Heidi Chronicles: Will They Stay or Will They Go?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for all of the comments on the snowbunny picture. I still giggle every time I see it. LOL It was funny at the time, too (after all, I left the flour out on the counter where she could reach it!), although I got really tired of vacuuming flour every day for weeks and weeks.

According to Wikipedia:

Opossums have a remarkably robust immune system, and show partial or total immunity to the venom of rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, and other pit vipers. Thanks to their lower blood temperature, rabies is almost unknown in opossums.

So Snowball probably isn't rabid. I'm voting for PMS, too. :-)

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I think he just saw a chance to get a raccoon drumstick for T-day except it didn't quite work out the way he saw in his mind.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, summerkid! Or maybe "he" is pregnant, and needs extra food to nourish babies? It does seem odd that they'd breed this time of year, though.

Marylyn, who was it that called your snowbunny a "flour child"? I love that!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

KyWoods -- I believe it was Judy (jswchweizer) who donned Marylyn's snow bunny a "four child". That is cute. I missed the pun 1st time around.

Terese -- Very glad to hear that your weather didn't turn out to be as perilous as 1st predicted. (That's ok about the blue dog or raccoon. We wouldn't want you to spend 'family' time on the holidays looking for that. LOL)

Marylyn -- Thanks for posting the opossum info. Wow. Practically immune to venom. Now that is an evolutionary achievement to be proud of for sure! How many more eons before we get there? I thought I'd read somewhere that opossums didn't get rabies, but it was good to see it in print and know for sure, especially now that Snowball is behaving so erratically. I'm going with the PMS thing, too.

summerkid -- ROTFLOL! 'raccoon drumstick'.

At the time of the incident I was tossing peanuts to the raccoon. I didn't toss any to Snowball for fear of scaring him away. Maybe he wanted a peanut. Would that be peanut envy? (To much rich food today, I think.)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Although I waited an hour or so, I didn't see the gang tonight, just a few stranglers. Rupert was 1st to arrive. He ate at Heidi's spot. I had some very sweet, small, seedless red grapes with me. I tossed him a few, even bopped him on the forehead with one. Raccoons don't seem to mind being 'shelled' with food. Rupert really enjoyed the grapes and continued looking around for them even after they were all gone.

Naturally today, as with most people I imagine, I had a surplus of food left over after the feast. The corn souffle hadn't turned out to my liking, so rather than keep it around I decided to donate it to the raccoon buffet - the entire casserole which probably weighed a few pounds even without the dish. As Rupert searched about for lost grapes he stumbled upon the corn souffle which I had put in the center of the grassy area in front of the pool. Boy, that really seemed to hit the spot. The raccoons rarely prefer leftover over cat food so I had expected them to leave the souffle for Snowball. Watching Rupert scarf it down with enthusiasm I could see that wasn't likely to happen, the souffle, after all, was made with fresh corn, cream, milk, eggs (lots of eggs), and a little sugar - what better ingredients for a raccoon treat?

Juliet's boy arrived a bit later. As he wandered over near the souffle, Rupert quickly spread his body across the dish and bared his teeth as if to say, "Don't even think about it!" The other kit got the message and headed over to Juliet's area to eat cat food instead.

Rupert continued to eat the corn souffle. At times he broke off some of the browned outer areas and sat upright to eat them as though they were cookies. At other times he was seen face down in the softer inner portion of the souffle almost appearing to drink the stuff as one might drink a thick milkshake. That he was totally engrossed in his Thanksgiving meal was all too clear. After he had consumed a sizable portion of the rich dish, Rupert finally waddled back toward the fence, no doubt to go and find a tree limb somewhere to sleep off his food induced coma.

After Rupert left, I coaxed Juliet's kid over to my bench where I fed him grapes for a while before I decided to call it a night.

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

From you description of Rupert and the corn souffle I got the most wonderful vision of a Rupert float like in the Macy's parade. With poor Rupert wobbling this way and that like one of those balloons in a brisk wind. :^)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Oh, that's so cute, tetleytuna! (Did somebody watch the parades today?)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Judy -- just wanted to tell you that I put my cantaloupe rinds out in the edge of the area where the turtle hangs out. :-)

(Is cantaloupe a proper T-giving food?)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I also can picture Rupert waddling away. That must have been some corn souffle you made. I'll bet he hopes you have more food that wasn't to your liking!
I try not to feed my groups every night, but as dusk approches I get to feeling bad and hurry to get something out there. Tonight it was dog food soaked in the juices of the ribs DH cooked for our Thanksgiving meal and 1/2 box of fruit loops!
I am not sure where the turtle hangs out. He was in the center of the feeding area when I saw him with the watermelon! come to think of it I did put cantalope rinds out there last week and there was no signs of them the next day! I don't think the turtle ate them all so maybe the coons liked them!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Doccat The area I am talking about is a housing development going in across from the Layhill VRE station. They just put one across the road there 2 years ago.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Did Rupert eat the whole souffle, or was he kind enough to leave some to share? LOL, he sure enjoyed his Thanksgiving!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


The souffle was ok, but just not 'wow'. Considering the list of high fat ingredients (eggs,cream,milk), I figured I didn't want to keep a 'so-so' high fat dish around. I think the ingredients, being high fat, high protein and including lots of fresh corn were perfect for a raccoon trying to fatten up for 'winter'.

Widget, who LOVES sweet potatoes, is helping me eat the left over sweet potato casserole. I think he would eat his weight in sweet potato if I let him.

Oh, I'm sure that dog food soaked in meat juices was a BIG hit! I've given Dennis and the kids fruit loops for treats. They enjoyed them.

I had to laugh when you started out with your resolution not to feed them every day and ended with how you get to feeling guilty and throw something together for them around dark. LOL. Been there - so many times! It is very hard for me to skip a night. I think they sit out there and send me 'thought' waves about how hungry they are. More often than not I end up doing just what you said, grabbing something quick and running out to feed the little scoundrels.

Oh, about those melon rinds, around here the raccoons eat the 'meaty' part - the red part of the watermelon and the orange part of the cantaloupe - then the opossums come along and eat the white part right down to within a millimeter or so of the outer rind. Later I find a shrivelled, leaf thin wafer of green left over from the watermelon; they must eat the entire cantaloupe rind. It is wonderful to see the food go to good use. Almost nothing is wasted.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

LOL, KyWoods,

Rupert TRIED his very best not to share any of the souffle, but that was a pretty big souffle. I think his belly was brushing the ground when he left. :-)

But it's all gone now!

Actually, I'm surprised at how thin the kids are, including Dennis and Heidi's other kids, despite the tons of food and treats I've been giving them. Those guys seem to have the ability to burn off a gazillion calories a day. At this point, they are a bit like ADHD kids - can't be still for a minute, all over the place, eat a minute, play a minute, etc - so it's no surprise they burn off everything they eat. (Rupert isn't like that - ADHD, all over the place, playing. I guess he had to grow up fast to take care of himself and now he doesn't have time for all that. He mostly eats quickly while watching over his shoulder and then leaves.)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Rupert quickly spread his body across the dish and bared his teeth as if to say, "Don't even think about it!"

Good for him. Glad he stood his ground.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Since Juliet and company have been dumping on Snowball for some time, that would explain the attack, especially since Snowball carefully sniffed the intruder before chomping on him. I'm sure Snowball is quite capable of differentiating Juliet's kids from Heidi's by scent.

Actually, Cheryl, venomous snakes evolved long long after opossums; remember that possums have been around since prehistoric times. Much about their structure and biology is different from other species, because theirs is such a very ancient species. Someone once described them to me as the "appendix" of mammals: we're not sure why or how they've survived, or what their function is these days. Actually, their function as nature's cleanup crew is pretty clear, and they do an awesome job.

KyWoods, from the way Cheryl describes Snowball, I think her growth is too stunted to allow her to reproduce even if she is female. And as marsupials, possums are pregnant for such a short time (around two weeks, I think) that they barely have time to notice their condition. When born, possums are tiny pink hairless creatures barely the size of your smallest fingernail; they resemble fetuses more than full-term babies. Immediately at birth, instinct drives them to crawl into mama's pouch, where they lock on to one of mom's thirteen nipples and suckle nonstop for weeks as they grow into what look like "normal" babies. Truly fascinating creatures, but yes, rather homely.

The story of Rupert and the corn souffle is priceless: that's one raccoon who had much to be thankful for!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I was reading about possums on a website dedicated to them, and it mentioned something I never thought about, but will from now on--if you see one that got hit on the side of the road, there may be babies in her pouch that need rescuing! Some of the members on the site said they always stop and check, and sometimes there are. It's a really interesting site--here it is if anyone wants to look: http://www.opossum.org/

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

omigosh, there's a dead possum down by my b'friend's house. ... please don't make me go poke around in its belly for babies ... wrong time of year, right?

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

You'd think they wouldn't breed this time of year, but I don't see that info on that site. Will have to look around some more.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

OK, I found another site that says "as early as December, through October."

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

All right, I'm sure it's too late after 2 days, but I'll go retrieve the corpse. Good compost at the very least.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, good luck and keep us posted!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Terese - I was thinking the same thing! Actually, I guess out of necessity, Rupert has started to stand his ground sometimes. One night Rupert was eating over at Juliet's section. When Heidi and the kids showed up, Dennis headed straight over there to run everybody off form 'his' turf. I forget now who the others were, but they all left when they saw Dennis coming over there. Rupert, however, squatted down and snarled back, refusing to be chased away from his food. I was surprised to see that Dennis, who had obviously been bluffing, just walked away.

Ruth -- 2wks pregnancy, barely enough to know they are pregnant? Now that sounds like the way to do it! I'm envious.

KyWoods -- Someone, I think it was Ruth, mentioned (back about a zillion threads) that when they worked for Animal Control they had to check all of the opossum carcasses for babies because (if I recall correctly) among other dangers (predators, scavengers, car tires, exposure to elements, etc.) the babies will die from suckling on the dead carcass unless removed within a rather short time. That was the 1st I had heard of such a thing. I'm glad I know that now, just in case. Very interesting web site!

summerkid -- You 'crack me up'. I sure hope you didn't run out at 2AM to check...so what's the verdict?

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Today on my way back from running errands, I stopped off at one of the ponds around the block. I had my camera with me and was hoping to get some pictures of the ducks that frequent that particular pond. As I approached the pond I could see that their were quite a few ducks, mostly Mallards, hanging out on the banks of the pond; however, they were closer to the far side of the pond, well away from the street where I was hoping to park my car to take a few photos. Still, I decided to pull over and see if I could pull them in enough with my camera 'zoom' to get a descent shot.

No sooner had I brought my car to a stop on the side of the road, and before I could so much as engage the parking brake or turn off the ignition much less get my camera into position, than the whole group of maybe 40-50 ducks started waddling toward me at full throttle. Clearly people in the neighborhood must feed the ducks; these are wild ducks by the way! I had not gone prepared to FEED them. I just wanted to get a photo or two! I didn't know there would be a 'fee'. In no time the ducks were right up beside my car, inches from the door on the passenger side all vying for the best position from which to receive treats, this despite the fact that the window was down and Widget was sitting in the passenger seat! Widget didn't take kindly to all of those ducks coming up to his window, so he started barking at them. Believe it or not even that didn't deter the ducks from their mission. They stood their ground beside and around the car awaiting their treat.

I couldn't even take a decent picture since they were so close to the car, and I felt bad about disappointing them since i had no treats. I went home, grabbed 2 scoops of cat food, some peanuts, and 1/4 loaf of 100% full grain bread made with sunflower seeds and nuts and such and went back to the pond. Once again, as soon as they saw my car stop on the side of the road the ducks came running - even though I hadn't fed them the last time. I got out of the car to feed them and try to get a photo or two. OMG, they mobbed me. I wasn't feeling a little threatened - with ducks practically walking on my toes. Several took bread from my hand. A few times I had to use my foot to gently nudge one of them back a bit as he/she was really starting to scar me. The ducks ran through all of the food I had taken in no time flat, and about the only photos I could get were of their backs and the tops of their heads.

I know that's not about raccoons but just had to share anyhow.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, yep, sounds like the flocks at a local lake that are used to people in cars bearing gifts.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

They came 'running' to my car faster than pets. Here is one of my attempts at a photo. Not very useful, except to illustrate how close this female mallard is to my foot.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here is a group shot. Those big things up front (there was another one, a white one, not in this shot) were the scarey ones. Those things were huge with beaks about 6" long. The other one stayed right up in front of me. I lifted my foot about 1ft or so in the air to gently nudge her away several times. Although she did move away when I pushed her, it didn't seem to scare her at all nor did it cause her to stay back.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

cheryl -- we get that here too.

>>Dennis, who had obviously been bluffing, just walked away.

too funny --- i can almost see it. with his lil swagger, trying to show he's the boss ... and it not working with Rupert, so almost with a shrug... he swaggers off. ROFL.

yanno -- i was thinking of the name for your book, and since Heidi Chronicles is taken, i googled "Raccoon Chronicles"
now there doesn't seem to be a book, but one guy has a blog with the cutest baby pics!!

well, firstly my initial thought was Raccoon Chronicles .... The story of Heidi and Family or Heidi and Friends ... for your book title.


This message was edited Nov 23, 2007 7:18 PM

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Terese - that's about the way it happened. Dennis walked off with that "I hope no one saw that" look usually reserved for one who has just tripped over his foot.

FOTFLOL, Terese! When I saw your post - right after I had just posted my duck pics on the RACCOON thread, no less - the 1st thing I saw was the part in bold "Raccoon Chronicles...". When I saw those words and before I actually read the post, I thought for sure you were letting me know in no uncertain terms (bold even) that this thread is supposed to be about "Raccoons"! LOL! I thought, well, that is pretty assertive, but I can't really argue. It is supposed to be about raccoons! :-)

I think I saw that other site, too. Very cute.

I like that name. I've been trying to decide what to do about the name - now that I know my 1st choice is taken.

Even though you didn't really yell at me, I'm going to get back on topic anyhow just in case. Unfortunately, I didn't see the raccoons tonight. This morning the souffle dish looked as clean as if it had been through the dish washer, so I guess everyone is still sleeping off the big Thanksgiving meal.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL Cheryl .... the BOLD was for book title. i couldnt decide between italics or bold for the book.... we all know we get OT (off 'coon topics) every now and then... and heck, it's your thread, you can write about anything you want. ;-)

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

What IS that big duck in the front of the group photo? Not a mallard, for sure. Maybe some hybrid of mallard and domestic duck?? Great story, Cheryl, being mobbed by a crowd of mallards and mutant ducks: it's never boring down there, is it?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I believe the duck in the front is a species of wood duck. I use to do ceramics and wildlife was my specialty. Mallard scenes and wood ducks were "hot" sellers. Which is why I now refer to them all as "dam ducks!" I got so tired of painting ducks..............LOL

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Terese - Once I actually read it, I realized my initial impression was wrong; it just gave me a chuckle because the bold words leaped out at me just after I had posted the duck pics and while I was still feeling a bit guilty for it.

Ruth, doccat5 - They are Muscovy ducks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_Duck . They are known to hang around with mallards and even to breed with mallards producing [sometimes] sterile offspring. They are possibly the best duck for the dinner table. Males are close to 20lbs with minimal fat. Because they are considered a nuisance in most areas it is legal to snatch one up for the dinner table. (The Muscovy ducks are about as homely as the opossums I think.)

doccat5 -- While I can see how the bright green/blue colors which appear when the sun strikes the black feathers from a certain angle might seem similar to wood duck coloring, these ducks are giants compared to either mallards or wood ducks, and as you can see from the facial closeup (added below) they are not nearly so handsome as wood ducks.

Ruth -- Years ago when I first noticed the Muscovy/mallard offspring hanging around with the mallards I, too, thought they were some kind of 'mutant' duck. Seeing the splotches of black on white - the offspring frequently have more white and with a coloring more like cows - I, knowing almost nothing about ducks or birds at the time, concluded that these were a cross between the 'normal' ducks (which had dark coloring) and geese (since I'd seen white geese in books). So I dubbed them 'gucks' (for the goose/duck cross), a term I used jokingly to refer to them for years before I learned their true identity.

Nope, never a dull moment for sure. It is a zoo here. The ducks are at the end of my block along with Canada Geese, Egrets, herons, alligators. A peacock wanders the neighborhood streets nibbling in our yards on his way by. And of course we have the usual plethora of bunnies, deer, squirrels, song birds, and, of course, opossums and raccoons. It's wildlife central all day every day.

Edited to add a few more duck comments without appearing to create additional OT posts. :-)

This message was edited Nov 24, 2007 8:52 PM

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

There is a weird, dirty-beige duck, quite large, that hangs out with my mallards. I had always thought it was an albino or just a defective duck, but maybe it's muscovy offspring?

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here is a close up of the other one. This one is mostly white (on the other end). This one stayed within 1ft or less of me, a rather threatening posistion for such a large bird. Although not obvious from the picture, that beak is some 6-7" long; so use that info to get an idea of the size of the rest of the bird. (Judging from that mug, I doubt if the mallards mate with them too often.)

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


Quite possible. Muscovy chicks (whick are still quite large) are buff, beige, and brown in color. Domestic populations of Muscovy ducks are grown for food. Many of them are white or near white. Some escape into the wild where they hang out with hte mallards. (I believe Donald Duck is a Muscovy, BTW) http://www.grimaud.com/duck.htm

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Judging from that mug, I doubt if the mallards mate with them too often.

ROFL, pooor babies! They're beautiful in their own way--colorful, anyway!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Heidi and the kids were here tonight as were Juliet, HRH, and Juliet's 2 kids both of whom arrived only after Juliet had left. No sooner had Heidi and the kids lined up side by side to eat, once again looking like cat's in a Friskies commercial - the one were 'no cat gets nudged away from Friskies' Buffet', than I realized that once again I'd forgotten the camera. A little while later I was really kicking myself for this when Cissy, finding 'her' side of the dish too close to the pool to permit her to stand beside her mom to eat (although she could easily have stood on any of the other 3 sides), perched gracefully from her hind feet on the pool's edge and leaned down with her upper body to scoop up food with her 'hands'. Cissy stayed there balanced with apparent ease as she was on the rim of the pool while eating, not just briefly, but for quite a while. With her upper body reaching down to the dish in front of her, she seemed to defy the laws of physics - although one must assume that her posterior and tail served as a stabilizing counter-weight. It was yet another reminder of their acrobatic prowess.

Blondie, BTW, ate from the other dish. It has been interesting to note that after spending her entire life glued to Heidi's side Blondie has not been seen in that position since the time when Heidi began noticeably urging her to stand on her own. That seems to have gone well.

Dennis came over, and I offered him some of the remaining grapes. He ate a few but seemed less than thrilled to get grapes again. They don't really seem to appreciate the same old treat day after day, LOL. Dennis kept trying to take the whole bag (gently), and I kept offering him a single grape. He walked away for a few minutes and then returned to steal the bunch of grapes I'd put on the chair seat beside me. It was so cute to watch him struggle to reach them, so I let him 'steal' them. He only ate a grape or two before leaving them to wander off again - ADHD - grapes just weren't holding his interest tonight.

Even though the kids had plenty of food in their dishes, when Juliet arrived Dennis wandered over there to threaten her. Juliet ate at the feeding station (in her area) that was farthest away from Heidi's area and closest to the veggie patch. Dennis went over, snorting all the way, to eat from the station in Juliet's area closest to Heidi's side (and farthest from Juliet). My best attempt to describe his snorting sound would be either (1) like the throaty sound often made by people with allergy problems when attempting to clear their throats or (2) like some of the strange sounds that emanate from a snorer. Juliet remained oriented with her face toward him, crouching in a 'business' position, and held her ground to continue eating. Dennis stayed over there eating from her area and snorting at her for a while before finally returning to his area.

After Juliet had left, HRH appeared in the little cherry tree beside the fence, and lumbered slowly up onto the top of the fence. Suddenly, a kit, who ultimately turned out to be Juliet's daughter, darted out from behind HRH and leaped down the fence quickly and with the agility of youth. This prompted HRH to jump into hyperdrive as the two, HRH and Juliet's female kit, raised across the yard and to the food in Juliet's area. It was the kind of race where the two, their bodies mostly side by side, bumped each other repeatedly, each apparently trying to trip the other up. There were, of course, 3 feeding stations over there, all still containing food. The two raised over, arrived simultaneously and stopped to eat at adjacent stations, the king orienting himself so that his posterior was all but in the way of the kit such that she ended up reaching under his big bushy tail to retrieve her meal. Still, the 2 ate peacefully.

The kids played in the pool a bit though not nearly so much as they have in the past...and then they were gone.

Edited to fix a 'boo-boo'

This message was edited Nov 24, 2007 10:02 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW -- and here it is, almost December.

>>Dennis stayed over there eating from her area and snorting at her for a while before finally returning to his area.

Too funny. Does anyone turn and run from Dennis? Must be hysterical to witness.

>>It was the kind of race where the two, their bodies mostly side by side, bumped each other repeatedly, each apparently trying to trip the other up......Still, the 2 ate peacefully.

**still giggling** You certainly have a bunch of clowns. Again, must have been something to see.

you need a bunch of motion activated video cameras positioned about the yard to catch all this action.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


I'm often amazed at how much their behavior resembles that of humans. Can't you just see two children racing to get [the best of] something and doing a bit of 'friendly' but competitive shoving along the way? The raccoons often use their bodies to push other family members out of the way while eating and can sometimes be seen in the midst of a most amusing pushing and shoving match to determine who gets the dish. HRH is frequently involved in the latter type of match - and almost always wins.

Juliet's boy and sometimes Rupert - depending, I think, on his degree of hunger - will allow Dennis to run them away from the food - so mostly his peers, not the adults. Juliet and even HRH will yield to him when he's backed up by the group, esp if Heidi is nearby. These small victories seem to embolden him to continue. He is a pretty funny bully-wannabe, but I think he's doing pretty good for his age and size. At this rate I suspect that someday, long after he has left the area, he will be a force to be reached with.

The darkness back there is another element to be dealt with when dealing with cameras. Right now I'm very busy (aside from my job, the one that pays for the kibble) trying to clean and organize my home and finish putting the furniture together, a project a started a while back, before I got too sick to get stuff done. I'm making good progress but it's a pretty large house, too large really, and things had gotten very out of hand starting with my multiple knee surgeries and then my recent illness. When I get things under control inside, I have some work to do in the garden. Winter and early spring are about my only chances to get much done out there before everything jumps into hyper drive. If it's not in control by spring, I have virtually no hope of keeping it in control through summer. Anyhow, after I finish all of that, I hope to have some time to look into some sort of web cam setup.

Edited to remove excess partial sentence. Oops!

This message was edited Nov 24, 2007 11:02 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Yes, I do need ......

did you hit enter too soon? seems like a trailing thought .... but again, with how busy you always seem to be, your "wheels" must always be spinning.

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