OK Newbie needs help :o)

Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

I am a complete newbie at this propagation thing-I have tried a few times to root from cutting but have failed and now it is to cold to keep trying so I stopped for the winter-or so I thought. I did a seed swap and instead of seed, I received many cuttings in the mail and I am just heart broken because I don't know what to do.
Not only that but many of these cuttings are in very bad shape because I am in MN and it has been freezing here and I believe some of these were exposed to very low temps.
Was wondering if anyone could give me tips on what to do with the plant cuttings that came through the mail (I am hoping I can just stick them in water and all will be great-LOL, but am certain-with my luck-I will have to buy something from Egypt, roast it in a desert for a week and then will only be able to get roots if I stand on my head the entire time it is rooting-LOL)
Here is what I got...

Allamanda cathartica 'Cherry Jubilee'
Antigonon leptopus /Coral vine-this one is in very bad shape
Aeschynanthus /Lipstick Plant-unknown species
Alsobia 'San Miguel'
Telosma cordata
Kalanchoe manginii
Sanchezia (species unknown)
Aristolochia grandiflora
Medinilla magnifica (this one I would love to keep as I want to grow it inside)

I hope someone can tell me how I can rescue these poor things. I would love to keep these, but this IS MN and pretty cold here-very little sun in the winter....so if you think it would be crazy for me to keep certain ones in the house...PLEASE let me know. Thanks, Robbi

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I woudl take the cuttings and plant them up. Just stick them in the soil. Use very ... very little water and then take some clear plastic bags or some of them pop bottle s and cut them and make ya a mini hothouse to keep the moisture in on the plants.

That shoudl giv e them some time to recover. I would put wher e they gonan get some good light, but if ya have a hot afternoon sun coming through the window then watch they dont burn.

Use just little water cuz the moisture wil build up in your little homemade mini greenhouses and you don't want the plants to get a root mold from being to wet.

The Allamanda may pout for a good month or so. The Kalanchoe should take off and do good in a coupel of weeks. The others not sure about.

Whe ya see way to much moisture building up, take the top off for awhile and let the plants get some fresh oxygen.

Good luck with yoru babies. Sure hope they make it.

Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

Thanks so very much :o)
Will give it a go.

San Antonio, TX

Sorry to hear your cuttings arrived in not such good shape but dont give up. Some plants are more resiliant than we think. I know I dont baby my plants and the do well for me. The main thing you should remember if even if these plants dont make it the members of this site will be generous and share both plants and seeds with you in the spring. I like gardening during the winter too but my weather is very different from yours. Keep my name and you can count on me for somethings in the spring.

Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

Thanks so very much-I have been to San Antonio, in fact I had my honeymoon there at the River Walk. The city and people were wonderful!

Plano, TX

i also love san antonio--is it a popular wedding site-the river walk? it sure would be a pretty spot

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