Off Topic - another surgery today

Crozet, VA

For those who know me and the health issues that I have had this past year, today is surgery number four. I am scheduled at 1:10 today for a breast reduction of natural breast. The implant ended up being a lot smaller than I am normally, so this is being done so that things are a bit more even. Please keep in me in your thoughts and prayers. Never hurts to have as many folks rooting for you as you can.

Thanks everyone.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll be praying everything goes perfectly, Ruby. You sure don't want one of your headlights on high beams.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hoping all went well, and John brings you some nice treats. Not everybody enjoys hospital food...
Think of a place like this..............Ocracoke

Thumbnail by sallyg
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Best wishes, Ruby!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, You will be ok, I just know it! now take it easy and let John treat you like a Queen. We want this to work!

Hart you really brightened my day!! Ruby might have one on high beam, but I have one completely burned out, LOL!

I was also in hospital today, Had a bone biospy done, the bone has a "spot on it" could be Injury, the aging thing, or the cancer. They want to find out what it is. It's the bone you sit on, so right now my butt is a bit sore. It will take a few days to get the results. It seems it is always Thanksgiving time that I am waiting for test results. Whats up with that!!!!!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

chris- sure hope its all right and this biopsy becomes a pain in the butt memory....

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That's right -- we want you to put it behind you!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby and Chris, thoughts are with you - hoping this bunch of 'comedians' will give you both a good laugh to keep your spirits up! h, H & s, you ladies are too much :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

You guys are the best! I laughed my butt off, oops I guess I should have left the band-aid on!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Please don't think you're the 'butt' of our jokes, Chris!!! We have nothing 'butt' love for you.
This is my official last fall bouquet. I thought I was a tiny bit clever putting the red maple in the background. Not good enuf for Daves contest, mind you.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby & Chris, I just want you both to know that my thoughts are with you for good health and healing.


Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

A speedy recovery for you both. "BUTT" keep us "ABREAST" of the news :)

West Norriton, PA(Zone 6b)

Best wishes and a speedy recovery, to both of you. Laughter is the best medicine, and this group is full of jokers.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't want to butt in, but I hope we can provide a buttress of support for Ruby and Chris. Even if they are the butts of our jokes, I hope the joshing turns them into a pair of hooters.

Chris, you know we're all praying that spot turns out to be nothing.

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby and Chris, good luck and hope the news is good! No butt/breast jokes here, I'm just enjoying everyone elses, LOL!

Susan, I stole your picture to send to Ruby and Chris!


Thumbnail by dragonfly53
scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I hope you have a great surgery! I had both mine reduced and lifted and I was back on horseback the same week (don't tell my surgeon!)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

My thoughts and prayers are with you Ruby...

God is holding you in His hands, and will give you the strength and comfort you need at this time.

Get well soon!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Beth, don't mean to butt in here but don't encourage Ruby to get back in the saddle, we went through this before with her! Ruby likes to be bad!!!

Now don't anyone tell my Dr that shot me in the behind that I took a shower before going to bed last night when he said to wait till morning. I didn't want to go to bed the way I was, I won't go into detail here. (Drs don't do a good clean-up job when they are done).

Laughter is the best medicine, thanks every one for putting a smile on my face this evening.


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Ok, better behave better than I did!

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Beth, ouch!
You must have been on some heavy duty painkillers......either that or you had the girls well strapped down!

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

I can out of the hospital with the "girls" all wrapped up in gauze and strapped down pretty well. I had been riding all my life with that annoying "bounce" and couldn't wait to see what if felt like without. I was SO pleased!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

All your life? You must have been an interesting looking child. LOL Just teasing, I understand perfectly what you're saying.

However, if Ruby does anything like that this time we're going to all come over there and get her. Aren't we, Chris?

I hope Ruby will be able to check in with us soon and let us know how she's doing.

Crozet, VA

Okay, I will try again. I lost two or three paragraphs that I had written thanking everyone for the well wishes and the laughs. I am fine. I did have a bit harder time coming out from under the sedation this time vs. some of the others. This is surgery number 4 in 14 months. And....we still aren't finished with the reconstruction. I could say a whole lot about the whole process, and never thought that I would be one going around telling women to get their mammograms, but ladies.....keep up to date with the mammograms.

I would like the emphasis of this post to be on Chris. Chris, I am so sorry to hear that you are facing another cancer and having to do the waiting game to find out. It is tough, but girl are tougher. Please know that you have a rooting section right here and we are at your beck and call and we will love you back to health if indeed it is cancer in the bone.

You have a wonderful outlook and you helped me so very much last year as I whimpered in here feeling a bit broken. I have been very lucky in the type of cancer that I was diagnosed with. Stage zero is alright with me. I didn't require chemo or radiation like you did. You have been fighting a battle and have done really well so far. You reached out to help me, when your case was a whole lot worse than mine. I would like for all these other ladies to know just how very special you are.

I am sure that your emotions are all over the place. Remember that there is healing in Dave's Garden. I, myself received and continue to receive healing when I come here to to spend time and forget the very busy outside world.

I will close and want to once again thank each of you who took the time to post here. I feel quite blessed to be associated with all of you. Have an extra special weekend all.


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Great to hear from you, you must be feeling better!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hope you heal quickly and feel better soon, Ruby.

Hang in there, Chris! I know the waiting game is difficult, but we are all hoping and praying that your test results are negative.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, Good to see you back! So, you are still "under construction". Well, I hope you are going to be feeling better soon, just remember they can't keep a good lady down. So, go get 'em.

Cancer is no fun no matter what stage or what kind you have. You just need to fight it the best you know how, and share the faith that one day it will be a disease of the past. Not letting it get to you in the first place is a big step, I really feel the mind and will is a very powerful tool in healing. Or at least a better way of facing each day.

Beth, you paint a good picture of the bouncing twins, as I was only on a horse a few times in my life all I remember is my bouncing butt! I know; I'm back to the butt thing. LOL

And like Ruby says, go get those mammograms, and do a self check every month.

Crozet, VA

Thanks everyone. I hope that I heal soon so that I can get outside and do some more cleaning in the beds. This was the year that my husband John decided that he would like to begin gardening too. He has loads of day lilies still in pots that he dug from the home place. There is no way that he will get them planted before freezing. I think that he is just planning to gather them together and basically cover with mulch until spring.

I still have a couple of bags of bulbs to be planted and three live plants that need to go in the ground. I will be getting my gardening jollies from working with a compost pile this winter. I might try winter sowing a few things since I didn't get to do it last year. So much to do an so little time. ha-ha

Oh yeah, I have quite few house plants that take a couple of hours at least to water so that counts as gardening. I need to spend some time organizing and labeling my seeds and getting my indoor supplies in better order. Of course I will be spending as much tiime as possible here at Dave's. Maybe I can find some time this winter to actually look at the gardening magazines that have been coming in all summer.

Well,that is how I plan to spend my winter. ha-ha

You go od folks have a great weekend.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Ruby :))) So glad to hear you're home - now you just take care of yourself!

Beth, LOL, although I was never "blessed" with the 'top heavy' figure I envied on some of my high school friends, I now know how lucky I was! Used to work for a plastic surgeon and have to say his "reduction" patients were some of our favorite people - they had a whole new outlook on life and it was always a pleasure to see the transformation in these women after surgery :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, sounds like you have a lot that will keep you busy this winter, the house plants alone will be a gardening job in it's self. Will you start your DG journal? I find it's a handy way to keep track of your plants once you get started, and winter time is a good time to start that project. You could start with cataloging your seeds and house plants.

I will be starting some seeds in the basement again in late winter. I am planning a trip to Disney World in February with some co-workers. The flights are booked, I want to get a new camera for the trip so I'll have to practice with it. I have been there many times, but I make plans for the must see and things to do that are new. Going in Feb. will give me a worry free seed starting season. All other vacations were right in the middle or when the plants were to be set out. So I had the worry of loosing some while I was gone for a week.

FYI... The Thompson & Morgan seed catalog 2008 has been out for at least a month. Did everyone get theirs?

Crozet, VA

So good to have you keeping an eye out for me again Chris. ha-ha I will have to check out this journal stuff. I haven't paid much attention to it actually or given much thought to it. If the end result is growing beautiful flowers the way that you do, then I will certainly do it. Every picture that you have ever posted here of your plants, has me drooling. You have done some beautiful work.

Disney World sounds like fun. Will it be an all girls trip? or will there be gentlemen too? I visited there only once but wouldn't mind going back at some point. I am sure that there is a lot of new stuff to see and do since almost twenty years ago.

John has never been interested in going to Florida, though we have been talking about it a little bit recently and he isn't opposed to it. We will see.

So, if I begin a garden journal will you be my question person? The person that I can go to if I am unsure how to do something? I am sure that I will be needing one of those. ha-ha Love you lady!!!

Rcn, I am doing a pretty good job of being a lazy slob. haha I spent the day looking at magazines, watching HGTV and sleeping. Oh yeah, would get up to have snacks from time to time.

Hopefully when I see the surgeons on Monday, I will be given a good report.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby and Chris, Good luck to both of you. It sure is hard to be depressed with this group around. Sending my best thoughts and prayers to you both and a get well bouquet.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, what a beautiful bouquet, so cheery, It made me smile.

Ruby, sure, I be happy to help with your journal. But mind you, I'm no expert, I went through several trial and errors starting mine. But I helps me keep track of my plants, I just wish I had it years ago when I knew the names of all my day lilies.

Disney will be a mix. It started with my friend at work and her husband going with her brother and sister-in-law and their 2 girls. I just said how I'd love to go and the invite was open, there was a staffing problem at work that would have prevented me from going but when the boss heard we were planning the trip he decided to close the office and go to. My husband doesn't want to fly so he will not be going (we have driven down many times) We are staying on property so I just get up in the morning and take off on my own. We'll have our cell phones so we'll met up from time to time and do some things together.
2 of the boss' kids live down there so he will be off doing his own thing, he is not into the parks. I, on the other hand love to explore on my own, last time I was there I missed the street players at MGM, so that will be high on my list, also going over to Animal Kingdom Lodge in the evening to see the animals they leave out at night around to Lodge for the guests to view from their rooms. I think I better stop now or this list will go on forever! LOL

Ruby, If you and John could go in Feb, we could met up. That would be a hoot!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hoping for all good news on Monday.

Crozet, VA

Thanks sally. Oops, I cancelled yesterday's appointment with Plastic Surgeon and will be going later this morning. I will report back later on when I know how I am doing.

Holly, they sure are some pretty blooms in that pic. Thanks honey.

Chris, how fun it would be to meet up. We already know that though. I have three open weeks for time sharing and will check and see what I can do. D-mail me with dates that you all will be going please. We were thinking of using our regular week for time share which is last week of the year, but we can schedule for February too with no problem, I wouldn't think.

I hope that everyone will be having a good rest of the week.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Ruby,
I had no idea of all your surgeries...we'll surely keep you in our prayers! all the best to you and anyone else facing challenging health conditions (chris?) I'm not sure exactly who you are or what your situation is, but best wishes and prayers from the east coast to you too.

Thanks for the mammo. reminder....I was supposed to get one this summer and put it off. I better make an appt. today :),23414,1664190,00.html
I should have been inspired by this writeup too. One of my friends is the woman on the far right! She said they had a blast doing the photo shoot for this, driving thru San Francisco swinging a bra around

Thanksgiving Blessings!

Thumbnail by wind
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Wind, I started posting on Mid Atlantic several years back and found a nice bunch of folks here, so I hang around here a lot. I was diagnosed with breast cancer early fall of 2005, and started chemo the fast Friday of December 2005, July 5th 2006 I had a modified Radical Mastectomy on the right. Anyways it has been doctors and testing ever since 2005.
Ruby and I have been chatting for a long time since she was diagnosed with BC, hers was different but we still have a sisterly bond going. We never met, came close last June but I had car trouble and had to change plans.
I look for a Mid -Atlantic swap that will be closer to me, (might have to stay in motel to attend) but if the opportunity comes up I'll be there.

Ruby, You got mail!


Crozet, VA

Hi Diana and Chris - Oh yeah, has been quite a year around here as far as health stuff goes. I will go to your link in a minute and see what you have sent. Thank you for the well wishes. I almost feel human again today. It is a week today that I had surgery.

I want so badly to get outside and clean up the flower beds, but know better. Yep, first couple of surgeries I definitely over did things. The past two I have been a lot better about over doing it.

Chris, I met Diana in September when John and I went to Massachusetts. She lives in the same town as my niece whom I visit from time to time. Oh yeah, my niece is in the last month of her pregancy now. I saw her a few weeks ago when she came here for a baby shower in her honor. She was huge then and I bet she is enormous now.

Anyway Chris. Diana took me through her gardens and I was like a child in a candy store. I loved and wanted something of every thing that she had. She did send me back with some great things too. She was a very gracious hostess for the short time that we had to visit with her. And Chris, 2008 is the year that you and I meet up, guaranteed.

Diana, have you harvested seed from the yellow butterfly bush yet? I have been thinking of them often. I need to find the seeds that you sent me home with. I cannot remember if I already put them with my other seed, or whether they are still in the suitcases. I bad.

Anyway, thanks for the well wishes, I appreciate them. You all take care and have a great Thanksgiving Day.


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