Construction has started!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

As I mentioned a few months ago that we live on school grounds in a large pre-fab home. They told us they had to move us at their expence to another area of the grounds because they are expanding and building a new cafeteria and an expansion of the parking area in which we now reside on. Construction has started and they are laying the foundation for the cafeteria and will be moving two portable school rooms this week end. We were told that we would be moved in about two or three weeks or so. No definite date so far. They will move all my plants as they are either in EBs or containers. Don't know how I'm going to have them move my tomatos as they are fairly large and the vines are always tender but I'll tie them up somehow. Better yet, I'll ask where they intend to place them temporarily and will start to move them there now. This way they will be a lot smaller than three weeks from now. A shame as I just noticed today small tomatos on my Marianna's Peace.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Tplant - this relocation move must be aggravating, I know it would be for me. But do not despair, your vines will do just fine, especially if you follow your plan and move them yourself. All that container/EB vines need is full day sunshine and water, you have plenty of both down there in sunnyland. You must know by now that tomatoes are most resilient. Your experience will overcome any temporary glitches.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It's just that they are doing so well? I know that moving them will do damage but as you said they are very resilient and will "bounce" right back. I'm going to check with my neighbor and see if I can use their water for my plants as they will be put aside for two weeks before we are settled. I'll be taking pictures as they go....

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

I'll think good thoughts for you, Tplant! I was amazed at how well my 'matos survived being pruned down, dug up, potted and moved around my yard. I'm betting you'll do just fine, although my guess is, if you can move them yourself, or with friends who understand about plants, you'll be better off--hired movers never take the same care of your things as you would!

Good luck!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I intend to do most if not all of their moving. Better to be safe than sorry...

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This week-end they moved the two portable classrooms that were in the way of the new cafeteria. I was amazed to see how quickly they were disconnected from utilities and moved to the new site. It took less than four hours? Our home is much more involved as we are twice as big and as wide. They will be using a different company for our move. It will be exciting to watch!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Do you have to take all your stuff out, or do they just move the whole shebang all at once? It sounds like it would be pretty cool to watch!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Jill --- No we leave everything but we must take anything that is up high and bring it down such as book cases, TVs, wall clocks, pictures, etc. I don't believe they will move us until the holidays are over. They fell way behind schedule because of the Burroughing Owls nest but I really can't say? They will also move all my container plants and transplant my valuable trees and bushes. It is a good thing THAT MOST PLANTS ARE GOING INTO A DORMANCY STAGE.
We have two cats. One is an indoor and the other refuses to come inside and is very skiddish so we feed her outside and she sleeps under our home. We provide her with flea meds and she is doing OK but we don't know what will be with her when we have to leave for one or two weeks as her home will be moved and the construction noise will probably chase her away. Of course I'll visit daily to feed her and water my plants but still, I am very concerned about her. She stays under our deck and of course they must move it.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Most feral and semi-feral cats I've known have been pretty smart about their meal tickets--I bet she'll figure it out pretty quickly! Is there a "safe" spot you can teach her about in advance, by starting to feed her there instead of her usual spot at the Tplant Cafe? D'you think that might help? (I've a soft spot for the kitties, especially the half-wild ones!)

Nice that you don't have to pack up all your things like for a traditional move. It sounds like the timing couldn't be any better (except for possibly having it be done already) with the seasons and the holidays. Not exactly something you want to try to do at the same time you have friends and family and social commitments!

I just hope everything goes smoothly for you. I'm sure you're already looking forward to having everything settled in your new location.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Good idea Jill! They will let us know when they will be moving us by giving us a two week notice so I'll work something out. For today, I'm waiting for the grounds to dry up somewhat as we had rain during the night and the humidity is high this morning. I don't like to work outside when it is like this.
I figured how to move my EB tomatos by tying a heavy twine around them and use my handtruck under the EBs. It should work out very well. My next challenge will be getting water to them? I will be so happy when this is all over but can not complain as we have a fabulous deal living here. Every school in our town has a police officer living on the premise for the prevention of vandalism and tress-

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Are your EBs on any sort of automatic watering system, or do you just run around the circuit with a hose? I was looking over on the EB website and saw they have irrigation kits. They seem sort of pricey, but would be awfully nice to have during the busy times!

Wow--I never heard of schools having mandatory live-in officers. Does your community have such bad problems with trespassing and vandalism that this is a necessity, or is it a preventative sort of measure?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Jill --- I don't have them on the auto-watering system but I am considering doing so. The hesitation is the price. At first I thought it wasn't necessary but now with twenty-two EBs I'm giving it some serious consideration?

No. Our community does not have a high crime rate because such actions keep it down. You will find this practice through out Fl even in the rural areas. We took a long ride a few weeks ago into the rural central Fl area and passed a school way out in the country and there was a large mobile home such as ours where a state trooper was living. So it is a common practice in our state. To tell you the truth it is really great! We have fantastic privacy, unlimited parking when we entertain and very peaceful days and week-ends.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

There used to be, as a of a few days ago, two portable classrooms and now they have been moved. The work has been slow for some unknown reason. OK by me as I would prefer our move to be in Feb or March when most of my tomatos have produced a large crop and the rainy season starts.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

*** UPDATE *** WELL IT LOOKS LIKE IT IS FOR REAL NOW! We are having a meeting with the project manager tomorrow at 11:30 am! He will discuss our move and how it is going to be done. The construction supervisor came by today and told us that they are ready to move us next week. This means we will be boarded in a hotel for three to four weeks. This should work out very well for me as if all is complete by March it will still give me plenty of time to convert my garden to melons for the summer plus plant all my summer bulbs. Timing is perfect if all goes well. The construction engineer told me he will expand our property giving me more room for gardening plus they will build us a new deck larger than we now have and give me a check for landscaping, put all my container plants on a flat bed truck and provide me with a temporary water hook-up to water all my plants. So far so good especially a check for the landscaping plants that they will not be using because all my plants are in containers and to be honest my plants will probably be far better than what they would provide and I'm saving them labor. I'll let you know more tomorrow....

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Had our meeting with the project manager and everything is set for next week. They will start to move my garden tomorrow which means I AM TEMPORARILY out of the tomato and gardening business. We will move out probably the following Sunday as Monday they will turn off all services. We will be staying at a hotel nearby. Not certain which one at this time. I think it will be like a vacation for me as we will be away for a month. I intend to do some fishing and boating for awhile and just enjoy the facilities. Will be taking all kinds of pictures.

Thanks for the date.
Looking forward seeing your pictures.
Does this mean you can't pick or eat your tomatoes?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Probably after tomorrow. I picked a good batch today and when they move them (under my supervision) the vines will not hold up so as I said before I'm going to take a break. The frost that we had really did me in as Flip is farther south than I am and really was not affected. My plants were in sad shape so I'd rather destroy them now and start fresh in October. When we move back in, it will be just in time for my melons.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Good luck, Tplant, moving is not very fun. I hope your plants make it okay.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Dean -- The Project Mgr and the Construction Supervisor have been very courteous and given me more gardening area than before plus I will recieve a check for the cost of the landscaping plants that the construction will not need as I requested not to use their plants because I prefer to raise and purchase my preference of plants.

We have a 10x12 deck which we were about to repair and replace but they are going to build a new and larger deck. This will face the east side which will be our front. It is a perfect area to plant roses as it will recieve the cooler morning sun and then the afternoon sun (hottest in summer) will be shaded by our home. I always spend a good part of my mornings out on my deck sipping my coffee, planning my day and feeding my birds and squirrels. I have a Blue Jay that actually lands on my head or shoulder and even landed on my dogs head (Shih-Tzsu) twice !

Living on school grounds is true serenity. The only time that their is any noise, if you can call it that , is the childrens laughter when they come out to play as this is a middle school and the children are very young and adorable. My grandson will be joining them in September for kindergarden. The teacher will have her hands full with him. LOL

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Good luck with your move, Tplant! Hope it all goes smoothly and well, and you're soon happy in your new digs!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The worst part is today as I stalled yesterday. I must cut the vines of my tomatos in the EBs so the workers can move them tomorrow. Just can't seem to get to do it?

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Tplant - good luck with your move. Here is a pic of my corn thanks to you


Thumbnail by BocaBob
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Bob! Am waiting for the construction guys to arrive today with a flatbed trailer. This will be used to hold all my containers and twenty-two EBs. I still have not cut down my tomato vines and decided to wait till the last minute before I "KILL" them. We will be eating fried green tomatos this week plus whatever else we have in the freezer. I'll take pictures before and after during the entire process. Hope the hotel is close as I must come back at least every two days to water my plants. I have Brugs, Datura, pansies, gladiola, caladium, begonia, etc. Good thing I did not plant the two hundred flowering bulbs that I was setting for my Easter garden. Praying that we will be back by March 15 as I want to get my melons started. Also want to make a rose garden with David Austin roses.

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Tplant.

hope your move goes mentioned that you wanted to plant your summer bulbs, i have never tried them in west palm beach. any recommendations and where from.


Thumbnail by sailskiff
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Tplant, very interesting reading of your moving experience. I had no idea that is what you do or that it ' a live in officer' is mandatory in your area. Sounds like it will be a pretty good deal for you if as expected they are careful with your move. Will be great to have a new deck and the money for landscaping plants. Am looking forward to seeing you photos. Hope you take a before picture so that we can see the change. Good luck.


Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)


Do you ever have a problem w/ the birds eating your tomatos?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

sailskiff --- If you go to Lowes or Home Depot you will see a large display of a huge variety of bulbs. My favorites are dahlia and gladiola but tuberose are also beautiful. If you love beautiful flowers you must plant bulbs. They make a beautiful display in-ground or ,as I do , in containers. When planting in containers, I buy quality container mix called Jungle Growth available only at Lowes. They out perform in-ground. Also bought the large 24" plastic wine barrel for $30 ea and plant different varieties in each container. Try it!

Donna -- Will do! As a matter of fact the fun starts about 7am tomorrow. It was supposed to start today but that's the construction business for ya. I have fresh batteries in my camera and prior pictures of my home so I'll use them for comparison as I started the clean-up and move today so it is pretty messy out there.

Dean -- I do have a very slight problem with birds and my veggies. They bite into an occasional tomato and it is usually the best one that I have been vine ripening and beat me to it by an hour or so it seems? The birds and I have a deal. I have a well stocked bird feeder at the front of my home and in addition to that I have specialty feed for my rarer birds that also come to visit. My Blue Jays are fed raw peanuts that I purchase bulk from my Publix supermarket and one is so tame that he lands on my head or shoulder as I put the peanuts out for them on my lawn table and sit there with them while drinking my morning coffee. He even landed on my dogs head twice. I also have a squirrel that takes peanuts from my hand. I will be gone for a month and will miss them.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It has started! Everyone showed up today at 7am. I was up and waiting out on my deck. The first thing they did was to remove my chain link fence and that took less than an hour. I guess they've done this before! LOL

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

My tomato garden before they moved it. I had to cut down all my plants with the exception of one and that was the one with the EB staking system.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow TPlant I am so amazed good thing you have a camara I am loving seeing your progress...

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

And this is just the first day pensacola! At one time I did not believe in the EB staking system but I now admit I was very wrong. If I had the system on all my plants instead of staking them with the rods I could have saved all of them. That is if I had the newer EBs which I only have five but you had better believe I will be getting the new system ASAP! That EB with their staking system was the only plant that was saved as the vines grew right into the net, of course, with a little training on my part. To bad I have seventeen of the old EBs... and they can not be fitted with the system.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It is amazing how quickly they ripped out the posts from my fence. I could use a machine like that to pull some of my weeds! LOL

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

They are setting all my containers along the fence line and have provided me with a water outlet so that I may water them. I have a lot of containers as this is only a partial picture. It will take two 100' hoses connected togeather to do the job.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This is a wider picture showing the run of my containers and that does not include my EBs?

Thumbnail by Tplant
Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)


There making quick work of the yard. Thanks, for showing the pics.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I did it? All my vines with the exception of the staking system are cut. Boy! that was difficult for me to cut down my "children" if you know what I mean as I had so many more tomatos growing out on them..
Dean --- This is only two hours into the work. They are fast workers! There are eight men altogeather. Had a slight setback today as they did not know that my main shed has an electrical hook-up so they must have an electrician disconnect the line.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This is the way it was before.. Big difference now!

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Another shot from the inside of the garden as it was before.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I didn't realize you had so many plants, Tplant.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I will have a lot more when we move back in. The new additions will be melons of all types, roses, lilies, begonia, dahlia and many more. Some stress right now as we are waiting to hear about our accomodations provided by the school board. I imagine it won't be to easy for them as we have a dog, cat, and a parrot plus a five year old. LOL

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