Germinating tapioca tree (manihot carthenegis / grahamii)

ipswich, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Has anyone had consistently good experience of germinating manihot Grahamii seeds? If so, how do you do it?

I've tried soaking/not soaking, light/no light, cool/warm/hot temperatures, constant/fluctuating temperatures, dry/damp, peat/perlite compost and every other variation I can think of, and I still can't get consistent germination.

I've asked Texas University (their botanical department) and they have no experience either.


Laie, HI

Is this the common tapioca plant? Around here the Polynesian farmers start it from cuttings. Aloha

ipswich, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yes it is the tapioca plant. Unfortunately, over here in the UK, the plants grow very slowly. They get somewhat knocked back each winter, so waiting for them to grow big enough to allow cuttings to be taken, is a long term project.

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