Happy Birthday Debbie!!!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hope you get big B-day surprises! You deserve them!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Best wishes for your birthday!

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Happy birthday, Debbie! Hope you're having a lovely day.

Thumbnail by hart
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone :)) Had a great day! Actually felt like I had a two day birthday celebration LOL With the weather so nice on Monday and after two plus weeks of furiously planting at the nursery, Rick and I decided to spend a day in the gardens :) Walked around like a giddy kid not knowing where to start first! Lots of clean up to do and possibly a few plantings here and there, but I just wasn't psyched for it. Then I realized, there are these poor Daylilies that have been kicked around for almost 4 years that Rick had been threatening to toss. Just not great sellers for us so we left them outside all last winter, sold a few at our Open House and the rest have just been sitting in the field behind the house since June! They were only watered a couple of times and looked like they were on their last leg :( Figured what the heck if I can just get them in the ground, maybe they'll have a chance! Surprised to find that although they looked pathetic, most of them still had a healthy root system. We have a very large bed on the edge of this field where we planted Magnolias two years ago and they were begging for something along the border. Spent the entire day planting the Daylilies there :) There were probably 40-50 with a half dozen or so of each variety. Some of the weaker ones I doubled up in the holes and then found about 10 more (Stella d'Oro's) that were still living as well and included those along the front. Phoebe and I had a ball! I realize now what a terror she might be next year with planting - I'd dig a hole and go on to the next and she'd be right behind me digging the hole deeper :( Hopefully she'll be better behaved next year and respond faster to the "Out of the Garden" command LOL

Yesterday, for my birthday, I spent the entire day inside - not as much fun but it was exactly what I wanted to do. Our living room and dining room table has continued to pile up with all the magazines and catalogs we receive since last spring when we were so busy. Have been meaning to get it all organized and finally took the opportunity yesterday - finished organizing everything and then - where do I put it? LOL So that triggered a cleaning of our office! I finished getting everything neat and tidy and even dusted!! just in time to join friends for a birthday dinner :)) We always celebrate my birthday together with one of our friends whose birthday is the day after mine and exchange gifts. Received a lovely decorative hummingbird on a stake for the gardens and a painted tile with a dragonfly motif - everyone knows I love anything with dragonflies :) Rick surprised me with a fleece jacket that I had seen at the Blandy sale in October. It's black with bright yellow Ginkgo leaves on it. I had mentioned seeing it at one of the booths and thought about buying it but never had the chance to return and get it. Somehow, the sneaky little buggar slipped away, bought it, hid it from me at the show and stowed it away to surprise me for my birthday :)) Maybe I'll have a chance to put my gifts together and post a picture - they're all lovely gifts!

I actually feel kind of like Ruby - celebrating before and after my birthday LOL My trip to Phoenix was an early birthday present, as was my new camera that Rick bought for me early so I could take it on my trip. Will be celebrating birthday again tomorrow night - my in-laws always take us to dinner for my birthday. So I guess you could say I celebrate an "extended birthday" :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sounds like three perfect days, Debbie. I believe in extended celebrations. LOL How sweet of Rick to surprise you with the jacket.

Those daylilies should be fine. They can take a lot of abuse. You'll have a gorgeous bed of blooms next year.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Yeah, he (Rick) is a "keeper" :) I'm convinced the daylilies should come around - they received alot more than abuse - downright neglect! May take them a few years to really put on a show but I'm a patient person :)

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