
Burton, MI(Zone 6b)

Anyone ever used a bubbler to get cuttings started? I was advised to try it so I made one and have it set up now...just not sure how it's going to work. I used cups with pebbles in the bottom to weight them down and hydroponic clay pellets to support the cuttings and put small slits in the cups to allow the water to flow through....

Thumbnail by GDan
U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

I have made a version of the bubbler and so far so good. I am trying to root roses and they are very stubborn. I have had them in the cloner since the middle of october and so far they have a few tiny roots. The best part is that they are all still green and they seem to be staying alive. I have hope for them.
Here is the link where I show pictures of my system.


Fulton, MO

Another nifty way of supporting the cutting, if there are still leaves, is to float a thin piece of styrofoam on top, then put holes in it and drop the cuttings through. You have to make sure you get the cutting back out before there are too many roots.

I never satisfactorily controlled the algae growth when I tried this method. :-(

Burton, MI(Zone 6b)

Hey....that's a good idea! Thanks! I've had this one running now for three days and already starting to see the little white numbins starting to form....I wonder if a root stimulator mixed into the water would help? or hurt? maybe mixed weak....??

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

looks good to me!
I am going to make my own bubbler too for my Brugs. I was just going to throw them in a bucket with the air tube and stone.And then leave them.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

That's what I did for brugs, Katrun. I didn't put them in cups, just took a piece of wire shelving with about 2" square holes in it and placed the brugs in it. I now have 30 cuttings with great nubins and roots, but no pots. lol.

Burton, MI(Zone 6b)

Do you guys wait for the roots? or pot em up once the white numbins form? I've been potting them just after I see the numbins and I've had good success so far.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

How much light do they need to (brugs) survive?
I just moved my Buckets into the Laundry room (on top of my extra frig.) I placed them on a plastic lid. I figured they would live there for the winter. I need to get a spitter for the extra buckets I filled up. I just labeled the buckets. I have a lot of them in there. I figured some would not make it, some would get mushy. So I would start off with a bunch, that way I am safe.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

I was planning on putting them in pots around Feb, That way they can start growing and bloom. I read that if you have them dormant, you should take them out of the basement (where ever you stored them) and then start water,and light. I just dont want the mess over the holidays.
I figured I would put my table and light out in Feb and get the cuttings growing. Now thats in my zone. I have a short growing season. We were lucky to have it so warm this extra month.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

G, I have done it both ways with no losses so far. I had a very small 1/2" cutting with just the numbins (is this correct) showing and it is doing fine.

Katrun, I have kept mine in the south facing windows, so I can't help you there. Sorry.

Aransas Pass, TX

Try a reflector light and a fluorescent spiral bulb. Yes you can put rooting hormones in the water I used rootone. It has a fungicide. All the water is doing is providing a moist oxygenated medium for rooting. Use not liquid or any type of fertilizer. Unless water is filtered I would pot when you have roots. If the bucket gets contaminated the tiny roots will be damaged. I treat with a fungicide before going into the bucket and during. I like the clear plastic one with a handle or the clear storage containers and use a gravel or something on the bottom. No heat unless water is below 60, above 70 and a bucket can go bad real fast. I like 65 degrees. Bubbler's save a lot of space and are fun to watch. I still prefer soil cause I can dip plat and almost forget and have a bunch of plants.


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