First it was deer tasting the Iris, now it's Ditch Puppies

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I must be sick because I didn't get really mad at them .....

First the drought and high heat, then the deer descended upon my flower beds. They loved the rose bushes and daylilies, but only sampled the Iris here and there, as if to say well if we can't find anything else to eat we'll come back for them.

Then we found these guys in a ditch where they had been abandoned. They are so sweet and lovable. We haven't been able to place them although they've been given their shots and "fixed", so it looks like they are here to stay.

I went out to the Iris beds yesterday and stepped on one not in the bed... oops more, all around, they had uprooted one complete bed and it appeared as through they had tossed them into the air or perhaps it was a game of keep away. I gathered them up and replanted. This morning I discovered they had found the white sticks with the black writting I had left for them in another bed and they pulled them all out of the ground like good boys and girl.


Thumbnail by judycooksey
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Ugh. The curse of the animal sucker ... er ... animal lover strikes again. Why, oh why, can't these beasts understand that all we want is a little patch of garden to call our own? I call them my iris beds. the cats call them their litterboxes, and Bambi and his buddies apparently consider them to be dance floors and all you can eat buffets. The youngest dog only acknowledges their boundaries if Mommy is close enough to enforce them.

Iris beds? What iris beds? You've got puppy playgrounds, Judy!

What do the bullies and Mr. Cat think of their new siblings?


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

They are so adorable:) Look like a little gang of three:lol:

I haven't had mine uprooted but I have had a very large neighbor's dog go on my patio and dump right into the metal washtub of strawberries. Trust me...not one of those strawberries were eaten by anyone but bugs and birds. Yuck.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

They are so adorable. It must be a real dilemma for you whether to laugh or cry.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

How sweet they are! I can just picture them running after each other holding an iris up high in their mouths.

How good of you to take them in. We took in a stray one time that was already very pregnant, and she had 9 puppies in our garage. They looked like those little guys, and were a German Shep/ Lab mix. 8 of them went to good homes, and we kept the runt. Who turned out to be the best dog in the world (in my opinion). Funny thing, the mother cared for them all until they got big enough to be on their own, and someone opened the door one day, and she took off and never came back. She was later seen in a nearby town. I don't know what I would do with 9 kids either, I might run.

I would have laughed, just like I did when my grandaughter pulled up my tags. I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Gracious, we already have 3 strays that came to stay, years ago none of which weighs over 20 lbs, Mr Cat & his sister who were born of a feral cat under the porch, a German Shepherd rescue who had heart worms and our Bullies. There was another stray who came to stay but he chased the cats and killed Big Red's chicken (Red is a psycho rescue in a double chain link fence with whom a hen decided to take up residence, he was really hen pecked. He and DH liked that old mean chicken.), so Ernie had to go. I paid a vet tech to find him a home.

All of the dogs that were here before the Ditch Puppies tolerate them, but the pups are a whirling dervish at times, and that is when "She Who Must Be Obeyed, a miniature American Eskimo Spitz, gets after them.

Mr Cat doesn't trust 3 wild and crazy pups at one time, so up a trellis he goes whenever they are around, he just sits and stares down on them.

Miss Kitty lays around at the edge of the woods or under the porch until the pups are put up late afternoon for the night in a 10x10 dog run with an igloo doghouse, then out she comes.

Boomer & Dumpy, two of the strays that came to say, took the pups off hunting several times, but they found their way back home. I could just see those two take off leaving the pups on their own. Once it was an hour before the Ditch Puppies turned up. lol lol

DH swears the critter underground has our address....


This message was edited Nov 18, 2007 8:21 AM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It sounds like a lot of fun at your house.

Animals and kids, gotta love them.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


I bet your description of them running after each other with a Iris held high, is exactly what happened. Good thing I have lots of Iris!!!


College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Yeah, I think those of us who love animals must have a special scent that attracts them. I live in a college town and towards the end of every semester, fall, spring and summer, I see strays everywhere. Sadly not all alive and/or well. I can't see how anyone can think that dumping their "pets" is a good idea.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


They must live with what they have done ... we just try our best to rescue as many as possible. Around here, there are some animals that are just not adoptable because the breeding was too close to home or whatever. We have two very competent people who can recognize these animals so that we don't waste our time on them and can concentrate on those who are adoptable.

If I ever get my hands on the person who abused a perfectly good Bully, you may have to bail me out of jail. Lord prevent me from being the first to come upon a pit bull fighting situation or a puppy mill. A friend of mine was the representative for the Humane Society who was called into a pit bull fighting situation, that was 4 years ago and she has not gotten over it yet. It is totally against the rules at DG or polite society for me to tell you what they discovered.


College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

I can only imagine. It's really given the breed a bad reputation. We had a little 7 yr. old killed by their own pit bull here a couple of weeks ago. That was in a community not too far from here. In the small community where I teach, that's a very popular "sport" among some of our kids. I don't get it.

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