Seedlings for your enjoyment and comments

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

These are some of my reselect seedlings that I am thinking on registering or at least keep for further evaluation
I would love your comments

This is 03SSu02 an SDB
it is 12" 3-4 buds per stalk branched
Second year to bloom and though died in New Mexico Heat seems
to be doing well in other locations

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is also an SDB
from Cimarron Rose X Touch of Mink
Lots of color 10" four pedals other flowers frozen out
so I do not know if this is a normal flower for it so I gave it another year
not a rapid increaser

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a WIDE cross between Chanted and the species iris
I. lutescens. It is an MDB 5" with 2 buds great increaser

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Sibling of the previous but is 15" SDB
3-4 blooms

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Another sibling SDB
3-4 bubs 13"

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Another Sibling MDB 2 blooms this may increase as it has a branch and a single bloom on each

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This sibling is 16" and I think when it is done will be an MTB has 4 blooms

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is from a repeat cross of Cimarron Rose X Touch of Mink
which only had one surviving seedling first go round this is the first of the second to bloom
its an SDB 12" 3 blooms

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is from an open polination on Dinky Circus which is an MDB plicata. Can not guess where this color came from
it is an SDB 9" 3 buds good increaser

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a sibling to the last one and only these two bloomed this year
I can not wait for the other 6 to bloom
this is an MDB 6" 2 blooms

Thumbnail by avmoran
Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Wow avmoran, What fascinating work! They are all quite beautiful!

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a cross between Nut Ruffles (SDB) and Lakeside Elf (OGB)
it is an SDB 11" 3 buds
good increaser

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks Flower

This is a Mesa Pearl seedling open pollinated
she is 31" 5.5: across have no clue what to do with this one
hopeing she will improve

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is another Sibling to the one above
36" 5-6" flower very little signal
Just a big showy thing

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a clump picture of the previous

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is another sibling but looks nothing like the rest of the group
and I only chose 4 of the 16 to keep this is one

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a versib a cross between a versicolor and siberian
it is 28" 3 branches and 9-10 blooms per salk

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

this is the only other sibling I kept the rest were composted as they had the worse of both parents.
this one is also 28" and 8-9 buds
not as strong as its sibling but a better increaser

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is Mesa Pearl X Gin Game a siberian but not much to it
it is 20" and 3 buds
increases slow but it is the only one to survive so I kept it to watch for now. I probably should have composted it

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is another mesa pearl open pollinated baby that I kept
not as tall or strong as the other two but is was affected by the freeze so I kept it for another year the rest in this group will porbably hit the compost pile

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a revers cross of Cimarron Rose X Touch of Mink with Touch of mink as the pod parent
an MDB 5" 3 buds not much for the color but kept her until I see the rest

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Sibling to the one above but an SDB with not the greatest form but kept it anyway
10" 3 buds

Thumbnail by avmoran
Lebanon, OR

o3SSuo2- very nice, is it an Arilbred?
Cimarron Rose X Touch of Mink, if this stop curling at the edge will be very nice.
Chanted/lutens cross love the colorations
sibling to above, love those bushy beards.
Dinky Circus cross is a keeper for sure
Nut Ruffles and Lakeside Elf when you are you going to intro? soon


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

nope that is one of the Sunstrip X bee babies
1st CR X TM if it doesn't settle down may end up compost I like the second cross results better

Yes I like that one alot I can only hope it keeps everything it has now
THe DC's are so far apart I can even imagine what that bee crossed it with. It will be interesting to see the rest bloom
AH Dee this is the first bloom :)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I love the deep wine red color in many of your seedlings. But...of the ones so far, I like 03SSu02 best. Nice blend of colors, and the clean white beard is a real plus. Good Luck, and Thanks for sharing. Dan

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Hi Anita,

My favorites from this bunch are the Dinky Circus baby and the versib. I just can't make myself get excited about SDBs in the purple/wine color class because there are soooooo many of them out there on the market already. That DC baby, though, looks like a small version of Fast Forward. I like it!

I'm also excited about versib breeding. Anytime you want me to try that one out for you, I'll make room!


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I love that versib also. We need some more breeding in the beardless, especially species.

Personally I love the dark purple ones. The cross between Chanted and I. lutescens catches my eye.

South Hamilton, MA

I really like the Chantedx lutesens MDBs--we need new MDBs. The red violet SDB 2nd picture has such a rich color, use it with something with a bit more width in petals? The flower on proposed MTB has a different color than many of them, but to be a MTB needs six buds.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks IrisMA I really like those little guys as well since this is their first bloom and they had stalks up or were sending stalks up right after that late freeze I can not wait to see what they do next year.
I was thinging of crossing the SDB with the Nut Ruffles X Lakeside Elf cross seedling or Kepple's Hoodlem (pic)

Thumbnail by avmoran
South Hamilton, MA

Might as well try both crosses if you have space. Your Nut Ruffles x Lakeside Elf seems to also have the lovely finish. I don't know L.Elf. We grow mainly Gadd aril plants which seem to be sterile.Hoodlem is nice also--Chanted does throw plicatas so you may have some really interesting and different results. I spend the winter thinking up crosses and then can get stung by Mother Nature in the spring.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is LAKESIDE ELF one of my first two intros

That is the whole purpose is to see what you can get new and exciting. LOL

I also got an Dwarf OGB introed this year call Enigmatic Elf that I am also hoping to cross with the Nut Ruffles x Lakeside Elf cross if it blooms

Thumbnail by avmoran
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

It is always so exciting and such a pleasure to see other hybridizer's seedlings. I'm impressed Anita!! I especially like 03SSu02 an SDB and the open polination on Dinky Circus - an MDB plicata seedling. Keep up the good work!!


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks Margie

Here are siblings to 03SSu02
this is 03SSu01

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

and this is 03SSu03 this I think is my favoite although it does not increase as well still all have at least 3 buds

Thumbnail by avmoran
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

this is 03SSu04
yea I know there are a million yellow reds but I kept it to cross with

Thumbnail by avmoran
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Oh, Anita, I REALLLY like 03SSu03! It's very similar to Chocolate Swirl, which I also like but sadly lost this year. That one's definitely a keeper!


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

This is a little IB that is the revers of the Nut Ruffle X Lakeside Elf
It has a lot of substance and very unusual coloring not sure what will happen with it

Thumbnail by avmoran
South Hamilton, MA

I really like the depth of color on 03SSuo3. The IB is interesting also. Have you seen Lauer's IB 'Fire Down Below'? It is only 17 " but would be possible to go with your IB. Larry says it has pollen for him, not for us but can pod. If so it along with your seedling can really make a bright place in a garden. L.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

I just looked at the one listed here
wow I will have to get some of that and try it
love the dark beards

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

I love it's sibling 03SSu01 too, Anita. The beard on that one grabs the eye and draws one in. I'd like to see something like that in a TB.


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