos are great, don't worry about the quote thing! I'm seriously thinking about getting one of those feeders that the Red-Bellie is on, what is the seed mix that you're using?

Brainerd, MN

Thistle and safflower seeds. As I refill, I will be adding BOSS hearts.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Jane ~ cool owl pics, I never see any around here in the daytime and that poor little dove sure is homely, isn't he ;-)

Pelle ~ love the wren and hawk. What's the wren eating, BOSS ? I sure wish they'd come around here more.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sybil. I'm trying to go to all big feeders, these birds a wearing me out refilling the small feeders.

Marlton, NJ

Thanks sadie; I think he had a sunflower heart earlier and some suet.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

RBN's stopped by for a bite..

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Brainerd, MN

In the cold weather, the big feeders are okay but in warmer temps, I would recommend not putting too much seed in them at any one time. I selected this style because the seed is open to air and it's really easy to clean.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Not so graceful from this view......

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Klamath River, CA


Not so graceful from this view
...................very few of us are. This message was edited Nov 30, 2007 5:37 PM

This message was edited Nov 30, 2007 5:38 PM

Melbourne, FL

Hummingbird resting between meals this afternoon.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Marlton, NJ

Nice pic GP!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I was wondering where my hummers went GP!! Great shot!


Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Remember the Acorn Woodpecker's granary tree? (or post, as in the image from adelbercat) Seem's the WP is a real rascal sometimes, doing damage to the cross atop a church. This is the same community where I saw the tree.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow tiger! That is a really great article!! Although I think they misinterpret the SoS text completely to think it is risque... sheesh!!

Glad you shared that!

Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Jane, I think your Owls are neat. I have wanted to see a Barn Owl since I was a child, but never had the opportunity.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I saw more Nuthatches today than I've seen at one time before. The lighting was good, and the birds were continually in front of me. After snapping just a few pics the card was full, and I put in another. All it would do for me was show error message. Bummer.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2007 7:33 AM

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